Uhh… yeah. I fall down and I’m stuck in a dead-end. Make a better level, sorry.
I played this, but I won’t give a rating. I don’t know if this really counts as a ‘demo’ since it IS a whole level, but you DO call it a Demo. These aren’t allowed.
Justto tell, there are a lot of carrots. This makes it way too easy. Also, with the shell with the secret entrance, remove that text. It just kinda ruins searching, it just is straight one way. Above the shell are those 2 wood thingies, but you can get stuck in there! Try to fix it ;) If the rest is like this easy, try to make it harder. EYecandy was not bad but not super good either. It was a little bland. Good luck with your pack though!
Good :D There’s caves and plants. The level does look a little bit empty at a few places, but most part has eyecandy :D
Really good. The level flows and there are a few dead ends, but most of those are filled with goodies or a warp to a goodie. there are a few obstacles which slow the player down (Stomp-Block/Destructoblock) which is good. Copters might be a problem for Lori players, since Lori can’t use copters.
Weapons: Nicely placed. There is enough ammo for lots of players (Played in server :D). There’s only ice, which practically is useless in battle :S
Bugs: Copter for Lori (Not a big deal though) and a little more eyecandy. That’s it.
Comment overall level: Great! I recommend you download it, or buy pie. Take the 8 :D
Another level by you :)
Eyecandy: This is still not a lot. Background is there and there also is a tree, but overall very basic. There are also a lot of bugs like at pos 47,188. You should search the right tile to fill up the green block. Also a lot of things have been cut off. At 26,167 you can see the cut off, and right next to it is a tree which also has been cut off in the middle :/ The background also has been cut off (Layer 8), add some of those root things. I got a screenshots of the level in JCS. The rest looks fine and the leaves are good :)
^— Circle around the cut off tree and the tiles in the wall. Also use those things on the left to make the background in layer 8 look not so cut off.
^—- the cut off background and the ledges were Jazz has to run fast and leap to a platform while Spaz can double jump.
this is at pos 58,170 to 82,170.
Gameplay: This is nice. There are a few dead ends and it seems spaz-biased though, look at screenshot 2. The water is cool too, that you can walk in it. You used it really good. The level is kinda small though.
Weapons: Not a lot, but it could be enough for few players. It’s nicely spread out over the level. Maybe try to hide the powerups in a wall and add the electroblaster so they have to shoot it through a wall. Or coins. Right now it’s easy to get all the powerups.
Comment overall level: I’s okay :) Maybe should have better music? This getting better.
Reviewing… The Yelp Zone
Not real good… there could have been a lot more eyecandy in the background. There are also a lot of eyecandy bugs you can see from pos. 89,69, that piece of wall is just made of blocks, while the rest of it looks right. The candles with the float up part look a little bit weird too. Maybe cover the bottoms up with the sprite forground layer with some ground, because the bottom of the candle doesn’t look nice on the block of ground under it.
Fairly ok, there is enough space to move around. There are only a few dead ends, that most of the time have a goodie (or a weapon bomb). There seems to be a Spaz-biased place too, like 57,43. Is the sucker tube supposed to bring Jazz up? Jazz has to use his uppercut to reach the platform and Spaz can easily jump to 62,40, while Jazz has to go trough the sucker tube (Or Uppercut, which takes longer than Spaz) then go down again to get there. I liked the place with the glass balls and the hooks ;P I did think the candles with float ups were nice too.
Nope. There is way too little ammo for this level. They come in pairs of 3 pickups, or only 1. Around pos. 106,90 there is a large amount of ammo and even a powerup stuffed in a dead end. This should have been spread out more. There is just way too little ammo for 6 players.
Comment overall level:
It’s a little below average, but more eyecandy and more ammo could help a lot.
Lets get started! Reviewing… Santranigus V.
Very nice, I really like it. A lot of use of food to. There are no more tilebugs I think, although I don’t like some parts of the leaves that are placed.
Gameplay: Very good! The flow is nice. You can get fast to the other base, but the spider web wind is really nice! I think that is quite original. Haven’t seen it before.
Weapons: Good, although I don’t like the same PU. For the same team is ok, but maybe you coulda use a other pu. This is fine, as there is enough for everyone in this level. A little bit empty on some places though.
