Review by MoonBlazE

24 Nov 2019, 23:46
For: Solstice
Level rating: 8.9

That’s a really cool edit of my sets. Really, I absolutely love how you used the mountain from my roller coaster set as a way to add a more rich and detailed background, making it look like you progressed further into the island. And the sunset is gorgeous. Thumbs up.

I wish I could download and try the level but my new computer doesn’t even have a slot for the good old Jazz 2 disc. So I can only comment on the screenshots unfortunately.

Also I don’t know the official site policy on editing sets, but anyone reading this comment has my full permission to update and change my sets as they please.

RecommendedReview by MoonBlazE

6 Aug 2014, 11:53 (edited 6 Aug 14, 11:57 by Moonblaze)
For: Chrysalis (Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Crysilis remix)
Level rating: 9.2

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed Crysilis until I started listening to this soundtrack. I’m not very familiar with the genres so don’t shoot me if I get this wrong, but it definitely sounds like some dubstep which I’m not usually that much into, but the climax sells the track so well.

The intro just draws you in with the classic melody, the climax is amazing and the outro is beautiful. Overall this probably going to be one of my favorite soundtracks and I have a few friends I’d like to listen to this as well. Download recommended.

RecommendedReview by MoonBlazE

6 Aug 2014, 11:41
For: Labrat Remix
Level rating: 8.7

It sounds amazing. I like how you managed to preserve so much of the track’s original feeling while also taking such a different approach on the soundtrack. It was definitely a very interesting experience to listen to and I think you did a remarkable job of recreating it.

I feel like the climax around 2:05 could have been richer though. You take this break from the beat to listen to this tune and it’s just not as an interesting as when the beat resumes at 2:19. Alexander Brandon’s original soundtrack does that part better because the sound is just richer and more enjoyable to listen to.

This is still a true work of art and it’s definitely worth listening to for any JJ fan.

RecommendedQuick Review by MoonBlazE

30 Aug 2010, 21:57
For: Episode Five: The Fortress of Ruin
Level rating: 9.8

I forgot how awesome it is to just sit down and play Jazz Jackrabbit. You get that feeling when you play Mike’s levels. He manages to pull off some amazing level designs and tricks that you’ve never seen before. I’m honored to have contributed to this amazing project with a tileset.

Not recommendedReview by MoonBlazE

16 Apr 2009, 11:03
For: Carrastle
Level rating: 7.1

When reviewing a tileset such as this you need to remember to review only the effort in joining the tilesets and not the art that is drawn by someone else.

Joining two tilesets is more about recoloring and editing existing tiles. Running out of colors isn’t an excuse for a job not done, as you have over two hundred colors available and the possibility to edit current tiles to fit the new color schemes is there.

This seems more like the author ran the sets through a color reduction program and splattered them into whatever available space a pre-made palette.

Although the idea of Carrotus joined with Castle in one tileset is interesting, the choices of tiles still need to be well thought and the colors well handled.

I apologize, but download is not recommended.

Review by MoonBlazE

14 Apr 2009, 02:08
For: Pearl-Shell Shore (DOM)
Level rating: 8.8

As the tileset author, I was very impressed with how you managed to make a smooth and rich layout using so few tiles as the set had. It always makes me happy to see people get in depth with my set and make such impressive levels, and I’m honored you choose my set for your contest entry.

I would rate this but I’m afraid I’d base my rating on your usage of my set rather than the actual game play. I hope that a few kind words will do. ;)

RecommendedReview by MoonBlazE

1 May 2008, 02:46
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

EvilMike takes us with storm as he puts his talents into yet another episode, following up on his thrilling story in the battle against the villainous Devan Shell. Not only does EvilMike master the way of making great levels, he also reuses traditional tilesets such as Carrotus and uses the set in completely new ways.

Once you have rushed your way through the levels to get the new story, there is still plenty of replay value as EvilMike doesn’t just build his levels from left to right but makes lots of sideways and secrets to explore for extra points. There are even “secrets” to find through the means of cheating, as the creator has a fine track of what weaponry is accessible at what time.

This download is one of a kind, one to play by anyone that would claim to be a Jazz Jackrabbit 2 fan.

