Review by Overlord

23 Oct 2009, 08:52
For: Chain Trace
Level rating: N/A

Eh, my apologies, if I wasn’t being clear enough. This upload is primarily meant for developers that wish to integrate the given source code into their C++ projects. The main part of this upload is therefore the source code while ctrace.exe is merely an example on how to use the included code. If my main goal was to create a stand-alone automatic file packer then it would have many more features than this.

Review by Overlord

15 Oct 2008, 07:43
For: JJ2 1.30 Version
Level rating: 2.5

I took a moment to look at this file and the only visible change seems to be the version number. It’s basically regular TSF with version set to 1.30.

Review by Overlord

19 Dec 2006, 16:28
For: Jazz 2 music patches
Level rating: 9.4

I’d also like to mention that with this patch applied, Controller v4.0 will no longer be able to change music by self destructing. However the latest Controller v4.1 (PB3.5) should support the automatic music change without the need to self-destruct. Use it to change music in mid-game without any side effects.

Review by Overlord

18 Dec 2006, 19:09 (edited 18 Dec 06, 20:29)
For: Carrotade v1.2
Level rating: 9.3

Some suggestions/comments/bugs:

1) Created by BlurredD based on Neobeos code – How did I guess? ;P

2) Latest Controller 4.1 should work fine on jj2 while this program is active.

3) This program will only load when both the dll and exe are in the folder where jazz2.exe is located, not outside. Kind of annoying.

4) It refuses to load if the game is not running (main menu). Personally I’d make it wait until a game starts.

5) The death pits should have some delay on them. I was annoyed at how I insta-died right before I hit the pit with spaz where I could’ve easily doublejumped my way out.

6) I’m not sure how the gip script hiding works, but you should make it hide what I call “server query” packets (TCP packet with ID:0×0F and the last 9th byte set to 0 as for zero players joining – query packet)

7) I have seen this prog a number of times before, but I would have never guessed its name. GG.

8) If you can, try to fix the bug where server sometimes freezes for a few seconds where there are lots of players in the server and some are downloading.

More comments coming later. And this HTML/CSS are giving me a headache on reviewing.

Review by Overlord

28 Apr 2006, 09:24
For: JJ2 NC
Level rating: 6.5

Sorry, but this thing crashes when I try to run it.

Review by Overlord

16 Apr 2006, 11:26
For: NeoAntiCrash
Level rating: N/A

I’d like to see a fully working filter like this done with a cool GUI one day. This isn’t even close to what I had in mind, but its a start ;P Gj on the app. First of its kind. I haven’t tested it yet, but I’ve seen it in action before. It sort of creates the same atmosphere when J2M (console) was first tested in AB7 server.


Review by Overlord

8 Feb 2006, 17:37
For: J2B to IT converter v0.3
Level rating: 9.1

Wee, it works!
Release 2 had some bugs, but got fixed in release 3. Daddy, look! I can convert Xmas6.j2b now.
Good job on this one.

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Enhancement (music part 1)
Level rating: N/A

Please do not rate this. Rate the original level pack. This is only music for the pack.

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Enhancement v1.2(instagib level pack)
Level rating: 8.4

Please note that if you are planning rate this pack make sure you have played it online at least once rather than just taking a short look at the levels offline. First you must feel what it is like to play this pack! Some of the levels contain shields which can be very handy in instagib however you must earn them first. I have seen some people say “No shields” while I was testing this level pack online (I call those people “easy kills”). Very wrong! Shields are welcome in instagib and can be very useful if placed properly (coin warp for example)…
I’m just trying to make shields useful in multiplayer, SIR!

Feel free to add this pack to your level cycle. More information and the password for all levels can be found in the readme file. If you are having trouble hosting this pack then please use Project Controller 4.
Get it at:

To host Instagib you will need Project Cataclysm 1.1
Get it here:

EDIT: Link fixed.[This review has been edited by Overlord]

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Jazz2 Main menu music Patch
Level rating: 5.5

If I was to change the jj2 main menu music I’d just convert/rename one to menu.j2b and the old one to menu.j2b.bak. The menu music has got boring after all these years of listening to it I must admit.

