Refuges from that familiar school of level design that places a new thing every few tiles and doesn’t worry about petty things like “overall layout” or “dead ends.” Raven Pride is comparatively normal, despite managing to be both incredibly platformy and also incredibly cramped, but the other three go wild with tubes, vines, weird shapes, and everything else. It’s a style that can only possibly work in battle but can be a lot of fun to mess around in. Sometimes it’s a little hard to see what’s going on, and the layouts aren’t always quite as conducive to exploring as you might expect, but in general sometimes it’s just nice to play around in something where you can’t predict the rest of the layout based on sound level design principles. Get a lot of players together and chase each other around the weirdly shaped blocks.
They’re quite dated now, but I’ve always liked them, so there’s that nostalgia factor.
(The dude in the thread was probably loading Techno Terror with a different version of the tileset that had the same filename, because Blade did that sometimes)
This mutator is both fun and useful. It’s really handy especially in giant levels.
Ah well, it was a good level, in the archaic days of mysticism and chivalry.
Now that I’ve got my Rather Useless Sentence out of the way, let’s have a peek at Stijn’s Rather Useless CTF.
For one thing, I was pleased by how smooth the gameplay was. There were no real places that I had issues with (Well, that’s not entirely true. I DIDN’T like the camper-friendly powerup warps), and the shrewd use of Float Ups (affectionately called Floaties) make uninterrupted movement a breeze, if you’ll pardon the pun. Perhaps the only case of the Floaties in RUCTF I didn’t like was the tunnel immediately above and to the left of the Red base, where you couldn’t go back down again without buttstomping, which was somewhat of an annoyance.
There were also a number of Layer 3 secret passages and shortcuts, most of which added to the level in a positive way.
Events were placed liberally, although I detected a considerable concentration of seeker missiles, which really takes away from a lot of the fun of playing a multiplayer level.
Music was all right, I suppose. It’s not the song I would’ve chosen (I would’ve maybe gone with Epic.xm or perhaps Purple Motion – Nova.s3m), but it fits the level well enough.
Is this Rather Useless CTF a Rather Good Level? Meh, I guess so. It was generally free of errors, decently fun to play and well-rounded (despite a few small drawbacks), so I’ll recommend its download.
This is actually nice. I like it because it looks like it came form a cartoon, and it’s simple. Thats why i like it. Music is also good. But something tells me this isn’t a clear 10.
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Found a tilebug at static version of water (3rd tile of it).
I like it, good job :)
This is a very good upload! So many of these tilesets have hardly been used. Of course, not all of them are great, and a few are tiny or just weird, but overall this is a very good upload and I hope it brings attention to waz. Some of these tilesets (eg Hustar3) would probably get at least 8.5 if released today.
EYECANDY: Bit more on the foreground layers then you would have made me more happy than i am. I give eyecandy 14/20 (STILL GOOD)
SIZE: NICE BIG BATTLE ARENA. But I found very thin parts of the map. I’d say…..17/20 on size.
ITEMS: Hmmmmm, not sure about this one. Some places there are lots of ammo and some places there arn’t any at all. You’ve got a 15/20 on items.
GAMEPLAY: Not sure on this one either. There are a fair amount of warps and hidden bits. Um……. 17/20.
FEATURES (to fill enemies): I’m also not sure on this one. A few DESTRUCT and BUTTSTOMP tiles. What am I saying? 20/20!!!!!
14= 83/100 Convert into 10 = 8.3
Download Recommendation: Yes!!!!
this is a great tileset with different colours, it’s own music and an example lvl. the tileset has everything a tileset needs and i dont know y but i found the example lvl fun?!
Download this : YES, NOW
Okay, don’t have time for a regular review, but here goes the basics:
Conversion completeness: Never played the game, so I don’t know. Looks complete enough to me, though.
Tiles included: It has arrows, ground, walls, ceiling, holes in the ground, various machine like things, animating stuff, more different ground stuff, animating computer text stuff, vines, moving water, hurt events, destruct blocks (not a large variety), animating trigger buttons, some tiles made for trigger scenery, poles, rain, some other stuff which I think are suppose to be vines, sucker tubes, invisible tiles, a textured backround, slants, and some text at the bottom which appears to say something different in every version. Some things could of been designed better, but its mostly complete and rux.
Masking: It’s alright, I thought some things that aren’t masked would’ve been masked but whatever.
Color: The color basically consists of mostly in one color, except there are many different color versions. Although you cant mix different tileset versions together, so if you make a level with this it would mostly be of the same or similar color shades.
Green Waste 3: Very similar to green waste green, except the electrical wires are orangish instead, and some things are different color.
Green Waste Dark: I like this one, nightish purple type version. Looks pretty good imo.
Green waste green: Pretty basic, similar to Green Waste 3.
