A nice tileset very sweet, delicious and beautiful.
Art Style
The art style is CakeLand, where the rabbits love cakes and pie.
There are sucker tubespipes that are similar to candles, also the propellers;
There’re blocks, vines, hook and a layout similiar from ground.
Rating: 9
Rating: 10
Example Level
It’s funny!
Rating: N/A
This tileset is good!!!!!!!!
I give him a super delicious 8 !!!!!!!!!!
Gameplay was really good.There were some nice tiles in there.
Very well-placed.
Fits the lvls really great!
Music really fit the lvl.
Very well done!
Only two lvls are still good for a single player download.
Very well done!!nice tiles in Layer 2 and 5.
The eyecandy is good but the levels are boring … i mean its a litlle boring to just shoot … it could use some puzzles …
Rating : 9
How to compile it on linux?
I can add playing s3m modules and sound effects from sounds.000 by FMOD library ;)
oh, it stills doesnt work on my computer… if i would know HOW to fix it…
Oops, sorry. Press space.
Great big edit:
To switch between fullscreen and windowed modes, press alt + enter.
Menu controls
Choose option: Up & down arrow keys
Use option: Spacebar
Change option: Left & right arrow keys
Quit: Escape
Level controls
Move left: Left arrow key
Move right: Right arrow key
Jump: Right alt key (Left alt in Linux)
Skip to next level: Spacebar
Return to menu: Escape
“Cutscene” controls
Return to menu: Spacebar or escape
Known bugs
-Horrible physics, especially in higher resolutions.
-None of the events work.
-You can’t shoot.
-Sometimes you appear in front of the foreground, notably in sucker tubes.
-Some colour animations shouldn’t be there. The most obvious are some of the stones in the Temple of the Turtle and Eva’s dress.
-Colour animations are too slow. This could easily be fixed, but I view it as an improvement.
-Cutscenes only display the first picture.
-Some cutscenes don’t work.
-And many, many more.
First download and review. ;-D
Could you please tell us how to use OpenJazz.exe? Neither Start nor Quit will work with the Enter button, but the Level and World selections are fine.
Is there a jump button? We can hardly explore the levels. ;-)
There appears to be a few colour problems with World 40, Level 0 (the pink colour of Eva’s dress is distorted).
In higher resolutions, Jazz’s slope navigation is seriously messed up. He moves slowly up slopes and can’t keep his feet on them when moving down, which is different from his moves in standard 320×120 resolution.
I’m actually wondering why is my review gone from yet another upload… It was right after WR’s if I happen to remember correct, at least it shouldn’t have had anything unusual. Weird. ;/
I had not much fun playing this pack. Good there were just 2 levels, nice tileset though, but the background should be less eyetwisting. I wonder why you didn’t use blocks to build something good looking in the background. And when the player finds secret passage, he shouldn’t have problems with getting out. There were more irritating details in leveldesign, sometimes passages were too small, sometimes spaces too huge and empty. A bit over average: 6 points.
Chateau – Toxic Bunny
Firstly, looking in JCS, this tileset looks really un-userfriendly. I see random tiles placed in garbled piles and can’t tell what is what. Otherwise, there is a large tile variety, and the textures are great. The theme is semi-original (the way it is pulled off was more original then the actual theme, rather). Masking is alright, although I don’t think the trees should’ve been fully masked (maybe only the tips?). Unfortunately, there is no warpable backround (just a single light blue tile) and not much you can do with the set if you want part of your level using it to be outdoors. There is some nice chandeliers and barrels/bottles, but otherwise not a huge amount of layer 5 placeable things (knights in armor, desks with papers under candlelight could’ve been included or something along those lines). Thus, this set excels in some areas, but (even greately?) lacks in others.
I think I would give this set an 8. It’s still a good set and people should definately download it and give it a try.
Note: Chateau (French) means: Castle
Review follows later…
Nice job, Toxic Bunny. I like seeing your tilesets :) .
Here’s my opinion:
- Good selection for a theme. Not many people can do a good “castle” tileset. However, there is a bit of confusion between whether the tileset is supposed to be realistic or cartoony.
Eye Candy:
- Great for the things that are there, but there could easily be more add-ins.
- I like the chandeliers, barrels, and stained glass windows, especially. Also a little confusion between 3D and 2D drawing styles (i.e.- between the ground and Destruct blocks). Perhaps shadows would help this.
- Great texturing job (what program?)!
- The arrow signs on the ground outside are hard to see. I think the average gamer would miss them.
- It’s hard to tell what the Hurt scenery is.
- Animations would be a great addition to this tileset
- One could make a decent level out of this tileset, but it leaves something to be desired. Namely, a lot of event blocks (Warp, Sucker Tube, other Destruct block types, Water Block, Trigger blocks [dotted outline / lock & key blocks]).
- It also supports almost no palette events.
- The inside ground is also unnecessarily complicated. Try organizing the tiles in preset patterns that your level designers will use frequently.
Background & Scenery:
- Very minimal. The background is too plain.
