Ok time for a review.
The story is nice and original. First Spaz try to look where Jazz is and suddenly he notice that Jazz is dead. Then Spaz uses different recepies to clone Jazz back alive. Music fits nicely for all of these levels.
Like you said levels are quite different so gameplay varies a lot, but still there are nice gameplay in every level. Baddies placement is good and goodies placement is ok most of these levels. There are some puzzles also, but they are way too easy to solve. But overall gameplay is good.
Eyecandy is really nice in some levels, but in some levels eyecandy looks really empty. There are some tilebugs, but they are harmless. You have used some underused tilesets too like in level ‘‘666’‘ There are some cool effects in this pack like in level ‘‘The first try’‘
Overall good SP pack. It was fun to play and that is the main thing right?
Rating: 8
Download recommendation: Yes
Well backround looks cool and idea is kinda cool also, but still there are very poor gameplay in this level and level is too small.
Uhh… This is just a small battle area with lots of Full NRG and there are blaster PU and gun crate outside of the area. Don’t do levels like this, you have to do bigger levels.
Really nice program. It’s very easy to use.
Now I can make J2E easily. Thanks zapS!
I must agree with FS. These levels are way too small and easy and gameplay is just too boring and annoying. There are really poor foreground concept in level 4. I didn’t like it. Well the eyecandy is ok in some levels like in level 2 but it could be better and more improved. I must say that story is interesting: ‘‘Jazz descends into te abyss for one final romp before he dies’‘ Sounds cool. Concept is also good and theme is nice.
After all nice story but poor gameplay. I’m disappointed but you can do a lot more better levels right?
Download recommendation: No
Rating: 5.2
Fronteir Battle Spire uses Aztec tileset by Blade. But now for the review. (It’s gona be short by the way)
Gameplay? Well it’s not very good. Gameplay could be improved a lot! First of all this level is way too small and there are just ammos and small platforms. Level is not strategical at all. Don’t do levels in this size. You have to do bigger levels.
I can’t say much about the eyecandy.Well, it’s ok because you have used tiles correctly. There are no tilebugs and that’s good.
You can do better levels. That’s all what I want to say.
Rating: 3
Download Recommendation: No
This level uses Odyssey 4 Tileset. The layout in this level is symectrical.
Gameplay is nice and strategical. Well it’s not amazing but it’s nice. Moving between bases is fast and easy. There are sucker tubes in some places and they are placed well. There are float ups also in this level. With them you can get upper level. Springs are well placed. There are no dead ends in this level and that is a good thing (of course =P) The flow is good so
you can get easily in every place. Ammo placement is good. There are 3 PU’s in this level and that is enough. There are 1 Full NGR and two 2 Carrot+1 and I think that it’s too much. Those Carrot+1 could be removed.
Eyecandy is nice. It looks realistic in some way. Backround in this level looks original. I like the way that you have used layers 5, 6 and 7. Also I like the way that you have used layers 2 and 3. You have used all layers, but still eyecandy looks simple. Eyecandy looks massive also, because there are so much stuff in layer 2 and 3. I didn’t notice any tilebugs. Nice job with the eyecandy.
Overall this is really nice level with massive eyecandy and good gameplay.
I give a 8.7 for this level.
This level looks like a prison or something… It uses Windstorm Fortress tileset.
This level also looks symectrical. First I have to say that spring placement is bad in some places because it’s hard to get in some springs. Moving between bases is very easy. It’s even easier than in level ‘‘The death facility III’‘ There are sucker tubes in some places. Gameplay is not very strategical
or tactical, but it’s still really nice. Ammo placement is good, but there are too much fast fires I think. PU’s are placed well. There are 1 Full NGR and two 2 Carrot+1 in this level and, well, again it’s too much.
Eyecandy looks amazing. Everything fits perfectly. You have used all kind of tiles for makin good eyecandy. Layers 5, 4 and 3 are well used. I didn’t notice any tilebugs and that is good thing. Well I can’t say much about eyecandy, because it’s so perfect =)
This is really good level also with amazin eyecandy and good gameplay.
I give 9 for this level.
This level uses Labrat P tileset. Palette edit looks really nice.
Layout in this level is very different than in those two other levels. Layout looks platformy. Layout looks really open also. Moving between bases is easy. I like the death pit idea. You can open those dead pits with TNT. Level looks more strategical with those dead pits. Flow in this level is ok. Springs are well placed. Ammo placement is nice and PU’s are in good position. Coins are also well placed. With them you can get a fire shield.
Eyecandy in this level is really cool. It looks creepy. You have used all layers except layer 1. The backround is original. Textured backround is half cutted and I don’t know does it looks cool or weird. (or both =P) There are
few nice details in this level. After all eyecandy looks simple, but it’s really nice. And again, I didn’t notice any tilebugs.
This is really nice level also.
I give a 9 for this level.
Overall this is really nice CTF pack with amazing eyecandy and nice gameplay. Nice job! I give bonus points for music and theme.
Rating: 9
Download Recommendation: Yes
The eyecandy is just brilliant. You have used all kinds of tiles and that is good thing. I didn’t notice any tilebugs and that is good thing also. I like the way you put the flicker lights to this level.
The gameplay is ok. The flow is good and there are nice ammo placement. There are two carrots in this level and that is enough. Springs and PU’s are well placed. It’s nice that you also put some food to this level. Level is small, but that is not very bad thing in my opinion. There are no tubes and warps. I think that you should put them.
Overall nice battle level with perfect eyecandy and nice gameplay. This level is small and not very strategical but it’s still fun to play.
Rating: 8.2
Download Recommendation: Yes
Extraterrestrials, using LMAT – Kansas tileset. The layout is really interesting. Level looks like a giant bird ;) The general idea is nice.
Level is symectrical, so it’s balanced.
Level is really big. Gameplay is not amazing, but it’s nice and strategical. Full NRG is in good position. Ammo and PU placement is ok too.
The flow is bad in some places. I can’t say much about that…
The eyecandy is really nice. You have used all kinds of tiles for making good eyecandy. I didn’t notice any tilebugs. That is a good thing. Eyecandy in layer 6 and 7 is really interesting.
Overall really nice CTF level with good gameplay and eyecandy. This is also a level with nice ideas. Amazing job Sacrush :)
Rating: 8.5
Download Recommendation: Yes
The eyecandy is really nice and original. You have used all kind of tiles for making good eyecandy. I don’t like the yellow colour in layer 8. I didn’t notice any tilebugs which is a good thing (of course)
The gameplay is really nice too. Platforms looks nice and the springs are well placed. The game had a good flow. There are tubes and warps also, but the level is not very strategical after all.
Ammo placement is ok and PU’s are well placed. There are 3 carrots in this level and i think that it’s too much.
Level’s size is normal.
Overall this is really nice battle level with good gameplay and original eyecandy. Not very strategical, but it’s still fun to play.
Rating: 8.2
Download Recommendation: Yes
The audio pack don’t work. Fix that.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.