Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Townsville
Level rating: 7

Hm. Interesting. Frankly, i can’t see what everyone is so exited about. This is a pretty basic tileset. It has all of the necessary stuff, but not much else. It reminds me of the Golden Oldies sets. To be totaly honest, when i look at these ratings, i was expecting something with the quality of Spacey Universe or Nature’s Ruins. And you admins are telling US to rate fair? Hmm….

Oh, and Quisty, are you sure that rating is totally fair? :P

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Marshland of Evil
Level rating: 8.8

Another awesome CTF level by Evilmike. It used the Swamps Day tileset by Agama, wich is a good choice, because much custom tilesets are very underused these days, imo. The used music is the good, old Jungle music from the epic jungle levels. Its nothing exiting, fresh or new, but as Mike said yesterday, he did’nt have anything else to use in it, and this one fits fine, imo. This level has superb gameplay, very decent eyecandy, and good item placement. I could just give away a rating and run of, but that would be too easy now wouldn’t it?;) So let me talk just a bit more about these factors and other things in this level.

The used tileset, as i said before, is Agama’s outstanding Swamps Day tileset. The use of the tileset is very good. There are trees everywhere, and leaves in the background. There are some uncommen, good looking arangements with tree branches. At the bottem of the level, water was used. Not the water event, but the water thats in the tileset. Background layers have also been used very well. Nothing looks anoying or confusing, improving gameplay, and making it easy to see where you’r going.

Gameplay and level design are two major factors in a level, and in this level, both are very, very good. The level is made very open, and I’m all for that. This might also give Jazz a small advantege, because he can copter over the large empty spaces. The level plays very fluent. Theres no dead ends or such, and its easy to get around in it. You can see that (probably) a lot of thought was put into placing all the diferent platforms, because its easy to get from one to another. Of course, that could have just been dumb luck =P.

Ammo and other items were also well placed. Scatered well around the entire level, and easy to find. A suficient amount of each weapen was added. You’ll probably never have to walk around with only your blaster to defend yourself. Every weapen was added, apart from ice and TNT. There are 2 full energy carrots, wich were placed ingood locations. 3 Powerups have been added, wich were well located as well.

I must say that i really like this level. This is a must download for each Jazz2 player, be thee CTF fan or not. So go download this right now, and host a CTF server;). Very high 8.5(!) points from me.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Single-Player Time!
Level rating: 8.9

I’ll review later. For now, i’ll just say that i find all of these levels very, VERY good, and give them a high download recomendation to everyone.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Lost World, the fall (ver. 3)
Level rating: 7.3

Ah. Very interesting. A new version of Ninja Dodo’s famous (or maybe not so famous) “Lost World: The Fall” CTF level. Lets get started.

First of all, i want to comment about the tileset. AwEsOmE! “The lost World” by Ninja Dodo and Jaws must be one of the best tilesets out there. The tileset was used very, very well in the level. Eyecandy was done mostly in the style of the levels from Ninja Dodo’s “The Lost Wolrd” Single Player pack, thus making the level look great. The level was made to resemble a large waterfall, with bases at the bottem and at the top. It looks very good, the waterfall, with platforms you can use to get to the top, and a bit claustrofobic cave like passages at the sides filled with ammo. At the top of the waterfall, there is a treehouse, ment as chatroom, and a big dinosaur. Eyecandy is really a strong factor in this level, i must say.

Item placement is well… how can i call it… decent. It is’nt as good as it might have been, but still pretty good indeed. There where no powerups in the level, or at least none i could find. General ammo was placed well. Most , or all of it was located in the narrow passages at the sides of the waterfall, wich i mentoined before. It was well devided, and well placed. Carrots where also spread good around the level.

Gameplay was pretty good. It takes more time to get to the blue base at the top, then too the red base at the bottem, but thats not a problem at all, because both teams have to get to both bases, one to capture and one to score. For the rest gameplay was fine. Good and fluent, with only a few dead ends.

I must say that i recomend to download “Lost world, the fall” to every CTF fan out there. Its a 7.5.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Cassa Gradient
Level rating: 7.5

Yesh, a pretty cool tileset. Like someone said, it has very purpleish colours, wich look good. There are enough tiles to make a decent level with, and even some extra ones. I also like the metalic figures of Jazz, Spaz, Eva and the queen. A lot of diferent combinations can be made with it, thats a good thing. A decent example level with some nice triger effects has been included. I’m going to give this tileset a well done 7.2 points. Download, if you can.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Labrat Down Under
Level rating: 7.7

Well, well. Its good to see another single player level here. We have a most defenite shortage of those these days. As of what i understand, this level was made some time ago. So lets get started.

