Neon PSY, you could have made a tileset of your own. I don’t really like the idea that you copied in few seconds what I struggled with several hours. Well, to be honest, nowadays I could produce something like Desert’s background in a short while, but anyway. Please do original tilesets. I think you won’t get much respect in the JJ2 community with works like this.
Don’t worry Neon PSY. I wasn’t angry at you. Just create your tileset completely by your own hand. When the set is done, you’ll feel more satisfied.
Your sets show a lot potential. Just improve the use of palette and add lots of stuff, and you’ll have there a masterpiece.
Very interesting… I didn’t find the jazzvalley.j2l and hazarddesert.j2l from my Home cooked list. And since you’ve locked the levels I can’t test them. A shame it is.[This review has been edited by Blade]
Nice to see my sets are still used. No one ever tells me when a new new Blade-tileset level comes :)
What? Oh, the level rating, yeah… I’ve seen better battle levels in JJ2. Da Man’s Death Metal Arena is easy to explore and memorise, but that simply isn’t enough. A good JJ2 must be memorable in some way, otherwise it will sink into the large ocean of oblivion. Metal Death Arena will surely sink, I’ll tell you why: 1. There’s not enough eye candy. 2. The level design not interesting enough.
When these two points are combined, it is quite sure that playing Death Metal Arena isn’t fun enough. Da Man does what he is capable of, and maybe in future we will see more interesting JJ2 levels from him.[This review has been edited by Blade]
“Made for: Blade”? Now I gotta review this one :D
Disguise’s new Mega Megatropolis is amazing. I think this tileset is actually the first tileset ever made that takes advantage of TSF’s huge tile limit. Some other people could have made 5000 tiles full of crap but when we are talking about Disguise, it’s 5000 blocks full of quality. Since this is categorized as a tileset, I won’t include the example level in my rating.
I recognize many Disguise’s earlier productions from this tileset. Nature’s Ruins, Metal Mania, Townsville, Africa… all in one. I consider those tilesets as the best tilesets Disguise has ever made, and now he has combined them all to this colossal tileset. All hail Disguise :)
The tileset has everything, especially different platforms where to walk. Grass, planks, rail roads, roads, all kinds of indoor tiles… Disguise has included all essential tiles also. Sucker tubes (once again that Disguise style! :D), vines and poles. Of course there are a lot of tiles for layers 5-7. And the best: I see eye-candy everywhere. Cars, plants, rocks, road signs (my name can be written with those :), clocks… I liked a lot the trains. It was brilliant idea to allow one to go inside the train cabins.
Despite of everything, I found some little mistakes (very very small). The biggest one was a perspective error between the chimney and a building roof. I looked a bit funny, but didn’t spoil my amazement with this master piece :) Also I think that the warp background could have been better. It doesn’t look like clouds… I would have liked something smoother.
Before I go do something else, I must say that this is absolutely the best tileset of Disguise (hmm… I think I said that before?). It is beautiful, it is large, and it is not hard to use. And there are lots of “Blade”-signs! :D I must make a level using this tileset…:) Summary: Mega Megatropolis is one heck of a tileset.
…this is my longest review ever, but Disguise deserved it :)[This review has been edited by Blade]
Thanks for everybody sharing their opinion on the EA so far :)
Just one thing to Cataphract: In the Glacier level the metal crate you spoke of is meant to be exploded with the TNTs provided next to that box.
Also I’ve been thinking one thing: Improving the enemy placing. Float Lizards everywhere. Yeah, that’s DULL. I’m quite embarrassed. I will be updating some of the enemies placement I consider stupid. There are several goals I try to achieve: More enemy types, more enemies for difficulty level hard and removing lots of Float Lizards.[This review has been edited by Blade]
It’s nice to notice someone uses my sets :)
Though this Trafton’s level is way too simple. Looks like it was made in 30 minutes, or something like that. The level doesn’t use the capabilities of the Forest, as you might notice the cave entrance tiles in the ground near the blue base.
The level isn’t complete crap, but quite boring it is. You should have spent more time in JCS when making this level, Trafton.
Ow. I’m will never be able to create one of those 1 million row reviews…
Eye-candy rocks in this pack. Yum! Moonblaze has showed the JJ2 community his creativeness. Not all can make a good episode with a storyline (like me :p).
Great work.[This review has been edited by Blade]
Now this is an original tileset idea :) But anyway it’s quite simple. Even when there’s 630 tiles to use :p
I Like this, especially the palace tiles. Reminds me of Prince Of Persian :)
Hey JelZe, be thankful that JazzSpaz even wrote the review. And it is impossible that everybody would love your level.
But now to the point of this review. JelZe’s first CTF level is good, but the difference between this level and the other CTF levels isn’t big. Laboratory Lost is a open level, and sometimes looks too pale. Otherwise the layout is good. Shields should be in a harder place to find, if you put them in your level. I think there was enough weapons and other stuff. The the coin-mistake is pretty funny. JelZe, be more careful :)
So this is JelZe’s first CTF level? Pretty good first level, gotta say. Keep on the good work.[This review has been edited by Blade][This review has been edited by Blade]
Finally Cell has collected his massive count of CTF levels to one pack. This will help MUCH those lazy people who didn’t bother to download these separately. Have to confess: I was one of them! :)
I’ve seen some of these levels before, but not all. Mostly they’re good, but in some places the design is a little confusing. Still it is not bad always. The weapon placement is great.
Great Cell, we want more of these great packs![This review has been edited by Blade]
Overall a nice CTF level. The level uses the background version in a special way, what makes the level look different from the other lvls. The level has nice music and fits finely in the level. Placements are in good condition.
[This review has been edited by Blade]
I like the pack. The finest CTF levels in one pack. This is so cool. In some levels the layout is so different from the rest of the levels, that you must stop and look how amazing the enrovinment is. Especially I liked the Smog CTF level (maybe you people know why) :)[This review has been edited by Blade]
Problem fixed now. I don’t understand fully what went wrong. I’m sure I uploaded the .zip with the musics!
Thanks BlurredD that you reminded me: Cell! The Evil CTF pack! :)
The Corrupted Sanctuary tileset rocks! Unbelievable work!
Nice easter levels, but way too simple.
Nice tileset from Disguise. This set reminds me the Holiday Hare sets and Master Disguise’s earlier set, Africa.
The battle level is a bit simple, but it is an example. This sure is a quality set.[This review has been edited by Blade]
I like the set. Only thing what’s not good is the copied warpbackground. Good work, Skulg-man!
A nice single-player level with some stupid details, for example large pits where you can’t get out. Without them this would good level.
Taz! No advertising here! Forums are for that![This review has been edited by Blade]
Taz’s level is good, but maybe has too much same looking retangles with some trees. Though the weapon placement is good.
The music was quite horrible, I suggest you use “Static Universe” in your future Forest lvls if you don’t have better musics than this one.
And DON’T use TSF when making levels Taz![This review has been edited by Blade]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.