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Standard Weapon InterfaceFeatured Download Seren Other 10 Download file

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#pragma require "SEweapon.asc"
#pragma require "SEenergyblast.j2a"
#pragma offer "SEenergyblast.wav"
#include "SEweapon.asc"
namespace se {
shared class EnergyBlastWeapon : WeaponInterface {
	private ::jjANIMSET@ m_animSet;
	private SOUND::Sample m_sample = SOUND::COMMON_BURNIN;
	private ::array<int> m_lastUsed(32, -15), m_lastObserved(32, -1), m_sampleHandle(32, 0);
	private int m_soundFrequency = 25000;
	protected ::jjANIMSET@ getAnimSet() const {
		return @m_animSet;
	protected SOUND::Sample getSample() const {
		return m_sample;
	protected bool loadAnimSet(::jjANIMSET@ animSet, const ::string &in filename, uint setID) {
		if (animSet !is null && !::jjSTREAM(filename).isEmpty()) {
			@m_animSet = @animSet.load(setID, filename);
			return true;
		return false;
	protected bool loadSample(SOUND::Sample sample, const ::string &in filename) {
		if (::jjSampleLoad(sample, filename)) {
			m_sample = sample;
			m_soundFrequency = 150000;
			return true;
		return false;
	protected bool lowestFreePlayerSpace(float x, float y, float height = 0.f, float &out result = void) {
		int left = int(x) - 12;
		int top = int(y) - 12;
		int row = int(y + height) - 12;
		int bottom = row + 24;
		while (row >= top) {
			int start = row;
			while (!::jjMaskedHLine(left, 24, row)) {
				if (row == bottom) {
					result = start + 12;
					return true;
			bottom = start;
			row -= 24;
		return false;
	protected void behave(::jjOBJ@ obj) {
		switch (obj.state) {
			case STATE::START:
				if (obj.creatorType != CREATOR::PLAYER || m_lastObserved[obj.creatorID] < ::jjGameTicks) {
					if (obj.creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER)
						m_lastObserved[obj.creatorID] = ::jjGameTicks;
					int angle = int(atan2(-obj.ySpeed, obj.xSpeed) * 162.974662f + 768.5f);
					obj.state = STATE::FLY;
					if (obj.ySpeed > 10.f)
						obj.ySpeed = 10.f;
					else if (obj.ySpeed < -10.f)
						obj.ySpeed = -10.f;
						float xNew = obj.xPos + obj.xSpeed;
						float yNew = obj.yPos + obj.ySpeed;
						if (lowestFreePlayerSpace(xNew, yNew)) {
							obj.xPos = xNew;
							obj.yPos = yNew;
							if (!lowestFreePlayerSpace(xNew + obj.xSpeed, yNew + obj.ySpeed))
								obj.xSpeed = obj.ySpeed = 0.f;
						} else {
							bool ok = obj.ySpeed >= 0.f;
							float yFree;
							if (ok) {
								float y = obj.yPos - ::abs(obj.xSpeed);
								ok = lowestFreePlayerSpace(xNew, y, yNew - y, yFree);
							if (ok) {
								obj.xPos = xNew;
								obj.yPos = yFree;
								obj.ySpeed = yFree - obj.yPos;
							} else if (lowestFreePlayerSpace(obj.xPos, yNew)) {
								obj.yPos = yNew;
								obj.xSpeed = 0.f;	
							} else {
								obj.xSpeed = obj.ySpeed = 0.f;
					obj.yPos -= 8.f;
					array<int> colors = {obj.var[6] & 8 != 0 ? 84 : 60, obj.var[6] & 8 != 0 ? 80 : 40};
					for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
						const ::jjANIMATION@ anim = ::jjAnimations[obj.curAnim + 3];
						int frame = anim + ::jjGameTicks % anim.frameCount;
						::jjDrawRotatedSpriteFromCurFrame(obj.xPos, obj.yPos, frame, angle, i * 2 - 1.f, 1.f, SPRITE::ALPHAMAP, colors[i], 4);
					for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
						const ::jjANIMATION@ anim = ::jjAnimations[obj.curAnim + i + 1];
						int frame = anim + ::jjGameTicks % anim.frameCount;
						::jjDrawRotatedSpriteFromCurFrame(obj.xPos, obj.yPos, frame, angle, 1.f, 1.f, SPRITE::ALPHAMAP, colors[1], i + 3);
			case STATE::FLY:
				obj.state = STATE::EXPLODE;
			case STATE::KILL:
	protected void behaveTNT(::jjOBJ@ obj) {
		if (obj.creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER && ::jjPlayers[obj.creatorID].powerup[WEAPON::TNT]) {
			obj.animSpeed = 2;
			obj.var[6] = 24;
			obj.xSpeed = 16.f;
		} else {
			obj.animSpeed = 1;
			obj.var[6] = 16;
			obj.xSpeed = 14.f;
		obj.behavior = @::jjVOIDFUNCOBJ(behave);
