Review by FabiAN[NC]

25 May 2023, 19:32 (edited 25 May 23, 19:54)
For: Mini Battle pack
Level rating: 8.1

i remember me:
when i was young and first saw this:
i just entered a jj2 online server and i saw this:

this was a lots of fun!! they was very funny to play
of course i had a lot of fun while playing them

very funny to play!!, and makes a lots of fun to play them!! :)

RecommendedQuick Review by Icy_Guidance

24 Sep 2021, 02:55 (edited 24 Sep 21, 18:40 by Stijn)
For: Newspaz3a
Level rating: 6.3

The one that started it all.

[Rating (10.0) changed to N/A]

Quick Review by cake137

21 Nov 2018, 21:00
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

how do i play this level it has no .exe file?

[Please don’t rate levels you didn’t play.]

Quick Review by marinata_1997

31 Dec 2011, 11:03
For: Battery Check UFO version
Level rating: 7.1

Very goooooooooooooooooooood Newspaz!I have full game and I made level.I will upload next month in next year!Sorry for my bad english!

[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.

Quick Review by marinata_1997

31 Dec 2011, 10:56
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

Very,very goooooooooooooooooooooood level pack?

RecommendedQuick Review by marinata_1997

29 Dec 2011, 13:26
For: J1E - Jazz Jackrabbit1 level editor - version 1.2
Level rating: 9.1

Now I can edit atacks and bonus levels.Thank you Newspaz!
I’m sorry for my bad english!

RecommendedQuick Review by MilloCz

26 Jan 2011, 16:44 (edited 26 Jan 11, 18:20 by cooba)
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

Why the hell can’t you just ONCE give perfect creator perfect rating ?

[Don’t insult the other reviewers please ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Skitter

4 Jan 2011, 14:46
For: J1E - Jazz Jackrabbit1 level editor - version 1.2
Level rating: 9.1

Useful , but can you make it in the jj2 JCS style!?


[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.

RecommendedReview by aritra1115

23 Dec 2010, 07:34 (edited 23 Dec 10, 07:35)
For: Meza
Level rating: 8.4

disguise is weird?

wtf was that?

but ok it does not look like
a tribute to mez’s tilesets
but the 3d look was awesome!
i like this very much but how
did you make such a great tileset?
very use full and stuff ful like andbr98 said
but while making such a great tileset!

newspaz rox!

great tileset i need to say!

RecommendedReview by andbr98

2 Sep 2010, 09:24 (edited 2 Sep 10, 09:25)
For: Meza
Level rating: 8.4

Maybe I’ll make a ‘Tetris-Jazz don’t get squashed’ game with it. Looks very good, and useful. Is very colourfulness and eyecandyness and I think it has its deserveness to get a good ratingness after I’m gonna stop this crap with ‘-ness’ endigs.
It has even 3D-ish sucker tubes and 3D-ish tunnels and other useful stuff(I like this word “stuff”, it’s better than “thing”). It has fine vines but it doesn’t have labrat-ish conveyor belts but at lest it has poles and tiles with you can combine the colors of the bricks or of the vines.
Not so easy to use altrough. But beautiful and colourful and Violet-ish(he has a tileset that looks similar to this but this is better). Nice, deserves a 8,2-8,7(8,5) because I don’t rate example levels or music (my PC is so doomed that I can’t hear anymore sounds :( D: only the PC incorporated Alert-Sound System that has a few bunch of cr*ppy noises, I hope ‘cr*p’ isn’t a swear word). So here is it your 8.5 and a D-LD Recommend because it is very useful and stuff-ful.

Review by FOX292

26 Jun 2010, 18:45
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

There is a critical bug on this episode, when i reach the forth level, JJ1 just crash…. why?

Review by Roblomal

23 Jun 2010, 10:59
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

How to open the file? ( I have the Editor but it opens thing with bad tile sets )

Review by Roblomal

23 Jun 2010, 10:55
For: J1E - Jazz Jackrabbit1 level editor - version 1.2
Level rating: 9.1

I can’t open it!!!!!!!!!

