Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

Wow! Nostalgia time! I had the full version of Hocus Pocus, and loved it. These levels are emulated perfectly! It must have taken a lot of work.

The trick with the switches is really cool, however I found it hard at times to flip them just right. Still, a minor complaint. And I also have some others, but they aren’t your fault. Stupid JJ2 drops fastfires from enemies, and makes the game too easy. Oh, and in the boss level, you can get hit while stomping the trigger crate.

The credits level at the end is worth beating the pack for, it is very cool and original.

It was great fun reliving the first episode of Hocus Pocus. Of course, Jazz jumps higher, but not as far, and runs much faster. But that cannot be avoided. Your enemy replacements were usually pretty good choices. Overall, I am very impressed. Great job. You know, I’d love to play the other episodes ;P. (Although they might be a bit more difficult to do, I’d imagine. Like elevators, for instance. Well, I’d give Jazz a hoverboard in the elevator shaft and have fly off zones at the exits.)

I know, we aren’t supposed to ask for the other episodes. Alright, fair enough. I’m still wondering how you converted this so well. Great job! A 9.2 for great levels, and lots of effort.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Blues Brothers Comeback BETA
Level rating: 8.5

This is a good portion of what could be one of the best episodes, if it was finished. Please finish it! I won’t rate, because it is incomplete.

BTW, How did you make the episode file? I’ve only seen it done once before, but this time it has its own picture and everything! Never seen that before.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Lostvikings space trip Episode
Level rating: 8.1

Sorry, but I can’t bring myself to rate this any higher. The levels are very mediocre and short. As Violet said, way too many short cutscenes. I couldn’t figure out why I was getting hurt in the spaceship chase level and had to use jjinv to pass it. Finally, I can’t make much sense of the storyline, but it doesn’t seem very creative to me.

Sure there are some cool tricks and gimmicks used, but don’t let that cloud your judgement. This episode can be a fun diversion for a short time, but scores nowhere near megahits like Another Story or Tomb Rabbit. Better luck next time!

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Jazz 1: Sluggion
Level rating: 8.1

Very good conversion. Gets all nostalgic about JJ1 How long has it been since JJ2 came out? Four years? (And then some.) And we STILL are missing a majority of the JJ1 sets? We, the community of Jazz 2, demand more conversions!

Oh, and Taz, hate to break it to ya’, but that IS the Sluggion music. And if you ask me, it rocks!

The tileset looks good, but like most JJ1 conversions, it is missing some key tiles. (And has a lack of animations other than arrows.) Like those diagonal pipes? (I think they were in Sluggion, but it’s been a long time.) Anyway, keep up the good work.

Oh, and btw, cool caption on the example level!

All Jazz 1 fans, download this!

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Chromosphere
Level rating: 8.4

It is a nice little CTF level, with tons of eye candy. (YIPES! I don’t stand a chance in this contest!)

However, there is one small bug. You can get stuck (By that I do not mean the sticky bug stuck, I mean in a place that you cannot getout of) at pos 1,55. There is a secret place you can enter the wall and you get ammo, but you can’t jump out! You should fix that.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: ChatLogJJ2
Level rating: 8.5

It doesn’t work. It tells me to run Jazz2, but Jazz 2 IS running. Is it expecting JJ2 to be in a different folder? Or is it stupid XP?

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Curcuit Capture
Level rating: 7

It is cool that you edited the Tubelectric Tileset, but the rain hurts my eyes. It should be spaced further apart. The readme is just gimicky, just make a standard TXT, this readme cannot be viewed before unzipping. The level itself isn’t bad, but it is a little small. Not sure what to rate, because I haven’t played CTF in it, so N/A.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Dreamy Mirrow
Level rating: 6.7

Ever notice that whenever Disguise posts something it gets a LOT of reviews? Hmmm….

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Letni Mini Remix
Level rating: N/A

I don’t think messing up the song counts as remixing it. And you certainly shouldn’t take credit for the song. It was composed by Robert Allen, and all you did was drag it out by having parts repeat. Trust me, it sounds better the original way. Now the remix of the Chrysalis (sp?) theme, by Haze, THAT was a remix.

Download recommendation? Sorry, but no. But I’ll keep this N/A, because you didn’t make it. (The real Letni music is really good, though.)

