This misses the irritating Jazztool thing, that when you retrieve info about a game… blabla, you know what I mean.
But you can’t see what changes if you change your color.
So, I don’t know if this is enough to really be an improvement considering the other programs out there. (XJJ, JazzTool, etc.)
Well, a review from me again..
Better make this long enough so that my rating stays, lol
Well, most of the tiles are very well drawn. But some of the bigger objects need more tones in their shading.
All the necessary stuff is included, but the spikes look standard, although it fits in nice.
There is an earth to put in the background wich look pretty ugly, and I think (correct me if wrohong) that it’s not self drawn.
Ehm.. just read the other reviews if you want to know more, there is no need to repeat everything again.
A, good, decent tileset, can use some more originality an some more eyecandy (hmm.. perhaps I always say that, with every tileset..).
D/L recommendation
8.35 becomes an 8.5
Hmm… interesting review..
I knew this tileset wasn’t what I wanted but a 3,5? Never thought of that…, anyways, I can make tilesets Trafton, look at Desperate Cry Remastered, it got some ratings…..
Anyways, thanks for your reviews…lol.. I think I should wait a little for more reviews.
BTW, I DO think it’s better than a tileset with just gradients and even simpler mask than mine……(hint)….
First off: this OVERRATED IMHO.
This will be a short review:
The animals are nice, sometimes very nice.
But the rest of the tileset is lacking much…
Not enough shading…
No textures…
The textured background doesnt work in 8-bit…
Everything except the animals is very, very simple…
There aren’t v- or h-poles…
There IS pretty much eyecandy.
erm… here’s the conclusion:
The tileset has nice to cool eyecandy, but lacks texture, beauty and all the needed things.
Needs work.
(btw, I know this review suxors, but IT’S just what I think of it. I didn’t feel like typing a whole 500 word story, I’ll save that for trafton.)[This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFire]
Well, first off: great tileset!
The theme is a cathedral or a church with a graveyard…. included are vampires and stuff like that. Theme is original, I’ve seen no tileset like this one, but the things in the tileset are cliche. Ahh… but I don’t care much.
The texture on the normal ground tiles is very good and on the church tiles it’s also good, but a bit ermm.. repetitive.
After hours and hours (ok, I’m exagerrating) of looking I found out that the white cirkels in the church are……….clocks!
Next in the tileset are destr. blocks, they are (as usual with CB’s tilesets) just the official ones, this time in red with a little psp effect added to make them look…ehm….a bit distorted or something.
Suckertubes are also there and looking nice. Also included are belts, they are pretty ugly IMO but it’s an extra so..
Next is the (also mostly included in a CB tileset) alfabet and some numbers. And a snowman! Totally out of place, I guess it’s a sort of joke, because it’s a snowman from one of CB’s previous tilesets (can’t remember the name).
Next is the coffin of the scary vampire….
It’s animated and can go open and close. It’s looks a bit too straight IMHO, and how it lays on the ground is impossible because it.. well… look for yourself.
Next up are some trees. GREAT quality but I couldnt find out how to use it without having weird ends….
Then some background stuff and some eyecandy wich is o.k. quality.
Then….: the great organ with the vampire playing behind it. Really cool if you ask me! Great drawn, used some psp textures (at least I think they psp) and stuff, but not really the standard “overused-and-everywhere-used” textures.
Then there is some eyecandy stuff inluded smilie-bats :)
Also included are two (ripped, at least not self drawn, probably photo’s) statues: a female ‘angel’ and a man with bat wings, so that’s probably a demon.
Original theme.
Nice drawing style.
Nice to Great texture quality.
Much eyecandy. (Yay to Jackass and CB!!)
Much possibilities (You could make a grass landscape, with some grave yards here and there, or a church in the grass land, also you can make a curch from the inside, a scary forest is also possible, but last but certainly not least: you can combine it all to make a great, unboring level!)
Good job CraccoBoy and Jackass!
[This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFire]
Here’s a short review:
- Pretty big
- Much colors
- Not only blocks, also nice shaded parts
- unoriginal theme
- fast boring and/or annoying
- very, very easy to make, for example: I could make this in one day or so. I don’t want say ‘how good I am’, but how simple and easy to make this tileset is.
- shading on everything (except on the horizontal and diagonal platform/ground thingies) could have been done much better, with more shades.
So, next time think of something that has never been done before and add more shades. Aaaand add much EYECANDY!!!
Well. erm.. cool tileset, it looks great, but, the idea of a land with mushrooms and trees isnt that orginal, and the leaves on the trees, they are ehm pretty ugly I think, that method of drawing leaves is used many times before and I dont like it..