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ2 Players Word Search (do NOT rate)
Level rating: N/A

Haha! This is fun! If I had my printer connected to the PC I would print it out. starts searching now

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Project Fog
Level rating: N/A

WOWOWOW! I have never seen anything like this ever before. I have seen people trying to make fog by inserting fog images into their tilesets which only allows them to use fog in one tileset. This turns it all around. Any level with ANY tileset can use fog now. I love this new discovery. Specially the Beam-up effect. That’s so perfectly designed. If I ever decide to make another single player pack I won’t forget about this!

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Ambient Sound List
Level rating: N/A

ScionFighter is right.
cough cough

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Rabbit Force
Level rating: 8

Okay. I’ve just went through this level pack and I’ll try to tell as much as I can remember.
First thing that I dislike about this mission pack is that it comes in a folder but unlike RHG this one has everything in it including music files and tilesets making them unavailable for JCS and levels. The second thing is that if you want to start it you must run it from that folder. You could have included the starting level outside the folder so people could start it form jj2 and for that your rating goes down.

Now the levels.
As already mentioned the carrotus levels are badly designed with almost no eyecandy at all. As one of the ToD’s on J2O say… Spend time on your levels if you want to get a good rating on J2O. The Diamondus levels look better than the carrotus ones but there are still some bugs in them. I also want to mention that my jazz crashed a few times when I completed a level. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the level pack but I’ll count this out. The colon levels have some good ideas. I especially liked the “And stay out!” one. Some bad eyecandy can be found on roofs but the sewers look more or less OK. The castle level probably is the most well designed of them all. Then comes this boss level with a new good-looking tileset. I like the skull with red eyes in it. After beating the boss you enter a bonus level with bad design again. This level is proably the worst of them all. Bleh. No more bad words…

And finally! There is a funny Flash Readme included. There really isn’t much to read in it but at least I keep laughing when I hear that rabbit force sound. You can hear it 100 times while moving the mouse crusor over the headding because it is a badly designed button. I guess the author isn’t so skilled in Flash yet :)

I give this mission pack a 6.7
+ 0.3 for the readme
+ 0.2 because I’m in a good mood

Total: 7.2 + Download recommendation[This review has been edited by Overlord]

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Death Controller 1.1 [1.23 + tsf]
Level rating: 8.9

Wow! Great program, Spazzy! Yay! It uses my autodetection code!
I think there are some bugs in the program or I don’t quite understand how it works. Once I got my screen top full of hearts! The layout is nice!
I can’t give it too high rating since it only has one function. To edit player health.

8.2 from me…

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Quikjoin v1.2, r30
Level rating: 7.8

Spazzyman. I’d prefer if you help us with our J2HG project instead of rapidly releasing your programs here.

Nice prog BTW. Not many options but OK. I like the database idea… hmms… sneaks in

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago (edited 28 Oct 08, 21:49)
For: Project Controller 4
Level rating: 9.3

Yea. I have heard about the runtime errors. If they appear to any of you just email me. I’ll send you one of my files – “Comdlg32.ocx”. Hopefully that fixes the error :P If anyone needs additional help feel free to ask.

EDIT: I’ve updated the file and included the DLL.[This review has been edited by Overlord]

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Instagib Battlepack
Level rating: 7.2

Geat! When I played this online I won 2 of 3 games played. At the 3rd game I pinged out :P Levels are small (as required for instagib), enough ammo, powerups, good gameplay. This gets a 8.5 from me.
Keep on the good work and… be sure to include more levels next time :)

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JazzTool
Level rating: 8

Wow great! I wonder how you did the ping option… This is also one of the advantages of this program. Xjj2 doesn’t have that. Well one disadvantage is that you cannot host servers with it. You can successfully edit players in it as well as choose the list server and specify the paths to several jj2 versions. Great prog BTW.

Waits for Link to arrive
Link! Get back to work! :P

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: New York City
Level rating: 5.2

You’re weird, Bjarni

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