Not recommendedReview by MoonBlazE

12 Jan 2007, 22:17
For: Moondance Tileset
Level rating: 5.1

“Moondance” by Gus is a simple and short tileset on 209 tiles, the set is considered of about one generated texture used all over with only shading as varity as well as a few other effects such as the same texture ‘bubbled’ and pasted unto already exsisting tiles. There is also a sprite drawn green alien that can be animated for a dance though his facing angle and even his face remains in the same lifeless expression.

Try using more than just plain textures and draw more objects for the player to place. Up the quality of the texture by using better colors and create them with varying texturial effects using programs like Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro rather than just a texture. Also try to take layers into consideration: One would want something to put on more than just layer 4 and 8. Creating transparency around the stars and moon would for example let the editor use both layer 7 and 6 in addition to 8.

RecommendedReview by MoonBlazE

19 Oct 2005, 21:42
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

While I’m not really a talented reviewer, I’ll give my best shot commenting on this pack. Some of the cons was the eye candy. While Evilmike sure did focus on getting the levels huge, there was no special touches in this that drove you..

What am I saying?!? This thing rocks. Go download it now. The levels are worked well through, the music zooms you into the levels. Jumping from spaceship to spaceship and destroying a whole fleet, performing advanced missions such as destroying central computers, this pack brings an amazing new style.

Go save the universe, fanboy!

Review by MoonBlazE

19 Dec 2004, 19:48
For: TDI2
Level rating: 8.7

You are the most welcome to continue the story line. You may not use my levels without the permission. To get that, send me a private message.

Review by MoonBlazE

16 Oct 2004, 16:54
For: Just Levels
Level rating: 3.9

You know what’s wrong with the Download section at the moment? Nobody’s uploading! >O

Just kidding. That’s a lot of levels. Please tell, is this some really old stuff or recently made? (Just want to know if it’s considerable to download, since it’s so many levels.)

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Harry Potter Music
Level rating: 1

The download is not working. It may be too large in filesize or you did not upload it as a .zip format. Please try and reupload.

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Forgotten Islands
Level rating: 7.6

Use Dark Marshland lil’ Fawriel =|

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Sandy Sunset
Level rating: 7.8

Holy pancakes. I was expecting more for a 9.7 tileset.

Funny enough, if this is supposed to be a sunset then why is there no sun? The absent of a sunset in the tileset colors is quite sad, in fact the clouds rather look like floating rocks and the cactus rather looks like spiked jelly. Sorry.

Speaking of sand, I think the ground is supposed to be sand? Or is it dirt? I can’t tell, it’s too blurry to see. Being an artist, I find it strange that the background sand is lighter than the walkable sand, which made my level look quite confusion. Peharps it is a reversed world? Who knows.

The tileset is decent. It is not worth to consider over Agama’s Egypt tileset because some of the unique details Violet CLM tried to draw are rather messed, the snake looks more like a rope of rotten bananas than it looks like a snake. If it had border lines and possibly been a bit animated it would’ve been cooler. I only suggest you download this if you feel like create a world of confusion with jelly plants and floating rocks.[This review has been edited by Moonblaze]

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Battle in the nature - 2
Level rating: 6.5

Please update the older file instead of upload a new.

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Cocacola CTF
Level rating: 4


Tilesets are not to be rated. You have to review the way he used the tileset, if it could be any better.

The only thing you actually commented are the weapon placement. Which in no way explains your rating. Please rewrite you review and spend time on it this time.

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Stuff in the Heaven
Level rating: 5

When the WINNER said there wasn’t more to say, he was completely right in his sentence. There’s really not much to describe about this very plain level.

Stuff in the Heaven is an empty level with only ground to fill the masking out, it has really no good details that gives an unbelievable impression or the beautiful eye candy that makes you not wanting to close Jazz2. Hence even the layer 7 moving background clouds haven’t been set to transparent so they doesn’t fit the textured mode.

Specially for Heaven, who even have a road to its ubber detailed and variant ground, the WINNER has only used one kind of ground tile in the entire level. Not even the columns or the pot plant have been used. That’s lag of creativity from the level athour, I bet this could’ve been done in less than 20 minutes.

Game play: The Winner made it hard to get around while running, you often have to stop up for getting through the weird paths and springs.