Erm.. The tileset has a sort of deja vu feeling sometimes, but it also has great new things like a huge hollow tree, a cool wierd tree in the background, and ofcourse everything is covered with slime.
The exits signs and the destr blocks are very much like in the official tilesets.
Basicly this just aother forest tileset, but this time covered with slime..
I’m just not as exited about this tileset as the ppl above..
BUT after all this negative stuff, the tileset has much tiles to build a good, and not fast-boring lvl with. It’s all great drawn and I dont see any really ugly things except the leaves, and the fact that the hollow tree is an exact circle and it’s very very thin.
D/l recommendation, if you don’t want to build another ‘normal’ forest, but an slimy one.
Nice tileset, a bit boring.
It has got all the stuff, like destr. blocks, hooks, h-poles, v-poles, vines, arrows, spikes, text sign and exit signs. The textures on the tiles are very good, but there arent extra eyecandy thingies and the tileset is rather small. So it get’s boring pretty fast IMO.
Good job, keep making tilesets!
[This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFirE]
Nice tileset with loads of eyecandy (I looove that), but the masking is bad o some places and the rabbits are a bit ugly and un-natural.
No long review, srry, read the other ones.
Awww man, this is ugly!
All ripped, but that is ok when you do a game->tileset conversion, but this is bad.
Man I hate those overratings, and I do want to spoil your avarage.
but I ain’t making my rating higher because of your avarage.
No d/l recommendation.
EvilMike: Do not rate things lower or higher so you can make your review have a greater effect on the average you think it deserves.[This review has been edited by EvilMike]
hmm… no long review, sorry:
As Piccolo said, ther is no layer 6 + 7 stuff.
The caves and the “vulcano” are way too blocky, if you didn’t mentioned that it was a vulcano, I would’ve thought it was lego..
The graphics are smooth but simple and the background is also pretty simple + ugly IMHO.
First of all: sorry for the short review, but I’m just back from vacation, so…
Well, it has pretty much eyecandy with neat animations and it has all the needed stuff. But it doesnt create the feeling that you are walking in a desert… and things…. I can’t write a good review right now…
Hm… 3 traftons rating this tileset a 10, like it’s perfect……
Well, first of all, this really DOESNT stinks!
The theme is a landscape with all kinds of cartoony creatures and objects.
Needed Stuff:
Included are:
- Destr. Blocks
- Vines
- H- and V-Poles
- spikes
- a text sign
- arrows
- exit sign
- hooks
- sucker tubes
Everything what is important and needed is included.
Very much extra eyecandy stuff, very funny and stuff.. nice.
Shapes ‘n Stuff:
The shapes are drawn pretty well. But the overall quality of the drawings in this tileset are not really that good.
no textures.
bad, very bad…
Size/Overall Stuff:
yea yea, a nice tileset, the drawings and the mask ain’t top qualitiy but it’s funny and has much eyecandy and all needed things.
See above.[This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFire]
Theme is……………………. there is no theme.
Needed Stuff:
Included are:
- H- and V-Poles
- spikes
- arrows
there are no:
- sucker tubes
- exit signs
- hooks
- text signs
- Vines
- Destr. Blocks
There are no vines, no destr. blocks and no text signs wich are important.
There is no eyecandy, it’s pretty boring IMO.
Shapes ‘n Stuff:
I can draw straight lines too.
AFAICS pretty good………
Size/Overall Stuff:
Too small. Boring. The palet is messed up, and so everything looks very ugly..
Bleh to this tileset. The only thing I like is the ‘green fog’ logo.
Well, the theme of this tileset is just a landscape with grass and a wooden house.
Needed Stuff:
Included are:
there are no:
- Destr. Blocks
- Vines
- H- and V-Poles
- spikes
- a hook
- a text sign
- arrows
- sucker tubes
- exit sign
This is very, very bad, there are no destr. blocks, signs, arrows, spikes, etc., etc.
There is no eyecandy on normal tiles, but there is some extra eyecandy stuff like a wheel and a canon…. uhm.. not really much eyecandy stuff, but the tileset isnt a kind of tileset that gets boring very fast.
Shapes ‘n Stuff:
All shapes drawn well.
There are textures, but it’s hard to call em real textures. In the ground you have dark-brown dots, and thats the texture, on each tile about three dots..
Some things are masked that shouldnt be masked I think, and the ground isn’t amsked really good either.. some other stuff IS masked good…
Size/Overall Stuff:
The size is good, and it’s drawn pretty nice.