	protected void disableControl(::jjPLAYER@ player) const {
		float xPos = player.xPos;
		float yPos = player.yPos;
		::jjOBJ@ obj = ::jjObjects[0];
		int state = obj.state;
		int var = obj.var[0];
		int counter = obj.counter;
		obj.state = STATE::ACTION;
		obj.var[0] = player.playerID;
		obj.behave(BEHAVIOR::EVA, false);
		obj.state = state;
		obj.var[0] = var;
		obj.counter = counter;
		player.idle = 0;
		player.xPos = xPos;
		player.yPos = yPos;
	protected void reactToPlayerInput(::jjPLAYER@ player, int number) {
		const array<int> forbiddenChars = {CHAR::FROG, CHAR::BIRD};
		const array<int> forbiddenEvents = {AREA::HPOLE, AREA::VPOLE, AREA::WARP, AREA::SUCKERTUBE};
		if (forbiddenChars.find(player.charCurr) >= 0)
		bool forbidden = <= 0 || player.noFire || > 1 || player.warpID != 0 && player.xSpeed == 0.f && player.ySpeed == 0.f || player.charCurr == CHAR::BIRD2 || forbiddenEvents.find(::jjEventGet(int(player.xPos) >> 5, int(player.yPos) >> 5)) >= 0;
		if (forbidden) {
			m_lastUsed[player.playerID] = -15;
			if (int(player.currWeapon) == number)
				player.keyFire = false;
		bool using = int(player.currWeapon) == number && player.keyFire && player.frozen == 0;
		if (using)
			m_lastUsed[player.playerID] = ::jjGameTicks;
		if (using || ::jjGameTicks - m_lastUsed[player.playerID] < 15) {
			const float tau = 6.28318531f, pi = 3.14159265f, pi4 = 0.785398163f;
			const float dirUp = 0.f, dirRight = 1.57079633f, dirDown = pi, dirLeft = 4.71238898f;
			const float angularVelocity = 0.2f, gravity = 0.125f;
			bool ignoreCurrent = ::closeTo(player.xSpeed, 0.f) && player.ySpeed <= gravity && player.ySpeed >= 0.f;
			float current, direction;
			if (ignoreCurrent) {
				if (player.buttstomp < 81) {
					current = dirDown;
					ignoreCurrent = false;
			} else {
				current = ::atan2(player.xSpeed, -(player.ySpeed - gravity));
			if (::jjAllowsMouseAim && ::jjMouseAim) {
				float x, y;
				x = ::jjMouseX + player.cameraX - player.xPos;
				y = ::jjMouseY + player.cameraY - player.yPos;
				direction = ::atan2(x, -y);
			} else {
				int x = 0, y = 0;
				if (player.keyLeft)
				if (player.keyRight)
				if (player.keyUp)
				if (player.keyDown)
				if (x == 0 && y == 0) {
					if (ignoreCurrent) {
						direction = player.direction < 0 ? dirLeft : dirRight;
					} else {
						direction = current / pi4;
						float frac = ::fraction(direction);
						if (frac >= 0.5f || frac < 0.f && frac >= -0.5f)
							direction = ::ceil(direction);
							direction = ::floor(direction);
						direction *= pi4;
				} else {
					direction = ::atan2(x, -y);
			if (!ignoreCurrent) {
				float difference = direction - current;
				difference = (difference + tau) % tau;
				if (::closeTo(difference, pi)) {
					direction = player.direction < 0 ? dirLeft : dirRight;
					difference = direction - current;
					difference = (difference + tau) % tau;
					if (::closeTo(difference, 0.f) || ::closeTo(difference, pi)) {
						direction = dirUp;
						difference = direction - current;
						difference = (difference + tau) % tau;
				if (difference < pi) {
					if (difference > angularVelocity)
						difference = angularVelocity;
				} else {
					difference -= tau;
					if (difference < -angularVelocity)
						difference = -angularVelocity;
				direction = current + difference;
			float xSpeed = player.xSpeed;
			float ySpeed = player.ySpeed;
			player.xSpeed = 0.f;
			player.ySpeed = 0.f;
			int id = player.fireBullet(number, true, true, direction + tau);
			if (id > 0) {
				const ::jjOBJ@ obj = @::jjObjects[id];
				player.ballTime = 10;
				player.currWeapon = number;
				player.xAcc = 0.f;
				player.yAcc = 0.f;
				player.xSpeed = obj.xSpeed;
				player.ySpeed = player.antiGrav ? -obj.ySpeed : obj.ySpeed;
				player.keyLeft = false;
				player.keyRight = false;
				player.keyUp = false;
				player.keyDown = player.yPos < ::jjWaterLevel;
				player.keyJump = false;
				player.keyRun = false;
				player.buttstomp = player.keyDown ? 81 : 121; = FLIGHT::NONE;
				player.helicopter = 0;
				player.specialMove = 0;