This level was made using the Labrat 1 night tileset, that came with the game. There’s no awesome homemade tileset or spectacular custom music in it, but thats ok, as long as what was used was used well. And i may say it was. The level makes a good use of the tileset. Background eyecandy could have been beter, it looks to much like the standerd epic layerwork in my eyes, but is basicly good, nothing to complain about. Foreground eyecandy looked pretty good too. The usuall mad scientist type lab tube stuffnesses. I also liked seeing those cute litle spike balls used in the foreground layers, it was one of the first times i saw them used this way. The rest of the level had decent eyecandy, not great though. I did see some tileing errors, mostly at the sides of platforms. One or two places looked a litle …. well…. “unfinished”, but thats not too much of a problem.

Enemy, weapen and other stuff placement was also very decent. Enemys where well placed, it looked like some thought was put into that factor. They are placed in a way that you can’t just run through the entire level shooting about, while almost not being hit by baddies. Also, some of the harder enemys, like float lizards and fish where used, making the level more challenging. Weapen placement was also good. well devided around the level, it was’nt very plentifull, but its a single player level, not battle, CTF or any other multi player mode, so thats ok. Powerups where also placed well. Coins where devided in a good way. A lot where hidden in walls, ceilings, floors and alike, and not always easy to find.

The design and gameplay is pretty good here too. The level has been well designed, and has some nice features, like a large underwater part. Sadly, there weren’t any puzzles, anoying obstacles, or things like that. This made playing a teensy but boring, but still pretty much allright. Some places where a bit too straight forward too. Especialy the end of the level, where you have to do a sort of long walk with nothing happening before reaching the end area.

I must say that i like this level. It’s nothing special these days, i might say, but in 1999 i would have most likely given it a higher rating. Still, i give this a pretty good download recomendation, especialy if you like single player levels. I was undecided between a 7.2 and a 7.0, but i’ll be generous this time, so this 7.2 is yours.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

Originally posted by Fquist:
No weirdos shooting their 99 seeker ammo empty on ya. :P

You can’t get more then 50 rounds of ammo on each weapen in MP :P

Great level. No idea what to add besides that.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: just a another game
Level rating: N/A

This site is for Jazz2 related stuff, like levels, music, tilesets, (non-cheating) programs, and games.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Abandoned Acid
Level rating: 7.6

Very funny..

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Death Metal
Level rating: 8.5

Err… Err… Uhhm… Well, forgive me Evilmike and other admin dudes, but i have just no way to describe this tileset at the moment. Must be due to a lack of inspiration. For now, grab this 8.0. BIG download recomendation.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

The example level sucked :P[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: 11 Years past Christus
Level rating: 7.4

his is making me sick to my stomach, Bkarni UNCOOL!!! YOU LITLE NERD!!!! This, guy probably does’nt have any other version of JJ2 apart from TSF! IF HE WANTS TO MAKE HIS LEVELS IN TSF JCS THEN LET HIM!!!!!!!!!. I would like to tell the admins to strongly consider temporarily banning Bjarni from this site if he keeps on like this.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Technical Dreampipes
Level rating: 8.2

My single player skills suck :P

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Defense of the Paradise v0.97
Level rating: 8.1

Well, because a lot of people seemingly liked the earlier BETA versions, i decided to give this one a try. And i must say that i was’nt disapointed.
Defense of the Paradise, has a pretty good layout. The level is easy to get around in. Even though you may not notice it that much while playing, the level is devided into a section containing the blue base, and one containing the red base, wich are conected to each other with one pasage.
One thing that sort of anoyed me in the design was that there where a tad to many dead ends, wich could have been Avoided by using suckertubes, springs, warps, one ways or alike.
The rest of the design was pretty good. It plays pretty fluent and circular, all areas are easy to get into.

