A big pack containing 10 levels, with 7 of them being christmas themed. They all offer traditional JJ2 gameplay, almost to the point of being an extension to the HH98 levels. The gameplay is, however, a bit more intuitive than that. The levels make good use of diagonal slopes and springs to make paths less linear. On the other hand, they also rely a lot on the old “find the crate to open up your path” design. There are many nooks & crannies that are missable so exploration pays off (usually in coins). There’s a ton of ammo with all gun types coming up throughout the levels, yet not that many turtles and lizards to back up that amount of firepower. Eyecandy is done very well, not overwhelming but the scenery is slightly more filled than the official levels.
In the end there’s a small haunted house level, probably the least special of the pack. The 2 secret levels make up for it though. Download recommended if you’re up for classic fun, but remember that the length of the pack could make it feel like a drag, especially if you’re used to modern AngelScript enhanced levels.
I can’t believe this levelpack is so underrated it is MUCH MUCH better than many high rated so called episodes. It totally beats original XMas Chronicles it is about as long as Secret Files, but although there’s only one tileset these levels aren’t monotonous <- this has such serious impact on playability.
Wille you know what tiles are for and you know where to place enemies. I like the way you use levelspace, steges were almost like mazes but ones that you won’t get stuck for long. The game just flawed sucking the player for a looong time. I agree with the rest of reviewers this pack is SUPERB, but I’m surprised with all those rather low ratings.
Eyecandy – marvelous
Leveldesign – perfect and I found no bugs
Playability at the top
You get 10 and you really deserve it, two thumbs up and … I WANT MORE LEVELS made by you. :)
Wow! these were better than JJ2:CC’s christmas levels!! these levels really rock!!! i love these levels!! these have all what good level needs: Superb gameplay ,good eyecandy and other thigs like that! ihave nothing bad to say about this!! Here is my rating………10.0 ENJOY ABOUT THIS!!
Download recommedation!
FYI: 404 error.
You might want to fix that…
Wow! It must be hard to make long levels with the Town.j2t
A very good pack overally, but really short.
Did someone say this is short….
…you should try with Spaz…
I say, nice work here from Blade and Wille! This is some of the most superB level design and gameplay i`ve seen around here for a while. The weapen and enemy placement is very well balenced. I highly recomend downloading this for the holiday seasen! `Nuff said.
~>CelL<[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
One of the best level pakcs I’ve ever seen! I give 9.5 because there are maybe too many weapons.
A yes, an cool X-mass present for us..
Nice work, great job it even impresses me a bit =) heh, this could be even a Jeh vs theseguys in the XMass series =)
So Great job, absolutely a must have
Ummm… I got an error in archive directory, and can’t unzip this. Arrgg…. it sounds cool. HELP!
W0W! Kool! Design is great, eyecandy is just great. The enemy/weapons/candy placement is cool, and it’s not too easy. The tileset (Holiday Hare) is always very cool. So: Download now!
KJAZZ? TSF has no christmas characters, but Christmas Cronicles do.
I would get it, but I don’t have TSF…
(TSF has the christmas enemies???)
The "Xmas Pack" by Blade & Wille is a great compilation of ten(!) quality single player maps using the awesome "Holiday Hare" tileset (except the last level "Demonic Domain" that uses the "Haunted House" set).
The design of the levels is very good and so is the eyecandy. And as iCeD mentioned, the authors put a lot of effort into enemy placement and balancing the difficulty level, which pays off: it’s a lot of fun and the player will need some time to make it through all the levels.
To sum it up, this is the perfect download for the Christmas holidays. EVERY Jazz2 fan should GET THiS Xmas present from Finland IMMEDIATELY! Blade and Wille showed us once again that they are elite J2 creators.
I don’t rate this cause I’am the second author but I must say that Wille makes incredible levels.
To BlewMeUp: TSF has the christmas enemies! But of course Christmas Chronicles has those enemies too.
Haven’t finished it yet, but it looks nice.
WoW, very good single player pack. The design, eye candy and many other stuffs were good. I liked the difficulty balance, and it was a lot of fun.
Blade and Wille have whipped up a VERY nice level back. DOWNLOAD NOW! :-)
This are very inpressive single player levels. Amazing in just about anything, design, eye candy, event placement, length, ect. Although, I dislike the fact that this uses TSF, but I think that’s the only way, onless you want to sacrifice losing those christmas like enemies.
Anyway, download? Yes!
Great , but short level from Wille! This is’nt one of my favorite tilesets (because it’s very hard to work with it) but I like the level! Good idea to make a bonus-level which is using the labrat tileset (also my most-hated tileset ;)).
I like that one too!(that’s why i’m giving you an 8)
I guess these levels were for Devan’s Empire Strikes Back (a levelpack where Jazz2Arts was working on),
that’s why they were in “hide in home-cooked” mode!
Laguna, do you have TSF? I always make my levels only TSF compatible, because I’m too lazy to do them 1.23 compatible…
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.