RecommendedReview by PT32

11 Jun 2010, 20:52 (edited 11 Jun 10, 20:55)
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

To be perfectly honest, when I saw this in the level list for the first time, I would have never predicted this pack to be the next Upload of the Month.
After a week of curious pondering, I finally downloaded it and was hooked from Level 1.
First off, it has AMAZING graphics. The first [and it certainly won’t be the last] in the category of true “custom” JJ1 levels, it uses the tilesets of Carrotus, Castle and BlurredD’s Desolation. Get that. JJ1 uses JJ2 tilesets. Kind of a switch, huh?
But that’s not all.
Newspaz takes this yet another step further, adding his own baddies and events, even two custom BONUS levels, now made possible by his equally innovative new J1E modification. I was pretty miffed by the cannon baddie in Castle, but even that was a marvelous leap in Jazz history. Custom music is used too, but that’s sadly limited to JJ1 songs specifically. Too bad.
There were just a few small things to be desired, however. For one thing, the levels all seemed quite a bit harder than to be expected. If Evilmike’s Jazz2 levels were the standard for difficultyin that game, then Newspaz’s JJ1 levels are the second game’s counterpart. One or two sections in Carrotus seemed looped, particularly the part with the many waterfalls. I was equally disappointed by the utter lack of a custom end boss, even an end boss period. That would’ve been icing on the cake, although it hardly affects the grandeur of this pack.
Buggage was also surprisingly clean, although maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised, since Jazz1 had far less glitches than its successor.
All in all, once I had finished playing through the whole pack, my doubts to the validity of Mission Spaz’s claim to DL of the Month were immediately wiped away. Nothing could be closer to the truth: That Newspaz’s rockin’ new release is quite possibly definitely the most revolutionary set of kilobytes posted yet on J2O. Download today, with my hearty recommendations.

RecommendedQuick Review by FOX292

31 May 2010, 19:11
For: J1E - Jazz Jackrabbit1 level editor - version 1.2
Level rating: 9.1

thats MUCH MORE better than JCS94…. :)

RecommendedReview by Doubble Dutch

26 May 2010, 01:46
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

A very good levelpack, and the first for JJ1. The first two worlds were very well done, despite being conversions of JJ2 tilesets. While having a definite JJ2 atmosphere, the tiles used and their manipulation definitely gives a unique feel to the levels that is not quite here nor there.

The bonus levels were a nice touch. Though simple and quickly designed they increase in difficulty very closely to that of the original Jazz bonus levels and have a similar air about them.

The biggest flaw would have to be the last world, which seems slightly out of place, being easier than the previous one (And not quite related to it either.) There are also a few small tile and event errors (Such as lack of sound for green springs.) that seem a bit odd. It also could have used an ending screen.

All in all a very good effort and a groundbreaker.

Review by Hammer

22 May 2010, 10:55
For: J1E - Jazz Jackrabbit1 level editor - version 1.2
Level rating: 9.1

I have been waiting for a Bonus Level editor ever since this game came out. I love you. /nohomo

Quick Review by Narsist

22 May 2010, 10:41 (edited 22 May 10, 18:55 by cooba)
For: Mission Spaz: Foreseeable Future
Level rating: 8.8

Yes, it’s good.
I can enter Castle but I can’t pas…

[Please don’t rate packs that you haven’t played till the end. Original rating 7.0. ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Narsist

19 May 2010, 10:31 (edited 26 Jun 10, 09:42)
For: J1E - Jazz Jackrabbit1 level editor - version 1.2
Level rating: 9.1

I can say, this program is good. But doesn’t very useful. If you say “How?”, I will say this: creating event hard. character animating, enemy animating, event renaming, etc.

But It’s good and I know, I will good levels. :)

RecommendedReview by Doubble Dutch

19 May 2010, 06:43
For: J1E - Jazz Jackrabbit1 level editor - version 1.2
Level rating: 9.1

This… this is an orgasm in program form. The documentation is basic, but sufficient and well set out.

I do miss the B key and scrolling with arrow keys, but these are small things that you get used to (Later levels do in fact have events names, they are amusing.) The sheer functionality here is what grabs me, this allows you to do anything with a Jazz level. (Bonus levels are more limited, but in that case, who really cares?) I hope to see some real inventiveness with this program as it certainly allows for it. Well done!

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