PS : Please don’t take this review personally. I am just reviewing the content, and frankly it might be good as an experiment, but not worth uploading to J2O.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Ocean of Acid
Level rating: 8.4

There is nothing about not rating it. The secret level is not suppossed to be rated, but the level itself should be. And, Violet, I’m sorry you feel that way. I guess some people have different tastes than others.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 4 level pack
Level rating: N/A

Heh, you had to put Diamondus Warzone in it. Personally, this level is very nostalgic for me as it brings back memories of the good ol’ demo days. However, I am very bored with it and think that it really doesn’t belong in the pack. This should be a salute to levels made by Jazzers.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Episode
Level rating: 8.9

Very high rating, for some of the best single player levels that I have ever seen! These levels indeed use some of the best tilesets ever, including three of Agama’s four tilesets and Dethman’s 7th lava fall set. The levels themselves are well-tiled and full of eyecandy. The layouts are excellent! The difficulty starts pretty low, but the levels get harder. (But not impossible). They are full of secrets, and areas to explore. These levels have an overall great feeling to them, and are very fun to play. Good job, guys!

Might I recommend naming the episode? Great episodes go down in Jazz 2 history, such as ‘Another Story’, and ‘Tomb Rabbit’, and many others. They all have names. Is this to be remembered only as ‘The Episode’? I would also have liked some kind of storyline, but it is not needed. Overall, this is a definite must download!!! These are some truly great single player levels.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Future Technologys pack verion 1.0
Level rating: 8.9

Very cool levels. I love your eye-candy in them. All of them are fun.

The one issue is that two of them do not have single player start points, making them more difficult to test in SP, but the rest did which was cool. (But I won’t count it against you, just bringing it to your attention.)

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack Volume 2
Level rating: 9.3

Please, these clutter my home-cooked levels list. Check the little box that hides the levels!! Not in all of them, leave maybe 1 level unchecked, or one from each tileset of yours.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Abandoned Acid
Level rating: 7.6

Very cool, I like the use of the Muckamo set and found this level very satisfying to play. I would’ve liked it to be a bit longer, though. Otherwise, keep up the good work!

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Star Base Lumina 25
Level rating: 7.5

Please review the level, not the tileset. If you wish to review the tileset, then review that at its respective upload. (Oh, and forgot to mention, the tileset here is slightly updated from the original release, with some tile fixes and new tiles.)

BTW : That was pretty fast for a review! I barely uploaded the level, and it was there! Oh, and the forcefields are meant to block you, rather than hurt you. That’s the way they were made.[This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan]

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Lost Gemz, Volume I: The Beginning
Level rating: 8.4

I think that these levels are excellent! Very innovative and original, a lot of fun to play! Makes you wonder why there are so few TH levels out there. I hope you make more TH packs! Also, very good eye-candy, great-looking levels. I can’t believe someone (who will remain nameless at the moment ;) ) rated so low.

BTW: I like the missing background effect in that one level, it is one occassion where that is cool. Once I made a layer 8 bg transparent… it was semi-blurred, but not very noticible. (That level is not released at the time).

Also, about the belts – there is an event (acc-belt, I think) that works the same as a belt, but I think it should work on corners. Hope that helps.

Another Jazz 2 fan

DOWNLOAD NOW!!![This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan]

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

Yeah … I also tried WinZip now. Nothing. How come only one other person has problems?

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

I went to the site, downloaded the first zip, and when I went to unzip it, I got error in archive directory. AARG! Somethings wrong with the file.

How come everybody ELSE has no problems? Should I use winzip instead of powerdesk?[This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan]

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: stripe's race pack
Level rating: 7.1

A pretty cool race pack, with a few complaints. The space level is unique, but very difficult to play and follow the course exactly in order. Recommend adding masks around course border. Also, the level exceeds the tile limit, and sometimes there is some slowdown during play.

The psych level is really cool, even though I generally don’t like psych! The only complaint here is that annoying warp at the top of the long guitar that, when you jump takes you back to the start. (Arrg). When I take it away, there are access violations. [annoyed].

The diamondus level is also pretty cool.

All together this is an excellent race pack, with several split paths and alternate routes, full of amazing eye-candy, it is a must download!

PS: I put a rating so ppl will d/l it. It is silly not to. If you request, I will remove it.

[This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan][This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan]

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