This level uses the greatly overused Carottus tileset (yawn), but i must say that it uses it rather well.
The levels looks are overall pretty good. A suficient amount of eyecandy was created, maybe a bit more would have been ok, but it looks pretty good.
Background layers where used in about the same way as in any other Carottus level i have seen in my time, but not bad though.
Use of the tileset is good, i have’nt been able to find a big lot of wrongly conected tiles. The plants everywhere look nice too, realy giving sort of a “overgrown garden” feeling. I realy feel that some more stuff could have been done with layers 1 and 2, but maybe that will come in the final release… Lets hope so.

Item placement it another strong point in this level. Weapens where spread well across the map. They have been devided in a way that you are never very far away from grabbing a few rounds of amunition, thus making the chances of having to defend yourself with only your thrustworthy blaster not that big.
Carrots where also devided pretty well. Springs where placed good, but not as good as some other things. A few springs did’nt reach high enough, making going from platform to platform a bit more dificult.
I also don’t totaly agree with the amount of powerups. 6 In one level is a bit too much, and there are 2 of each. I usualy only use one of each in my levels, not 2, but i guess thats just personal preference.

Even though i must say that i did like Carottus Squash more, i think it would’nt be infair to give this level a big download recomendation for battle and CTF fans.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Brothers Homebase
Level rating: 3.5

Ninja, shields may be part of the game, but that does’nt take away Electric’s right to think that shields are unfair. And personaly, i must say i agree with him, me, and probably 87% of the other elite JJ2 players:P. Anyways, i’m not going to either download nor rate this, because considering what i’ve heard untill now, i don’t really believe this level will be all that very cool:P

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Bishka's Railzone
Level rating: 7.2

Nice. Dont feel like saying more right now. Extended review will follow:P

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Bright 'n Shiny
Level rating: 6.9

Not too bad treasure level. Treasure hunt is a very underused game-mode, and i’m glad to see that people are yet willing to make quality levels for it. Like the rest already said, Carottus is a horibly overused tileset, those newbies just keep cranking up levels using it.:P But, apart from that, i must say its used rather well here, and thats good, if you consider that it is’nt really the easyest epic set to work with(castle:P). Gem placement is good, not too much, but not to litle as well. Music is basic, nothing breathtaking or new, just plain default Carottus music. Level design is done well,it plays fluent and not too rocky. No totally spectacular ideas in here though, it all seemed rather unorigenal and uninspired, and had nothing i havent seen before. Layerwork was averege too. It was good, but nothing thats totaly amazing and origenal. But apart from all these things, i must say this is a good, well playing level. 6.5 Points, and +0.2 for the name, its one of the most origenal names i’ve seen for a while, and i’m always happy to see origenal names used;)

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Temple of the Uglies
Level rating: 8.1

A very nice single player level, using Blade’s first tileset, Aztec. The music sounds pretty nice, its a remix of the JJ1 Turtemple song. Its a litle bit repeative, but its ok. The level itself is good, long and has good puzzles. I like the way the tileset was used, i was’nt able to find much tileing errors. I dont have anything else to say here right now, just download this.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: super mario tileset v2
Level rating: 7.2

Just another mario tileset to me. Its got the usual stuff, but nothing really special.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Sauron's Space Tournament
Level rating: 5.8

Was’nt Sauron a charecter from Lord of the rings? Anyway, i will rate this as soon as i’m able to download it. My harddisk has to be replaced, i’m posting this from the public library.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Crypt
Level rating: 8.4

A very nice tileset. It has a cool, realistic look. Masking is well done, the only masking bug has been fixed to my satisfaction. I like the looks of this set. Like i mentioned before, almost everything looks very realistic, except those writings on the stones, they look like they are plain new, while the rest of the tiles looks like a few million year old crypt. Some tiles where ripped from oficial sets, like the grave stones from “Haunted House”(TSF), and the poles. The piles of skulls look pretty good. I would have liked tiles wich can make bigger piles of skulls, or a big, moving(animations!), creepy skeleton. The background mountians look pretty dull. Could have been done much beter. Its hard to fit some tiles together, but once you get the hang of it, it will look realy cool. This tileset has a lot of uses. One downfall is that you cant realy get spectacular eyecandy out of it, compared to some of the other sets i’ve seen in my time. More thing for creating eyecandy would have defenitly raised my rating. The example level is pretty nice too. I would say that you COULD have filled it with some ammo and 2 CTF bases or thing like that, to make it playable online. I must say that i realy like this set, and that i will use it in a level soon. Here, catch this. A 7.5.

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