The results from this year’s JCS Awards voting are now online!
2007’s best level maker: DarkSonic
2007’s best level pack: The Battle for Carrotus by EvilMike
2007’s best CTF level: Unconventional Coffee by FireSworD
2007’s best non-CTF level: Neobeo’s Firetruck by Neobeo
2007’s best tileset: Desolation by BlurredD
2007’s best music: A Prisoner Out by DoubleGJ
Congratulations to all of the winners and the runner ups!
R3ptile, the mind behind the awards, says this:
To me at least, 2007 has been a very good year when it comes to level making.. with the CTF scene being more consistent than ever and all. The only complaints I have are towards the tileset and SP level makers.
Go check the awards thread, and while you’re at it don’t forget to take a peek at r3p’s personal list of best CTF levels of 2007, too.
On page 16 or so of this rather fine establishment of rabbit ramblings everyone seemed content to post nothing more than their thoughts on the future of Jazz which seemed quite interesting since we have a perfectly good forum for that sort of outlet.
Which is precisely why I propose we start doing that sort of thing again. Its quite simple, you type “Future of Jazz” in the title heading and then ramble on about the amazing future in the body. Is it Jazz Jackrabbit VIRTUAL REALITY!? Or maybe a more down to Earth “This community is awesome, I love you guys (i.e. nothing is going to change)” type of journal post?
Does this idea even make sense, and if so does it seem like a good one to resurrect? Would you be willing to participate in an idea I came up with at 5 in the morning? Discuss in the comments.
This was posted on RabbitJournal on December 26th 2007. You can post, too!The J2O staff wishes you a merry christmas/yule/kwanzaa eve and a grand, happy 2008, full of bunny game fun.
For even more holiday spirit, be sure to download the Jazz Jackrabbit christmas wallpaper off our friend Haze’s website!
For Odin: banned
For the Finnish: Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta 2008!
For the Danish: Glædelig jul og et godt 2008!
For the Swedish: God jul och ett gott 2008!
For the German: Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches 2008!
For the Polish: Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego 2008!
For the Spanish: ¡Feliz navidad y próspero 2008!
For the Italian: Buon natale e un felice 2008!
Source: JCF thread
R3ptile just never gives up. The annual JCS Awards thread has been posted for the fourth year already. As usual, you’re asking to vote for uploads which deserve awards such as Best Level Pack, Best CTF Level, etcetc. Go vote and don’t forget to thank r3p for his dedication.
Source: JDC
(cooba adds: The opening event is now over.)
The JDC website has just been updated and the season has started. Details on slight rule changes will be posted tomorrow. Otherwise, have a good season and show up for the event today. Hope to see you there!
EvilMike kindly adds: And make sure you log in if you’re playing in the event! Otherwise the officials doing the scoring will be in very trouble ;-#
Well, the Duellist Invitational Tournament started at January 31st, when R3ptile played the first match. Almost a whole year later, at December 12th, that same R3ptile lost the final to Vegito, who didn’t lose a single match in the whole tournament. With 40 participants this was probably the largest duel-tournament ever.
The groupstage was quite exciting, but it took ages to finish it. Some players like R3p were quite fast with finishing their duels, while others (most of them were CC’ers ;P) needed months to finish their group matches. The only group to finish all matches was group 8 (Superjazz, Sperry, Dejman and Master Sven). There were 72 duels to be played – 57 were actually played (=79%).
Next up was the knock-out stage. The best two players in each group qualified for this stage. Enigma was added as best 3rd after the withdrawal of Snooze. There was only one walkover (Grytolle didn’t play again after the groupstage) and two forfeits after one or two rounds played. It was Vegito who won the Upper Bracket, only losing one game (in the quarterfinals vs. Sucer).
The Lower Bracket – since we worked with the double elimination system – was a whole different story. None of the first matches was played. 14 duels were supposed to be played, but only 4 were actually played. It was R3ptile, the UB-runner up, who won the Lower Bracket, so he had to play Vegito once again.
That final turned out to be quite exciting. R3ptile picked SBv2 as first level, but lost 2-5. Veg took a 3-0 lead in Medieval Skyscrapers, but R3p surprisingly came back and took the second round with 5 points in a row. The deciding level, The Marshland of Evil, turned out to be a real thriller. Vegito won it 5-4 and became the winner of the Duellist Invitational Tournament.
Well, thank you all for playing, I hope you had fun ;P and maybe see ya in some second edition!
Many of you have already heard about our current project, Karrot Shire. It is a brand new MORPG-style world built on top of Jazz Jackrabbit 2, with some cool new features that were previously impossible with JJ2, such as an Inventory system, Quests (full epic storyline & additional quests), and skills like woodcutting and mining.
For more information on Karrot Shire, check the JCF thread and the Karrot Shire website. Also, be sure to check out the trailer we’ve made.
There will be a public beta test this Sunday (16 December) at 11:00 AM GMT+1 (Dutch time). We hope you’ll be there!
Falcury & Carrotpie
This was posted on RabbitJournal on December 12th 2007. You can post, too!We can add screenshots! | |
We can write really short reviews! | |
Our ranks are shiny! | |
Mike has a blog! | |
[…] Battery Check Creation Station! | |
[…] Castle of Cadavers! | |
Golly, the poll was changed! | |
Total votes: 92 |
I refuse to comment on having the obligatory fun option place first!
So, without further ado, the next poll (cooba was going to do this but it took so long I took matters in my own hands…). With JDC 14 coming right up it is time to ask Who Will be the Star of this JDC. Will Vegito dominate for the fourth time in a row, or will he be too preoccupied with Sperry and give others a chance? Let the betting voting start!
Source: RabbitJournal (instantly promoted because it's important!!)
From the Jazz Duelist’s Challenge website:
Yes, JDC Season 14 starts in less than a week. 12/15 to be exact. This season we will be trying a few new concepts. Further information about this from admins should follow soon.
Another interesting competition for the Jazz Duellist Championship will begin with the Opening Event on Saturday 15th. The game modes that will probably be played will be TeamBattle and Capture The Flag. Also, here you go with a level pack for the event.
Everyone, play nice. Most importantly, everyone play.
BlurredD’s latest tileset is one of high quality, and it’s probably the best tileset of the author yet. It has a logical tile order, different kinds of walls and ground tiles, and an amount of eye candy that can’t disappoint you easily. It’s not very hard to use, and the levels that people might make are probably not going to be all the same(like Diamondus Beta levels)
The backgrounds are also great, same for the few animations the set has. There is not much to complain about, this tileset is great to use for Multiplayer and I think we are going to see some fantastic levels with it in the next few months.
The runner up of this month is Wraith’s unusual Battle level called Sector Probe 68-A
I wanted to keep this short and I think I succeeded. Until next month, then we see who gets the last featured download of the year.
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.