ERE: Newsletter for September 2005

Edit as you please.

Digest Draft

It’s been about three months since the release of Earlong Royal Encyclopedia, an encyclopedia aimed at collecting all objective and non-trivial information about Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and its community in one place.

Currently, after these three months, the encyclopedia features 188 entries on subjects ranging from Jazz Jackrabbit 3 to the Queen Boss and List servers. Do take a look.

Featured Entry of September

There has been no featured entry of September – for lack of time at FQuist’s part, not for the lack of good entries.

Developments at the wiki

Policy Decisions
  • It has been decided upon by vote that the weekly featured entry from now on is a monthly feature, due to lack of new enough entries every week.
  • ERE entry titles and headers will use Title Caps style capitalisation now.


  • ERE-style links to ERE can be used on the J2O frontpage, but regular links cannot be used. Links to ERE entries in this digest can therefore be ERE-style links.