Review by Sonyk

4 Mar 2006, 00:54
For: Jazz Sprite Dynamite
Level rating: 9.7

No, we wouldn’t. It’s just a simple matter of replacing sprites, probably Jazz’s, and making more to fill in the superjump.

Review by Sonyk

22 Feb 2006, 15:53
For: Green Gem=5 red gems
Level rating: N/A

I do hope you realize that Violet was joking. I would think that this goes for granted, but apparently you lack the intelect to realize this.

Review by Sonyk

29 Aug 2005, 01:54
For: Jazz Paradise 1.23 (Lite)
Level rating: 7.6

I always liked those casino levels from Sonic. And, I like this tileset because of that. It’s a shame that you had to take out so much from the original though.

Remake ice mountain zone next plz.

RecommendedReview by Sonyk

3 Apr 2005, 01:03
For: Avoidance
Level rating: 7.6

Okay, people got all annoied at my “underrating” of this set, but for someone who never used the Access Violation patch, or knows how to avoid common errors and problems… the levels were kinda unstable, which made playing them horrible and all. Anyway, with the fixes the levels are more enjoyable.

Each level is basic ground force, nothing too special about the types. When each level starts, the system is different in each. But the server locks the start area, which makes problems in servers with downloaders.

Each level has its own little “theme” which relates to the levels name, more often than not. Like in ’10 is a magical number’, each block takes ten hits to destroy it. In ‘Thunderstorm of the Ancients’, there are even turtles, which I presume to be the ‘Ancients.’

Overall, the levels are nicely made, but ground force is a ‘you like it; you don’t’ kind of thing, so downloading it is really your choice.

Overall, since Ground Force levels are (in my opinion) not that original, or anything breathtaking, I didn’t really see anything in this pack that really deserved a 9+, but the levels are nice, so an 8 is about right.

EDIT: After playing the levels some more, I started liking them more and more, so, I recommend to download them now. Very much so.

A little note I would like to make to those who blame me for “underrating” as well. A review is how I liked the pack and the rating is what I felt it deserved. As long as I provide reason (which I did) I could’ve made this rating lower or higher. So, I had reason for rating it the way I originally did, and thus, if you didn’t like it, simply ignore what I have to say from now on.

Review by Sonyk

31 Mar 2005, 04:22
For: Another Level Pack
Level rating: 6.6

More people can play it if it’s 1.23… though 1.24 makes no real difference.

Review by Sonyk

18 Mar 2005, 22:58
For: Fan Orchestra
Level rating: 5.7

It might be nice to know what song it is. Though I know… Fanolint…

Not bad actully. Though, I still don’t know how to really rate music.

Review by Sonyk

15 Mar 2005, 04:17
For: Rock This Water Planet
Level rating: 7

It sounds only vaguely like Lagunicus. The insturments don’t really do much justice to it either.

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