- Having no textured background is acceptable, and this tileset can work fine without one, I think, but there needs to be a lot more than what’s there now.
- The grass in Layer 6 needs to be combined with scenery in other background layers to be effective.
- The trees in Layer 3 confuse the dimensions by sticking out of the lower levels of dirt.
Generally quite well done!
- The tile at (27,8) in the set has an unexpected corner. This shows up in the demo level at (43,22).
- Nice rounded mask on outside hill ground!
- A few other random minor blips
This is a fast tileset review.
Introduction: Toxic Bunny made a new tileset. I checked out this tileset and found out this is not the easiest set to use.
This tileset has enough eye candy for a level to make with it. I saw that in the example level. However, there aren’t many animations in the tileset. I don’t really know what this tileset provides, because there are trees in it, but also some castle-like things. I like the mountains of the tileset.
The size of the tileset is 800 tiles. This is good enough to make a nice level with it, as it’s not too small. It could be hard to use alot of these tiles.
I can’t say this tileset is easy to use, but some things in it are. I’m not going to use this tileset soon, I don’t even know if I will make a level with it. It’s not that I hate the tileset, but I just use other ones. =P.
I don’t really know what gamemode is recommended when making a level with this tileset.
Overall this is a nice tileset and I give it an 8.5 and a download recommendation.
Use this? If you want to find an underused tileset, you gotta try this since it’s only used for this example level.
Edit: not really an edit, but could we stop giving comments and rate the tileset/do nothing? Thanks.
Another edit: I am using this tileset now and I am going to admit that I find it pretty hard. This isn’t a very bad thing, because it can be original to use a tileset that’s hard, thus not going to be used alot.
Finally An New Tileset From Toxic Bunny!
Exemple Level 4.9 N/A
Bad Make Better Exemple Lvls :P
Tilset GREAT An Perfect 3d Tileset
Eyecandy (Only From The Tileset!!!!)
Wow! When I first was Toxic Bunny’s 3D-ish War Torn I wasn’t as impressed as the rest, though I still liked the tileset. Here’s yet another 3D-ish tileset, Chateau, and it looks pretty cool! :-D
Have you ever looked at Epic’s Castle tileset and thought “I wished I could make a REAL castle, not just the interior, but also the exterior! With medieval-like turrets, walls, gates, bridges and of course a lush forest”. Well, now you can! Toxic Bunny’s latest tileset, Chateau (should be Château, but whatever), is the best thing so far if you want to create a real Medieval castle lvl. :-)
Though it seems as if TB’s castle is under-equipped and in no condition to unleash armies or withstand a siege (because for some reason, the castle is COMPLETELY devoid of armaments and knights in shining armour), the rest looks AmAzInG! The tiles are unbelievably detailed!!! :-O Some more than others (the trees and stained glass windows do not match those of Heaven and Castle) but it still looks great! Everything looks polished-up and the whole tileset, and any lvls made with the tileset, will be a pleasure to the eyes!
The tileset has all of the necessary tiles (except suckertubes, but you can improvise…) and it all feels very atmospheric. You can run around barrels, old wine-storage…er…areas, chandeliers and lots of other old, comfy stuff. The outside area is quite limited but it has some forest background tiles, some tree tiles and some ground and grass tiles. There are cracks in the walls, beautiful towers and battlements as well as a HUGE amount of different sorts of tiles. All wall tiles! LOL!
For some reason, the tileset has its background tiles masked, meaning you have to use layer 5 (as seen in the example lvl) to provide background. This limits the amount of layers available to the JCSer and forces him to use layer 5. While layer 5 is usually used for background stuff, it would be nice to give ppl the freedom to choose what they want to do with their layers instead of forcing them to stick to set layers because the tileset isn’t “generously” masked.
What Chateau has in quality, it lacks in quantity, I’m afraid. There is a GIGANTIC potentional for this tileset. There could’ve been much more armaments/armour and war…stuffness as well as more forest tiles and OF COURSE A REAL MOAT, DRAWBRIDGE AND DITCH to create that pure, true castle-feeling. The more you look at this tileset, the more it reminds you of a beefed up Castle tileset made lighter(?). While it has more outside and more castle-ish stuff than Castle, it lacks the variety and eyecandy Castle has.
Chateau should, however, not be compared to Castle because there is a difference between castles and châteaux. ;-)
A very well-made tileset with good eyecandy and many, many different kinds of lvl-possibilites. It’s still quite limited but it’s better than to make one lvl with Castle and one lvl with Carrotus. :-D Chateau receives a download recommendation and an 8.5. An 8.5 is slightly higher than usual (I would probably give this 8.2 any other day) but since it’s Christmas Day, I’ll be extra, extra generous. :-D
P.S. Make better example lvls, TB. ;-)
CaKeY ~one of the cakest tileset out there.
There is so much tubes in this tileset. They make me DiZzY
Background can be little better.
Overall I like this tileset.
I think it’s good from Xmas level.
Download recommendation for me :D
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.