Jazz2Online news for May 2015

Permalink Jazz 2 mentioned at GDC 2015 May 9th 2015

Source: GDCVault

This is a couple months old now—we don’t have a regular GDC correspondent on the payroll—but you might enjoy it anyway. This year’s Game Developers Conference included a talk, “Scroll Back: The Theory and Practice of Cameras in Side-Scrollers,” which included a couple shoutouts to JJ2 for being innovative and unique and beautiful. Tune in around the 23 minute mark, or read the text version instead. If you’re interested in game development, though, it may be worth sticking around for the whole thing.


Permalink Poll-yamory May 5th 2015

It’s been a month; let’s keep things running.

Are there games you spend more time with than JJ2?
No, JJ2 is my primary game/community. 12 votes (29%)
Only one, but Jazz is near the very top. 6 votes (14%)
Two or three, I guess. 11 votes (26%)
Four to seven. 3 votes (7%)
Eight or more... Jazz is, like, okay, you know? 9 votes (21%)
Total votes: 41

The new poll is a pretty simple one, following in the footsteps of other simple polls, but it doesn’t actually seem to have been done before. What is the Best JJ2 episode? Your criteria for choosing an episode are entirely up to you… level design? enemies and bosses? music? tilesets? Whichever. Four of the answers have 6 levels, two have 3, and one has 9, and I guess we’ll see if that affects things at all.


Permalink Unniversary bash + contest still going May 1st 2015

Source: JCF Thread

Did you know the UNniversary bash is starting tomorrow? It’s a not-so-annual event where I host a bunch of bash levels throughout the years – from the very first one! I think it will last two days.

And did you know my small tileset contest is still going? Chances are I will extend the deadline again due to lack of entries.

This was posted on RabbitJournal on May 1st 2015. You can post, too!