Downloads containing zarathus.xm

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF Only: Are You Puzzled? Ischa Single player 4.5 Download file
TSF Only: Drunken Pharaoh HàTéBrèéD Battle N/A Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: EgyptFeatured Download Agama Tileset 9.5 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: XE-Easter-b + Extra... Jarno vos Battle 1.2 Download file
TSF Only: Snoozs battle collection snzspeed Battle 7.7 Download file
TSF Only: Snoozs newest battlepack snzspeed Battle N/A Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Piramid Puzzle ( race) _Jaws Race 7.8 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Scars of ChaosFeatured Download blurredd Battle 8.7 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: TinyBattle Pack BlackRabite Battle 3.2 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Lost Vikings episode _Jaws Single player 7.4 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Sandy Temple MR MAGOO Battle 7.6 Download file
TSF Only: Saiyan CityFeatured Download Super Saiyan Battle 8.3 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Lost Gemz, Volume I: The...Featured Download blurredd Treasure hunt 8.4 Download file

File preview

|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|       ZARATHUSTRA      |001| The melody played      |
|002|          'Jinn Genie'  |002| in the patterns 0-2    |
|003|                by      |003| is partly taken from   |
|004|     Thomas Mogensen    |004| an old c64-game        |
|005|          (aka DRAX)    |005| called 'Jinn Genie'    |
|006|                        |006| from 1984.             |
|007|     MANIACS of NOISE   |007| Unfortnately I have    |
|008|                        |008| no idea who made       |
|009|  MANIACS of NOISE HQ:  |009| that theme. The        |
|010| -=> |010| rest is done by me:)   |
|011| /*mon <=-              |011|                        |
|012|                        |012|                        |
|013| * = tilde              |013|                        |
|014|                        |014|                        |
|015|                        |015|         Members:       |
|016|                        |016|         -------        |
|017| Hellos go to:          |017|          W A V E       |
|018| Jeroen Godfried Tel    |018|       L A X I T Y      |
|019| Thomas E. Petersen     |019|          D R A X       |
|020| Jens-Christian Huus    |020|                        |
|021| Torben Hansen          |021|                        |
|022| Poul-Jesper Olsen      |022|                        |
|023| Thomas Christiansen    |023|                        |
|024| Jan Harries            |024|                        |
|025| Ole 'PET' Mogensen     |025|                        |
|026| Soeren R. Lund         |026|                        |
|027| Soeren 'JEFF' Lund     |027|                        |
|028| Ze'ev Nissan (CC)      |028|                        |
|029| Lars Borup Jensen      |029|                        |
|030| Michael Nilsson        |030|                        |
|031| Stellan Andersson      +---+------------------------+
|032| Thomas Nielsen         |
|033| Richard Rinn           |
|034| Remi Ebus              |
|035| Juergen van Dongen     |
|036| ANALOGUE               |
|037| SMASH                  |
|038| Tim Snyder (TLD)       |
|039| M-HEADZ                |
|040| and those I forgot     |
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|121| Started the 11th of    |
|122| August 1997 and finis- |
|123| hed the 13th of August |
|124|                        |
|125|              signed,   |
|126|    Thomas Mogensen     |
|127|            (C) 1997    |
|128|     MANIACS of NOISE   |