Green Waste Orange: I’m not particularly fond of it, and it could be a bit easier on the eyes =/.
Green Waste red: Alright, not too bright, its ok.
Green Waste Dark Pink: Reminds me of Mega Megatropolis Pink version a bit. Dont think pink is a good color scheme for this type of set, but whatever, at least it doesnt hurt the eyes much.
Overall: The set is fine, it has everything necessary to build a level with, except probably a color variety. doesn’t look too factorial either. Original rating would of been a 7.2, but since there are several different color versions +.5. Mask messages are amusing to read, and I might someday make something with this. 7.7 and download reccomendation plz thx dd.
Dranzer, it is not a “cover” or “remake” ot whatever you seem to think. I added some tiles to the original version, but the original tiles are still in there.
This, I like. Normally, I dislike single colour type tilesets, but at least this has some good eyecandy and a general theme, unlike many “colour” tilesets. Masking seems adequate. The set isn’t very original, but good.
Hello, time for a short review (dont have much time)
First of all, its a cover but wit permission, but, its not yours and that will never chance, but, i have ot say this one is a good conversion, not with very much extra’s but what new is good.
Its nice 3D worked.
I think its easy to use for anybody, simple tiles, i like that.
A good EX level will let see me anything!
Good work!
Make a level with this? : Yes i think you should
Second…wow. A lot of tilesets :o. Though I don’t like that each tileset version always “focusses” on a single color like green or red, it’s sure cool to have all these version. The different versions are actually the same except for the colour, but that means that every single tileset has all necessary tiles BECAUSE ACTUALLY THE BASIC SET HAD THESE AND SINCE HE ONLY CHANGED THE COLOUR ALL DO.
Also the tileset has cool masks and a FUN readme. And Flash is a nice guy so he gets a 8!
No really. I don’t think I’d use the tileset since I find single colours a bit boring, but it’s sure nicely done, and that’s what counts :)
About time I review this, here goes:
Rather Useless CTF, by Flash and Unhit:
Gameplay: Its alright, floatups decently placed in some placed, but not needed in others (like at the edges of platforms which are accesible by springs) but I guess they’re better for the flow. One ways placed good, the warps are a bit strange, but they prevent dead ends so they’re good. Several passages seem to narrow, though.
Layout: Im not particulary fond of it, passages don’t lead where you think they would, warps are placed in strange places (the ones to the powerups) One tile mask surrounding level which may cause a flag bug. Some places like 13,68 and 102,29 and 116,64,I didn’t like too much. The seeker place is too close to the full energy carrot. Once you get to learn the layout, its pretty good.
Eyecandy: Original. Could of been better though. The BG is good, fits the theme, although the rain might be falling too slow. The knights in the window things in the walls look cool, but the walls themselves could of been spiffed up more. The lighting is cool. Bugs in the walls are there (23,65 or around there, and around 37,66) and some stuff look weird and don’t fit too much (to the left of 103,59, dunno if that floating sword case was intentional or not). Overall, it looks ok, but could be greately improved.
Placement of stuff: Alright I guess, though the powerups (bouncer and seeker) might be a bit too close to the full energy, and I find that the red base is easier (or at least for me) to reach than the blue base (since you have to climb to reach blue base and that takes time). And the bouncer might let out a bit too close to the red base. (I should’ve put that in layout, but whatever). Ammo is good.
Music is great, couldn’t have chosen better. Fun Factor IS there, so is originality.
OVERALL (not average): A promising level, more work on it could’ve made it better. Some parts in the level look great (like how the bases are done) while others (15,65 and 116, 64) aren’t as well done. Also, on a side note, Gun crates/barrels cause a lot of lag in the level when abused, so dont overuse them. I havent gotten a flag bug yet (but my server isnt usually laggy and few people were on) but Im suspecting one. For some reason, my rabbit keeps burping in the level while Im writing this review (the burping sound when you die) and nobody is in the server right now, scary O.o.
Gameplay: 8.2
Layout: 7.9
Eyecandy: 8.2
Placement of stuff: 8.2
Overall: 7.9
Rabbit Burp-o-meter: 534.5
Final rating: 8.08 rounded down to an 8. Good Job and download reccomendation.
Wow! I thought this was bad till I saw the example.
It has pretty much every thing vines poles (a hook for the key not for jazz or spaz :P)
It has waterfalls and three or four types of land, Grass, cave, mountain(maybe), and beach.
All in all:8.5
Very nice tileset.
A small review for a good level!
-Good pallete
-Good masks
-Long time to find what you want
-Good to use
How do you do soo good levels?
I wanna know!
add me on or
i am bad to review tilesets weeeh
nice tilesets, it hase good eyecandy blocks
and suckertubes
nice tree’s!
a 8 from me!
nothing to tell!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.