				if (player.invincibility > -2 && player.invincibility < 2)
					player.invincibility = -2;
				int volume = player.ammo[number] << 3 | 4;
				int vol2 = 63 - ((::jjGameTicks - m_lastUsed[player.playerID]) << 2);
				if (volume > vol2)
					volume = vol2;
				m_sampleHandle[player.playerID] = ::jjSampleLooped(obj.xPos, obj.yPos, m_sample, m_sampleHandle[player.playerID], volume, m_soundFrequency);
			} else {
				m_lastUsed[player.playerID] = -15;
				player.xSpeed = xSpeed;
				player.ySpeed = ySpeed;
				do {
					if (player.currWeapon == WEAPON::BLASTER)
						player.currWeapon = WEAPON::GUN9;
						player.currWeapon = player.currWeapon - 1;
				} while (player.ammo[player.currWeapon] <= 0 && int(player.currWeapon) != number);
				if (int(player.currWeapon) == number)
					player.currWeapon = WEAPON::BLASTER;
	protected void prepareWeaponProfile(::jjWEAPON@ weapon) const {
		weapon.comesFromBirds = false;
		weapon.comesFromBirdsPowerup = false;
		weapon.defaultSample = false;
		weapon.gradualAim = false;
		weapon.multiplier = 3;
		weapon.replacedByBubbles = false;
		weapon.spread = SPREAD::NORMAL; = WEAPON::POPCORN;
	protected void prepareBulletPresets(::jjOBJ@ basic, ::jjOBJ@ powerup, uint number) const {
		if (basic is powerup)
			basic.behavior = @::jjVOIDFUNCOBJ(behaveTNT);
			basic.behavior = powerup.behavior = @::jjVOIDFUNCOBJ(behave);
		basic.animSpeed = 1;
		powerup.animSpeed = 2;
		basic.counterEnd = powerup.counterEnd = 1;
		basic.curAnim = powerup.curAnim = basic.special = powerup.special = m_animSet + 4;
		basic.curFrame = powerup.curFrame = ::jjAnimations[basic.curAnim];
		basic.direction = powerup.direction = 0; = = basic.freeze = powerup.freeze = 0;
		basic.frameID = powerup.frameID = 0;
		basic.killAnim = powerup.killAnim = 0;
		basic.lightType = powerup.lightType = LIGHT::NONE;
		basic.playerHandling = powerup.playerHandling = HANDLING::PLAYERBULLET;
		basic.var[3] = powerup.var[3] = number;
		basic.var[6] = 16;
		powerup.var[6] = 24;
		basic.xAcc = powerup.xAcc = 0.f;
		basic.yAcc = powerup.yAcc = 0.f;
		basic.xSpeed = 14.f;
		powerup.xSpeed = 16.f;
		basic.ySpeed = powerup.ySpeed = 0.f;
	protected void preparePickupPresets(::jjOBJ@ ammo3, ::jjOBJ@ ammo15, ::jjOBJ@ powerup) const {
		if (ammo3 !is null) {
			ammo3.behavior = @AmmoPickup(::jjAnimations[m_animSet], ::jjAnimations[m_animSet + 1], 5);
			ammo3.curAnim = m_animSet;
			ammo3.frameID = 0;
		if (ammo15 !is null) {
			ammo15.curAnim = m_animSet + 2;
			ammo15.frameID = 0;
		if (powerup !is null) {
			powerup.curAnim = m_animSet + 3;
			powerup.frameID = 0;
	::jjANIMSET@ loadAnims(::jjANIMSET@ animSet) override {
		loadAnimSet(animSet, "SEenergyblast.j2a", 0);
		return @animSet;
	::array<bool>@ loadSamples(const ::array<SOUND::Sample>& samples) override {
		return @::array<bool>(1, samples.length() == 1 && loadSample(samples[0], "SEenergyblast.wav"));
	uint getSampleCount() const override {
		return 1;
	uint getTraits(bool) const override {
		return weapon_default_traits | weapon_increases_mobility;
	uint getMaxDamage(bool powerup) const override {
		return powerup ? 2 : 1;
	bool setAsWeapon(uint number, WeaponHook@ weaponHook) override {
		if (m_animSet !is null && isValidWeapon(number) && weaponHook !is null) {
			uint basic = getBasicBulletOfWeapon(number);
			uint powered = getPoweredBulletOfWeapon(number);
			uint ammo3 = getAmmoPickupOfWeapon(number);
			uint ammo15 = getAmmoCrateOfWeapon(number);
			uint powerup = getPowerupMonitorOfWeapon(number);
			weaponHook.setWeaponSprite(number, false, ::jjAnimations[m_animSet]);
			weaponHook.setWeaponSprite(number, true, ::jjAnimations[m_animSet + 1]);
			weaponHook.setPlayerInputCallback(number, @PlayerCallback(reactToPlayerInput));
			prepareBulletPresets(@::jjObjectPresets[basic], @::jjObjectPresets[powered], number);
			preparePickupPresets(ammo3 != 0 ? @::jjObjectPresets[ammo3] : null, ammo15 != 0 ? @::jjObjectPresets[ammo15] : null, @::jjObjectPresets[powerup]);
			return true;
		return false;
EnergyBlastWeapon energyBlast;