Review by master sven

21 Jun 2006, 06:38
For: A boring summerday
Level rating: 4.2

( but the gameplay is bad so the Ammo is bad placed.)
Thats not true.
The Ammo can be well placed why the gameplay sux.
And I included the title sets because they are just a must have.

Not recommendedReview by Ðx

20 Jun 2006, 16:31 (edited 20 Jun 06, 16:31)
For: A boring summerday
Level rating: 4.2



There is’t much eyecandy. Next time use all the layers (And edit the BG more with colours). It’s quite boring playing in this level, mayby the eyecandy will cheer the level up a bit more. Try to place some more eyecandy and reupload it.


The gameplay sucks, no offense but… Why did you placed some V-Poll tiles and you did’t placed any V-Poll event?

And it’s really spaz based. And there is’t any flow. It’s more like running running running (picking up ammo) running running..


I missed some ammo, but the gameplay is bad so the Ammo is bad placed.


And, why did you included all the three sets?

Review by master sven

18 Apr 2006, 15:50 (edited 28 Apr 06, 06:37 by masterrokusho)
For: Svens Battle Pack
Level rating: 7.2

Thank you both for your review.
R3ptile: if you mean that spaz based stuff with getting stuck to get the RF PU, jazz could also get it with a gun9.
review deleted?

[Just FYI, R3ptile deleted most of his own reviews. That’s where his review has gone – FQuist]

And the other review?

Review by master sven

18 Apr 2006, 06:41
For: Central Diamondus
Level rating: 5.1

well it looks like you 2 reviewed 2 different levels.
Mad about i gave your level a 6.5?

Review by Falcury

14 Apr 2006, 08:25
For: Central Diamondus
Level rating: 5.1

I think a 6.7 is a little bit overrated.

Weighing: Graphics 35%, Gameplay 45%, Music 5%, Originality 10%, Presentation 5%

Graphics – 4.2
You’ve chosen a weak tileset to begin with. Use a more challenging tileset next time. Overall you’ve made fair use of the tileset, nothing special though. It all looks quite clean and I’ve only found a few bugs: at 153,6; 157,6 and the vines (160,20). Oh, and you should check the mask of the bottom of most of the platforms. There is no real nice diversity in the level, it all feels the same to me, though I like the mountain background at the bottom of the level. The eyecandy overall is certainly disappointing, because the moving fore/background things annoy me and apart from a few leaves there isn’t much. You’ve made bad use of the textured background, because of the black background; it doesn’t fit. Use some nice colour the next time.

Gameplay – 2.8
The size is OK, but for the rest, there are many cons here. There were very few pickups, even fewer of them of any use: some pepper spray that can’t easily be reached, a seeker powerup which one should never place inside a battle level, some RFs and bouncy’s and fire. They’re almost all in unlogical places. Now, the environment. There are some annoying things about this level. First of all, the unmasked bottom tile of platforms I mentioned above. It’s very irritaing. But even more irritating is your use of layer 3/5 for platforms (e.g. at 183,6; 190,36). It is exasperating. There’s even a bouncy powerup behind one of these things. On with the flow. The level doesn’t flow nicely. A useless sucker tube, some misplaced springs, vines at 106,5, you’ve put arrow signs in the level that make no sense… and I can’t even shoot the Rabbits Stink signs! :(

Music – 2
The music doesn’t at all suit the level, and JJ2’s ending sequence isn’t very original to use, either.

Originality – 3
This is is just another battle level. Nothing special that will make it fun hosting online.

Presentation – 6
Central Diamondus is presented OK. Pay more attention to things like ‘i’, ‘u’, ‘Its’ in the description of the level, they make reading hard. The Zip file looks OK, as well. Nothing special

Final Rating: 3.4
No download recommendation

Review by fearofdark

23 Mar 2006, 16:50
For: Central Diamondus
Level rating: 5.1



Not a huge amount. Tree thingies in the backround and some annoying stuff on the foreground. The level could have some more eyecandy in the backround though.

The gameplay used in this level is just about te same in a mediocre level. There is no gamplay with any action and not many fun areas.

Some items placed OK. PowerUps hidden a bit easy though. The rest however is just….well…plain.

There we go….A good sized battle with areas that are not too small, but not empty either.


Sorry, but the standard JJ2 ending music just doesn’t suit the level. Use IT, XM, S3M or MOD files. +0

I will award a point for using a JJ2 tileset almost perfectly.

