A quick "compare and contrast" about port levelpacks is that for example, at first glance: the MS-DOS Commander Keen games` levels seem to port more playably to Jazz Jackrabbit 2 than the Nintendo handheld Jazz Jackrabbit Advance game levels.
Although this level pack isn`t a 1:1 port, the ammo is not exactly the same either, which drastically alters the direction of the level layout design.
Haven`t really playtested the original Jazz Jackrabbit Advance battle levels on Nintendo or anything, so I don`t know how close to a 1:1 port is this levelpack, in terms of layout / graphic attributes.
Also the levels are designed for a much different Jazz character in terms of abilities, jumping and running; that means the balance between characters has a broader scope of bias — it`s practically like the layout is designed for the frog character instead of the jackrabbit characters.
The platforms are disproportionately close together and require short hops without any special moves to traverse across.
There aren`t any spring events in this whole levelpack.
Also, graphically the eyecandy kind of takes an abstract approach to visual clarity — the one-way tiles are masked in such a way that the indication of a one-way tile is not reflected by its masking properties; and also: sometimes the shading colouration of the tiles are meant to indicate whether or not it`s a masked tile.
Generally… the level in this pack that doesn`t have any carrots might work for a battle mode instagib duel… the levels with 1-2 small carrots could work for a 2-4 players battle mode game.
Personally, I won`t directly compare this levelpack to the original Jazz Jackrabbit Advance, in terms of it being a port — the battle mode in the original Jazz Jackrabbit Advance game is like, practially unrealistically unplayable given current technology — comparing a Windows game to a Nintendo game is conceptually enough to speak for itself.
The battle mode there was originally designed for the totally different control scheme of a handheld and/or console instead of a keyboard with/without a mouse compared to this levelpack port.
We tried to playtest this level while we were playing CTF over the weekend. Unfortunately, players started to crash, seemingly because they used the boomerang weapon. So we weren't able to playtest the level because of the crashes.
The webpage is supposed to refresh on a double-click at Jazz's face. However, it might not be notice-able when the webpage does refresh.
Gud SP episode; interesting story, cutscenes dun rly well. Fun lvls & bossfites. Bossfites 2 ez (in ez mode) w/ toast PU. Annoyin pits, 2 many of `em: myb mo` baddies insteada pits … Zelda-tier block puzzles; luv when blox freeze w/ ice & not defrost w/ toast. Now curious Wizard Character's full story. Imprisonment w/o explanation = hyper-realism
thanks Violet for the generous review!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.