Weapon placement: Randomly set I guess. Some places it’s easy to collect under your run, most of the times you need to search and/or stop for get it. It’s difinately not very balanced and the Red team clearly has an advantage.

What are you waiting for? Hit backspace already![This review has been edited by MoonBlazE]

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Technoir (NOT jj1)
Level rating: 8.3

Sue me, but I don’t think too well of this tilest. Yes, of course, it’s a very large tileset, but just like Hotel Heroes, (Or any other cheap tileset creator ;-P) half of the tileset… are just the orginal part of it, copied and pasted on a background tile so you don’t have to waste layer number five. (Peharps incase you want to fill extra much background layers) While there is nothing wrong with doing so; it doesn’t impress me in any kind and make me feel better about the tileset.

Like the majority of average tilesets, Technoir does only have one tile for each kind of ground set. There’s a very few detailed tiles in the ground tiles, but not varity like in Epic’s tileset or other talented tileset creators’. Examples goes to the brown tube: The only detail is a hole. Okay so it’s a brown tube with the same hole variously places, depending on the level designers creativity. The best varity is seen on the pink ground road.

The next problem about this tileset is the theme graphic. Lots of the tiles are drawn in paint; completely, while others are one hundred percent textured in a photo editing program. Combinated in a level, this does not fit very well together and looks very ugly/funky. I learned this importnant lesson by Flash who pointed it out in one of my own tilesets, you’d better try to make the tiles suit eachother so combinating them doesn’t break the eyecandy with a graphical border.

Also on the subject of theme, I do not like the tileset theme. Let’s just resume. A dark reddish toxic city with pink candy-like bricks, grey metal, and brown tubes? Is this sugar city or? Now that Sirus was mentioned; it is a good example of a themed tileset; even the tiles are drawn out from different jj1 tilesets they still suit a space theme. While tileset themes can be ignored; it’s diffinately what adds quality to the tileset and levels made by it. Or we’d rather be using an ugly block tileset.

One of the posetive sides of the tileset are some of the orginal details it has. The statue of metal is very cool and unique looking, as example. You could make some good levels out of this, but you’ll need to spend time in a try to form your own unique details.

I recom to download this set, but some of the tiles and/or animations are ripped from other sets. Specially the lava bubble animation, who are taken from censored.

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Font
Level rating: 7

Just because something is new, such as the first Jazz Jackrabbit 2 font uploaded to Jazz2online, it doesn’t deserve a rating equal to something given to like, Agama or Disguise’s work. I really wonder how a J2O Addict, Danyjel, can have such a rank and review so horrible. Oh well.

This font is not very good. I’m sorry, but it’s poorly copied and only looks okay in two font sizes (which are 14 and 16). I’d rather copy and paste the font from JJ2 than use this font. No matter how hard it is to make a font to you, it’s still horrible and looks like a joke compared to any other font. It’s like saying ‘I only have paint, so plz review my tileset 10 =((((“.

Roger out.

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Heating Up
Level rating: 7

Heating up is a very simply level by Snotticus. There are no kind of story line, quests, or special adds to the level. It’s just a common “find the exit” level type.

Poor. Too much of the level is left open with only the background layers to fill it up. The athour didn’t centrainly think very creative either, all eyecandy who are in the level are just copyed and pastered from the tileset.

If you can find a word descriping both boring and and time waste, that’s it for the gameplay. It’s just “folow the road”, pick off enemies underway and pick up gold coins. There’s really no suprise in the level, no challenge. The only challenge is the end boss who appear to be bissly fighting you in a very narrow room. Folowed by a “SMOKIN’ =D” (?), you’ll win the level with ease.

Awful. The chance of getting hurt is upon the spikes, the enemies are simply too foolish placed to harm you. The food and goodies are also very easy to pickup underway, and dosen’t force you to explore the area for collect it all. The gold coin people missed is located at position 92,13, which is inside a wall covered by layer 3 mask, nearly impossible to find without any hints.

Below average. You need to practice more with JCS. Download some single player levels with the mark tip and watch how they set up their levels with eyecandy and enemies. You should also try put more originality into the level, instead of the common find exit.

Download not recommed.

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