An average tileset, but it includes no needed things like destr. blocks, arrows, vines, poles or signs…..
No real theme..
Needed Stuff:
Included are:
There are no:
- Destr. Blocks
- Vines
- H- and V-Poles
- spikes
- a hook
- a text sign
- arrows
- sucker tubes
- exit sign
You could perhaps use some blocks as destr. blocks, but this is really bad…
No eyecandy..
Shapes ‘n Stuff:
It’s ok… it’s all drawn well, but its also very simple
Size/Overall Stuff:
Way to small, no eyecandy, no needed things….. sigh..
Well, just read the review and you’ll know the conclusion, there are no textures, no eyecandy, no needed things… this is bad..
[This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFire]
Wow, this is a big tileset! Well let’s get going…
The tileset actually consists of three themes: there are three alien planets, one is a ‘planty’ one, with meat eating plants, grass and stuff, the second one is an ice planet and the third (Actually the first..) is an planet with a human base and brown ground.
Needed Stuff:
Included are:
- Destr. Blocks (ripped)
- Vines
- H- and V-Poles
- spikes
- a text sign (ripped)
- sucker tubes
- exit sign (ripped)
- a hook (shoot!! The second time a missed something with cracco’s tilesets!)
- arrows
The Destr. blocks, text sign and the exit sign are ripped, but that is pretty usual nowadays.. I don’t really like it, I like it more when someone draws everything himself, but it’s okay, many ppl do it. There are no arrows, wich are pretty important IMO.
Well, on the normal tiles there are sometimes extra things, it all looks cool and after a few times it still isnt boring.
There is much extra eyecandy stuff, like a typical alien, ‘planteous’ beast, another alien and,
all kinds of animations, the best is IMHO the big meat eating plant who closes and opens his mouth, also there is a human who teleports away, a alien that can close it’s eyes (wow! ;) and a whirly thingie. All the animations are great!!
Also, there is enough layer 6 + 7 stuff.
Shapes ‘n stuff:
Well, most ground things and stuff like that are good drawn, but the some of the aliens are not really good drawn, they are cool, but not really good..
Needs some work..
textures everywhere (except on some technology stuff…but thats pretty nice looking without textures)!!!! The textures are very good, except on the grass IMO, but it’s nice tho.
Well, someone else rate the masks! ;) I often don’t really know when masks are dangerous to get stuck in, but most masks in CO are good I think.
Size/Overall Stuff:
Well, it sure is big enough! The theme(s) are very well realised.
There is also a tileset included called COs(pecial(?)) where the two backgrounds and some textures are replaced by some psp effects :p. nice, nice…
A puking download recomendation!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes, the drawing could be better, more realistic and I would say, get the alfabet away, but apart from that, it’s great!!
I was undecided between a 8.5 and a 8.2, but I will give a 8.2 because.. ehm… well, it’s great, but not all the drawing are that great..and uhm…because! :)
Hey, a 8.2 is a high rating (for me), I’m not someone who throws around with 8’s and 9’s like many ppl nowadays.
Go on Cracco!!
[This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFire][This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFire]
Well, the theme of this tileset is snow.
All the needed thing like various normal ground tiles, all destr. blocks in various colors, poles, spikes, an exit sign and two text signs. There are no vines. There is much eyecandy stuff, not all drawn top-quality, but nice. Layer 6 + 7 stuff is also there. Aaaand of course 55 (!) Snowmen (is that the right word?). And one head. The snowmen are very cool, there are all kinds of snowmen, you have aliens, samurai’s, soldiers and much more. Also there are two big monsters wich are pretty bad drawn IMHO and a iglo wich also pretty ugly.
But…..It’s a nice tileset overall, much eyecandy but not all of the highest quality.
Also pretty bad to very bad masking on some places.
Edit: there are vines… sowwy[This review has been edited by Piccolo aka SoulFire]
Well, it says in the mask that its made in one day and you can see that. The tileset is too small and the balls have very bad shading. It has got things you could use as suckers, it has spikes, destr. blocks, poles, vines and normal horizontal and diagonal ground tiles. It could use more eyecandy, though its pretty happy and colourfull you can get bored pretty fast after having seen it a few times.
Good job!
I saw no computer effects! All drawn with paint!! good!!
+ 100.000
Well, not everything is drawn top quality but it’s nice, with cool eyecandy things, like an alien eating an apple.
It includes poles, vines, spikes, sucker tubes and an text sign. But no destr. blocks….
The theme is forest… duh….
Well done! Just make more tilesets and they’ll become more and more beautifull when you draw much!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.