Featured Download

1 Dec 2007 at 18:00
November’s Featured Download

Desolation by BlurredD

BlurredD’s latest tileset is one of high quality, and it’s probably the best tileset of the author yet. It has a logical tile order, different kinds of walls and ground tiles, and an amount of eye candy that can’t disappoint you easily. It’s not very hard to use, and the levels that people might make are probably not going to be all the same(like Diamondus Beta levels)

The backgrounds are also great, same for the few animations the set has. There is not much to complain about, this tileset is great to use for Multiplayer and I think we are going to see some fantastic levels with it in the next few months.

The runner up of this month is Wraith’s unusual Battle level called Sector Probe 68-A

I wanted to keep this short and I think I succeeded. Until next month, then we see who gets the last featured download of the year.

- da man


BattleSpaz on 1 Dec 2007 at 18:10

FINALLY a tileset really worth using. We need more of these.

cooba on 1 Dec 2007 at 18:30

That screenshot captivates the tileset well, ds.

Jimbob on 1 Dec 2007 at 19:58

Aww… I was hoping my Christmas Levels were going to be in the featured download post this time. Oh well.

Jimbob on 1 Dec 2007 at 19:59

…I mean, I was hoping for them to be at least the runner up. Oh well.

Eigus on 1 Dec 2007 at 20:18

lol @ Jimbob

I think we can call Desolation the tileset of the year already. :P

FireSworD on 2 Dec 2007 at 00:34

Nice picture, but I must ask…why do you use the same pose in all of them?

DarkSonic on 2 Dec 2007 at 11:09

That’s probably a coincidence, I always take a picture while jumping. Next time I’ll take a picture with another pose.

Birdie on 8 Dec 2007 at 04:42

I’d prefer if you keep the jumping pose.

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