BONUS: 0.1
FINAL RATING: 6.8 (6.7)
DOWNLOAD?: N/A (Requires a 7)
If you want a better rating, make these levels more fun.

Review by master sven

11 Mar 2006, 08:35 (edited 13 Mar 06, 07:40 by masterrokusho)
For: Mud and Grass
Level rating: 5.3

Sharzowski can’t you add a bit to your review otherwise it could be removed, and fear of dark, that powersupply stuff is because of the tv’s at the starting points
and the showers in the middle. Watch them closely.

Review by Sharzowski

10 Mar 2006, 21:37
For: Mud and Grass
Level rating: 5.3

I didn’t like the tileset and the gameplay was just about zero for this in my opinion. The layout seemed unoriginal and just lacksidasical. There was some eycandy but not much.
Hmm… I’m not sure about a download recommendation. It is borderline yes or no.

Review by fearofdark

10 Mar 2006, 16:12
For: Mud and Grass
Level rating: 5.3

Twenty downloads and no review. Well….Heres a review. Now onto the review.

There are no tilebugs but there is no stuff in the backround or the foreground. Layer 5 has been used as a backup for layer 4 in parts of the battle though.

Not a lot. The level felt quite empty without gameplay. There were some texts that said ‘DANGER POWER TOO HIGH’ in them which I really didn’t get the point of, since the lighs went out (wouldn’t the lighting be set higher than normal if the power was high??). To sum up, just some springs, sucker tubes and vines.

The items seemed to be placed with too many in some areas bt not so many in others. There was a passage with some ammo crates, but its impossible to shoot them all and you get loads of unwanted ammo. I don’t see the point in puting stuff like that in levels.

OKish. There is a lot of space to move around in but sometimes, areas are too open and empty.

Hell music for something that seems like a nature battle?? Also, too original. +0.1

Different. Not many hotel tilesets are used for battles, then, It quite stupid.

BONUS: 0.2
FINAL RATING: 5.7 (Rounded 5.7)
RATING RANK: 5 Average
Its a rating that can be improved.

Review by fearofdark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Space Battle
Level rating: 1.8

A space battle…….
Let’s check your stats.

EYECANDY: You could at least improve the eyecandy, The backround could be textured, and what about layer 7, 6, 5, and 2. Low stats on this.

ITEMS: Mediocre, the ammo is like all scrunched up together in places, there are more coins one way instead of the other. In the BONUS 10 WARP there is only 2 powerups.

SIZE: I don’t really know about this, but it’s big and small at the same time.


FINAL COMMENT: Some of us know that you could do better than that.

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Space Battle
Level rating: 1.8