Bugs: Nope.
Comment overall level: Good! I hope you continue making more. Right size. I really like the text things! Water warps are fun :)
Very nice!!
Eyecandy: This is really nice. A lot of lava holes in the wall for eyecandy and you added a lot more stuff. Even though they are there to point out a suckertube, the blocks thingies do look a little bit weird. You did include those x shapey things, which look good :)
Gameplay: Is nice, but not really good. A lot of dead ends. You could use springs to make them jump up, because left and right there are dead ends… Mostly at least. Nice use of sucker tubes!
Weapons: Good placement, some places there is A LOT of them. You put in PU. I don’t think there is anything wrong apart from a lot of them in one space, while sometimes the other parts of the level are almost empty.
Bugs: Completely down in the level, with the red springs where you jump to the rope, Spaz can make it but Jazz can’t. Pos 37.93.
And great chatroom :)
Nice level, but try to work on dead ends :)
Note: I think you are allowed to use music as long as you give credit.
EDIT: Because I kept changing my reviews to some other bugs I either saw after posting it or things I forgot.
The conversion looks fine, although you edited a few parts. The parts were you, in battle2, could see if you had to use a certain item have been removed!!. You have to know that you have to use a TNT. This is not good… For the rest it is good and you also made a few spots easier to reach. The tiles are good and I couldn’t really see any tilebugs.
People said that eyecandy was important. You did add eyecandy, but not much. The background looks a little bit weird. It is kinda distracting, but yeah. You also put in 2 of those things in the springs thing as a subsitute of the red springs, which have disappeared.
I think this is kinda better. You dont crash into the ceiling now :\ But it could be done better. For example, you put a blue spring on the right, put it on the left too? So people can get the same height. The eyecandy with the, first tnt, block on top of the springs area looks a little bit weird.
Sorry, but eyecandy is really important. They said the same to me and stuff. Your conversion is good, but some stuff you changed is a little bit wrong. Try your best to add more eyecandy.
QUOTE: BTW: Arti, look around, theres still plenty of TNT. (I wanted it all gone but others complained before)
I mean the blocks that indicate that you have to use a TNT to destroy something.
OH! Yeah, They are 4x blocks, but a little bit TNT same. But it doesn’t indicate that.
Hmm, there is not really much if you fall down, but there is in the rest. Like in the water and top, but it really isn’t much. The waterfall looks a little bit weird. Try fixing it?
So… you can fall down and stuff. The level is a little bit linear. You did a good job on changing the direction, cause you can go to the right and down :) But, You can just go that way and keep going that way until you meet a wall. On the right side on the top there are vines where you can get stuck :\ So… this is not so good.
Whoah, not much. You also did ice and a ice PU. A lot of people don’t like Ice in battle, so sorry :( But there needs to be more ammo. You did put a PU for the .. firethingie that goes through walls.
Only the stuck in the vines and you could keep falling… In the water there are place where you get ammo… but get stuck if you go in them anyway. So mainly the stuck bug. I only saw a few tileset bugs you did, but other than that it is fine.
A Okay :)
Sorry. Try to download some of those high rated and see how many ammo and stuff they put in it. You do nice eyecandy, but a lot of places in this level are … empty.
Hmm, lets start.
This level mainly uses ONE tile for the ground and stuff. Nothing special and no other pretty things. You did do a background.
The level is very lineare and it is very hard to get around. There are a lot of deadends. Try to avoid dead ends! But this might be fun for a blaster fight or a toaster fight.
Meh, not so good.
Only crates. While you did place weapons, there is way too less of them. And I’d try to stay away from ice. You did put a few toasters, so that gets you point :)
Nice, but could be better
Only some tileset bugs, but couldn’t really find the rest.
Sorry, but try to do more eyecandy and place some more weapons. Look at some recommended downloads to see what people are looking for.
A Remix :)
I too like how it sounds and I have to agree with Blackraptor with the beep thingies that lead it.
The music sounds very happy. The sounds are very nice and it isn’t too repetitive, but sometimes it is. I really like it. Although I can’t put up my volume too high because off the beep. I think that is one of those things that could have been a litle bit softer.
Very nice remix. It is a kinda Club thing :)
A 8.2 and a download recommendation.Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.