Okay, I am going to review this. So read this good, because it can provide many information.
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay in this level is very bad. The level’s size is too bad, and there is only one spring. The level is very open, and I hate that. The level’s layout is very bad. I dislike how there are that many platforms in this level. There is a warp to some place with 2 power-ups(which is also bad), and the warp in that warp leads you back to the left side of the level. I don’t like how it’s placed, and no warp would probably do better. That warp is a coin warp, and you need 10 coins. There are too many dead ends, although the dead ends are too open, and it makes you easier to dodge seekers. The level is very hard to get around, since there are no springs. This level is probably easier for Spaz, since he can jump higher and runs faster. This makes the flow bad. The start positions are randomly placed, and that’s another bad point, sorry. I don’t like the way that warp is placed, because you don’t need coins in a level like this.
Conclusion gameplay and what should be improved: The gameplay is very bad, there is only one spring, and that’s very bad. Very bad flow and layout, and way too open. I dislike the level’s size.
Tips for improvement: Place more springs next time. Make the level more closed. Don’t make random platforms at some places.
EYE CANDY/TILESET USE/LAYER USE: The level’s eye candy is awful. There is almost nothing, only some signs that show who made the tileset. There was one little thing in layer 3, and a background. There were some figures at the left side of the level, too. There was a circle and some other figure more at the left side. There was a blue thing in layer 5, too. That was all eye candy. Tileset use was very bad. I already said everything what was used of the tileset. The layer use is kinda bad, there is a background in layer 8, a blue thing in layer 5, one little thing in layer 3 and something in layer 4.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use/layer use and what shuold be improved: The eye candy in the level is very bad. Bad layer use and very bad tileset use.
Tips for improvement: Focus more on the tileset next time by looking to it. Put more things in layers, or just do alot in layer 4.
PICKUP PLACEMENT: The ammo placement in the level is bad. There are some crates, and I think they are randomly placed. I saw an ice(!), bouncy, seeker and rf crate with 5 × 3 ammo. There were 6 crates with seeker ammo(5×3) in it, and in the middle of that is a seek pu. The same area has a silver coin at the left side, a fast fire right next to the crates with seek pu, and a carrot completely at the right side of that. I don’t see a reason to put a morph in this level, there were even 2 morphs. There is some gun9 placed too, and I must say it looks creative. It should all be one tile higher and no 7-5-3-1 but 5-3-1 or something. That should be better, though. But no real recommendation to do that. There was bouncy ammo more at the right side, and some coins throughout the level. All ammo generates too fast, and there are 4 coins in the level. All placement is illuminate, and you probably don’t know what it does or is. I won’t do this again if I were you, so don’t do it again. There are 3 power-ups, and two of them are in that bonus of 10 coins. The two chosen are rf and blaster. 3 pu is enough, but the placement of them is something else.
Conclusion pickup placement and what should be improved: The placement is again bad, there are too many crates and randomly placed I think.
Tips for improving: Place less crates next time. Don’t place it randomly. Don’t make the ammo generate that fast.
ORIGINALITY: Something new? I never saw a level with this tileset, so how fun. I don’t like the way the tileset is used, though. The music used was questionable, and that’s all about originality.
Conclusion originality: I never saw this tileset, but the tileset is used in a bad way. I don’t understand why that music is there.
Tips for improving your levels: Read what I said for other sections, but let someone beta-test your levels. Your levels are too bad, so only upload them if you think by yourself it’s good enough. You can only know that if someone beta-tests it.
Others: Host this: No! Don’t do it!
Download recommendation: For freakz. No download recommendation: For people who don’t like levels with this rating.
My final rating is a 1.7. Read my advice, and you will be better some time.
DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here.

Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Space Battle
Level rating: 1.8


Yay, it’s reviewing time again! I guess Wadledee and the other members from J2XMC won’t like it when I review (read: censored off) this level. But hey, I’m an censored, and J2XMC is my concurrent (I’m in XLM, another level group, for the interested among you) Well, get ready for a peppered review!!! Gnagnagna!

EYECANDY: 0.5 out of 2.5
Let’s begin this review not too bad, by telling something positive about this level! Yay! Uh…. Let me think of something positive I can say about this…. Mmm… Oh yeah! This level has a background what is not buggy! Truly something positive! Now let’s got to business: There is hardly eyecandy in this big, empty “Space Thing” The only real layers used in this level are 4 and 8, there is something in layer 5 and 3 but it’s of none importance. And what is used in layer 4? Only the ground stuff! Come on man, can’t you see that there are so much types of eyecandy in this tileset? You can create wonderful levels with it, but you only stick to two kind of tiles, just like you did with the McKinley tileset in the level Capture The Sun, which I didn’t even dare to review… It’s surprising that you put the name of the tileset maker in the level about 100 times… I bet he wouldn’t like it when he sees it, it will be a blamage for his name.

AMMO: 0.5 out of 2.5
Any positive things about the ammo in this level? Mmmm… Yes, there are Powerups! YAY! Sick of doing this, let’s get over to all the bad things around here. All the ammo is placed into boxes, there is a island with EB units however, but they don’t seem to have any use in this level. A really bad point about the ammo is that every weapon respawns in 1 second, as Wadledee said. This is very frustrating when you are playing this level! There are some coins scattered around the level, which will take you to a PU place with blaster and RF PU’s… This is actually of none use, because the Seeker Pu and the only carrot are in another place in the level, a place where you don’t need coins for. I can nothing say anymore.

LEVEL STRUCTURE: 0.25 out of 2.0
As I probably set above, the structure in this level is horrible. It fits with the space idea though, but in my opinion (and many other more, I guess) there is way too much space around in this level, which makes it sad to move around and you will encounter lots of totally empty places. Besides, the eyecandy here is so boring, that it took me hundreds of cups of coffee to don’t fell asleep while playing this level. There’s absolutely no diversity in the structure, only running around. Even You Can’t Scream In Outer Space has a less boring structure, admit it.

GAMEPLAY: 0.5 out of 3.0
Well, do I have to say anything about the gameplay in this level? I guess not. If I had to describe the gameplay in three words, I’d say this: SUCKS, SUCKS, SUCKS. The flow is too boring, and I guess it will take hours before you meet another player in this level. The choice of the music is also bad, I can’t believe the author actually choose for the JJ2 ending theme, which simply doesn’t fit in any level.

Well, I think I have said more then enough about how I feel about this piece of crap, and I don’t want to explain it anything more. The eyecandy is BAD, the ammo and other placement is BAD, the level structure is UGLY and BORING, and the gameplay SUCKS. As Wadledee said, never put your attempts to crate a “level” online again. Discuss them with your teammates, and for once and for all, LET THEM BE BETATESTED!!! ARGH!!! If you go on creating levels like this, I think J2XMC does a good job to ban you. Listen to your leader and don’t even dare to put this online again! Oh, you want a rating? Well, here you go, here’s a 1.7.

Score: 0.5+0.5+0.25+0.5 = 1.75 = 1.7
Download: No. Waste of your time, even if you have nothing to do.
Host: Omg… I’ll kill you personally if you try to!

Review by wadledee

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Space Battle
Level rating: 1.8


Wanted to download this? dont do it then! Sorry Masterrokkusho, but this is not nice.
The weapons come back in 0 seconds, the coins also, its realy bad and boring and the eyecandy will get 0.1!

I told you allready: Keep practicing and dont put the level on the internet. When its better, you can put it on J2o…

This review has been edited by Wadledee, leader 1 from J2XMC

It doesnt matter if you want to review Chippie. We from J2XMC are not mad indeed. We are not that fast angry or something=P
gnagna…[This review has been edited by wadledee]

Review by master sven

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Queen Earlong's New Castle
Level rating: N/A

The new update comes soon

Review by master sven

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Devan's Army
Level rating: 3.6

for the music just type Intro at music

Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Devan's Army
Level rating: 3.6

Bah, another singleplayer of masterrokusho… I feel it’s my duty to review this crap, so:

Well, it’s hard to call this eyecandy, not? Ah well. Let’s do this. Boring back/foreground. Only 1 tiles for background, not other layers, and just 1 kind of tile in the foreground layer. Next time makes this level at least a bit enjoyable for the eyes of the player.

No sense makes the ammo placement here. There are two boxes with RF and Toast, and a Toast PU, placed on unlogical places. Now about the enemies: they are a laughter in the beginning. Just do a sidekick with spaz and all those turtle bosses are dead. The ending is too hard, too many bosses on one spot. Not really good, seems noobish to me.

Bad. It is maybe even a bit surprsing to me that there are two paths in this level, one which takes you down with a suckertube (amazing, he knows how to use these!) and the other one going straight up to the bosses. The suckertube path only leads you to a few other turtles, no more. Then it takes you back by another corridor. The placement of an airboard at the end is OK, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to beat the bosses at all (not that you can beat them now, but OK)

Not what you can call gameplay here, the enemies are maybe funny for n00bs, but they suck. Next time make good levels, and longer then this crappo.

When I was “playing” this, the tought came to me that this was just a practice level. Remember: NEVER PUT THIS KIND OF LEVELS ONLINE AGAIN, BECAUSE YOU MESS UP J2O! NEXT TIME USE A BETATESTER! LEARN HOW TO USE JCS! Thanks for your attention.

Score: a 1.7.
Download this: Again, as an example how to not make a level.

Review by PHT

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Devan's Army
Level rating: 3.6

Well, you reviewed my level, so I’m reviewing your’s too :-P

It is a single level, and not so big (like author said). Well,… (have no ideas :-))

Well, the level design is not bad, not good. There are some enemies (mostly in hordes), some ammo and about 32486123047w347234 bosses at the end (guy don’t do this again ;-P)
The level is alltough too hard. I got to the end, but as I once bet one of the bosses (the robot thing), the level didn’t finish and I died and game over (lost a credit). So I decided to cheat (wasn’t able to finish without). I think you should do some freezers on the start and a regenerating seeker crate at the end. Oh, I forgot there was a nice suckertube and some platforms that appear and go away. I couldn’t beat that part with Lori ;-( so I played the level with Jazz.
Eyecandy isn’t too atractive either. There is a layer 8 and layer 4. Not more. Use background layer 5-7 and some foreground. The level uses a spiffy tileset from Evil Mike (called Temple). The tileset isn’t used full. For example there is rain, arrows, some animations, moving spikes, etc.
The level uses the music from intro. Cool, I didn’t know how the author did that.

Gameplay is very hard, lot of enemies, not much goodies (add food, gems, coins + coin warp and other things). Also the level is too small. The enemies allmost fit with the tileset, but don’t use enemies in hordes (I got bad ratings, as I did that ;-D). Ammo placement was….ok. Could have used some seeker and ice ammo (like I said before).

There is a toaster powerup, and two regenerating crates (toaster and 3way) at the end. Could have used more weapons and not all the time in crates (or powerups).

The baddy placement isn’t good (sorry). Like I said before, don’t use enemies in hordes like this. Also there could be some more variety (only turtes and Tufs). Same thing with bosses. Well, I know the level is called Devan Army but I think it should be made for an internet cooperative game with up to 32 players (so you also have an army ).

There aren’t any hurt events =(, but there are some platforms that appear and go away (or how you would call this). Sadly, Lori can’t jump high enough to reach the last platform ;-(.

There is one tileset in the pack (made by Evil Mike). The tileset has some good abilities (look in the first section, last part) and some eyecandy blocks. Good choosen, but no rating for that because you didn’t made it yourself (doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing to use tilesets from other level makers).

The tileset use…well, you could have used more of the tileset’s abilities. Also the background layers aren’t used (only layer 8). Luckily there are no tilebugs :-).

Phew, very long review, isn’t it?
Alltough, I think the level is a 5.5 (please don’t ged mad on me, I don’t do this because I’m a sadist or something). I only wanna help you doing better levels. :-)

1. Thx for reviewing my level
2. If your level doesn’t have a next level write in “endepis” in the field “next level” or the game will crash after finishing the level.
3. Playtest your levels, that means, start it and play it on yourself. Also let a friend, brother, sister, alien or someone else play.
4. Good luck for your next project ^^


Review by VooDoo

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Devan's Army
Level rating: 3.6

Let’s begin reviewing:

Backround -
Foreground -
Enemy’s – (To much and the bosses are to hard)
Food -
Ammo -
Tileset in use -
Other items -
Gameplay -
Big/small – (to small)

I stop this review becouse all of the mins, here is a 1,5.
Try better in the next time.[This review has been edited by VooDoo]
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Please provide more detail in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Capture the sun
Level rating: 2.5

CTF review number 1 : Capture the sun by masterrokusho

First Impressions:
Very well. its little bit too small for a CTF level in my opinion, and you could use another tiles in this tileset too, because this tileset ( McKinley, by mirrow ) offers you much more tiles than orange ground. in my opinion, tileset was misused. balance and ammo placement was fine, but it still could be better. now, lets me continue with my review.

well.. one word: boring. you used some ground tiles, nothing else. there is no good eyecandy at all. only ground tiles, which is a bad thing.. it makes this level look dull. use more eyecandy tiles in future.
Pros:atleast there is ground.
Cons:everything else.

Tileset Use:
Heh.. like i mentioned in first section tileset was horribly misused, since tileset offers much more tiles to use than ground tiles.. i don’t like tileset use at all, because it looks dull. No more comments.
Pros:At least you used ground tiles correctly.
Cons:Everything. ;P
Rating: 1.5

Could be better. there is some platforms, which makes the gameplay little bit less linear in my opinion, but this level is still horrible, no matter what.. and base placement is bad too, because there is dead end next to them. ( i hope i spelled that word right )
Pros:Some platforms.
Cons:linear gameplay no matter what..

Weapon Placement:
Poor.. i don’t like ammo placement at all. just some seekers near bases.. there should be more ammo and 4-2 powerups.. ammo/PU’s are needed if you want to make good CTF levels. no more comments.
Pros:some seekers..
Cons:there’s not enough ammo or powerups

Poor level. could use more ammo and powerups.. and eyecandy too. no download recommedation this time, sorry. this is a 2.

Rank: poor level
Download recommedation:no.

EDIT 1: i forget to add rating. sorry.[This review has been edited by NiQ]

Review by master sven

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Capture the sun
Level rating: 2.5

wat is a border?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3