Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Buster CTF Pack 2
Level rating: 7

2 decent CTF levels. Design is good, nice gameplay, few dead ends though, Glad to see someone use Agamas Swamp tileset. Me not in mood for biger review now. F00, a nice 7.0.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Mirrows Tileset Pack
Level rating: 7.8

What they said, by… No, but seriously. Mirrow’s tileset pack is a very decent pack, contianing 3 high quality tilesets. The city tileset looked very cool. The bricks looked good, the whole thing is easy to use. It has a good layer 8 background, wich doesn;nt work to well textured. It has some diging machines, with those you can sorta make a construction site outside the city, where a new road is being made or something. The diging machines seem to be photos from real life, just like that red, nice looking car. Thety work good in the set, only they have some white pixels around them, wich looks sorta ugly. The thing i realy love in the city set, are those cute litle birds flying across the screen, they ook realy cool;). The jungle-danger or whatever set looks neat too. I remember seeing this one a long time ago, i like it. It has basic tree structures,n and good, forest-like ground. A major part in this set it the white-blueish ground, i dont know exactly what it resembles. Oh, and a note to disguise: The textured background here worked perfectly fine. The castle set may sorta be my least favorite. The layer 8 background loks pretty good, very good even, but it just does’nt fit in with the rest of the set. A textured sky would have probably looked much nicer. A good idea i saw here where those rotorblades(thats the name right?;). They make the whole thing look a litle more like a abandoned sawmill actuely, wich would have been a pretty sweet theme for the set. The blue bricks where well drawn, but they did’nt have slopes, wich is bad. I want slopes in every sort of surface tiles, to be able to improve gameplay. The example levels by our o’ll friend Fear aka Blackdeath on J2O where pretty good. I must admit i did’nt finish them, i just looked at them for fun. Actuely seeing the sets was enough for me. A high (or low?) 8. points. Tileset fans, get these.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: End of Ages
Level rating: 8.7

C’mon VIolet, can i help it if i’m a lousy speller some times?:P

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Mission Uncrossible Music
Level rating: N/A

Note to everyone: This music is fully 1.23 compatible:)

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Inner Evil
Level rating: 7.8

All these 8.0s and 9.0s are not realy worth this level, nice as it is though. The name is pretty cool for starters, ‘Inner EVIL’, i like that, as long as its evil;). The music, made by Skaven and taken from Unreal Tournament, is not THAT god, but it fits this tileset like a charm. The use of the tileset is good, could have used a tad more eyecandy though. The bases where placed like in most CTF levels, one on the right, and one on the left. The level sorta reminded me of Bloodbunny’s lair, but it just lacked that feel and design that made it so famous. But still, i’d say this is realy somewhat above averege. Design is good. Easy to get around in, no dead ends that i noticed and so on. Weapen placement is not to bad. Maybe even good(wow:P) actuely, but anyways. The level is not confusing or anything. A few ambient lights would have been nice, realy adding to that “Ack! I’m in HELL!” feeling;). Overall, this level is definetly not worth a 8.0 or a 9.0, these 7.2 points are more like it. Take them.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Rush Hour
Level rating: 6

Well, a nice litle tileset for 1 hour of work;). It has no funky ‘Disguise’ or something signs, but what would you expect for 1 hour of work?:P. I must admit i did’nt realy look into the CTF level, but hey, its a tileset, so it would’nt afect my rating anyway.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Big Hotel
Level rating: 2.8

How… Disgusting.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Bootcamp funstuff
Level rating: 7.1

I must say that to me, this is not realy a fairly good tileset, maybe even bad. The idea is nice, but from mirrow, i was realy expecting a LOT more then this crappy litle tileset. 6.0 Points, +0.2 for the funny name;). No download recomendation, sory :-\

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: DARKNESS (delta vers.)
Level rating: 8.3

This is a very coolish set. I liked Discofever a bit more, to me it is till mirrow’s masterpiece. Mirrow showed this set to me some time ago. When i saw it, i was already pretty impressed. This set has many stuff for creating cool eyecandy. It’s good for all sorts of levels. It has some cool stuff, like animated litle monsters, probably created as enemys for that campaign that was never finished. Sorta reminds me of the mummy bunnys in Tomb Rabbit’s final temple, they ruled;). The set also has some diferent types of ground, like sand, stone and stuff. This way you can create pretty cool levels, like a ancient stone building standing in the desert or something like that.. It also has the good old water, like the jungle sets and Agama’s swamp tileset. It has sorta ‘spike-ish’ tube thingys, dont know a corect name for them right now;), that you can use as background and foreground decoration. It has lamps and torches, standing on pillars, wich can be used as lights. There is a well made textured background for layer 8, and for layers 5-7, Mirrow added some nice looking moutians. To add to this, mirrow also created 3 pretty coolish example levels. I had already seen one of them, the CTF one, but the others looked great. Ammo placement was good, and gameplay was very circular, with (almost) no dead ends and stuff. Of course, they make very good use of the tileset, but thats why they are the example levels. Mirrow also used one pretty spiffy custom music file for the battle level, called ‘cages.s3m’. It was a good choice, it rocks and fits the level well. I liked it;).I am very happy that mirrow’s “Secret tileset” has been released, and must recomend you all to download this. Mirrow succesfully fixed the masking bugs in the tileset too. The slopes are normaly masked now, so are the spike thingys and such. I am VERY glad the textured background was fixed. The monsters are still sorta ‘rocky’ animated, even at best, i discovered this when trying to animate them. Try to make their animations more like the zombys from Tomb Rabbit. Because mirrow was able to fix the major masking bugs, and even add a inviseble text string in the mask;), i’ll be generous and give him his 8.5 bacl. Good job mirrow.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Structured CTF pack
Level rating: 8.9

Stop? No plans yet… I may start taking it easy one day… But stop? Nah:P

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Coca Cola Xan
Level rating: 3.6

I have no coment at this time.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Xmas Jazz Jigsaw
Level rating: 8.9

Pretty spiffy. Get this one.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: StormCtf
Level rating: 6.2

Nice level. Use of pipes looks pretty neat. Rest is average.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: An Impossible Mission: Level Pack
Level rating: 7.6

A pretty much above averege level pack we have here. This pack, using the ‘Mez02’, ‘Carottus’, ‘Medivo’ and ‘Newest’ tilesets. These are realy some fine battle levels. I like the way Fl@sh used the tilesets. It realy looks pretty interesting and fun. It would have been beter to have that big spaceship on layer 7 in the 4th level move, instead of just hover in the background. It would realy look nicer. I liked the level ‘plastic pipes’, using the Mez02 tileset. The platforms that where’ tangled up’ looked pretty neat, reminded me of ‘Unemotionel landscape’ by Mez herself. The music files where pretty cool, the Megairbase song from JJ1 to name one. The ammo placement was prety good too, not to much or to litle. Lveles where a bit small, but thats not a problem, as long as they are’nt as small as ‘The CelLleavtor’:). Design was good, pretty circular, only lots’a places to get stuck though. I would like to give this(and i will too) a pretty nifty 7.7 points and a FAT download recomendation.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: 'White Christmas'
Level rating: 7.6

Man, i remember this. This is realy one of the most awesome levels created with the ‘Holiday Hare’ tilesets. It uses the music from the JJ1 planet candion, a pretty well fiting tune. I found a few dea ends, but i dont think that is ‘TOO’ much of a problem. The ammo placement is also pretty good, very well balenced, so that you’ll always be only a few steps away from a block of amunition. I realy like the way Rocky used the tileset. At the bottem of the levels, it realy looks like a snowed in canyon or something like that. They way the snow covered rooftops where used as piles of snow was pretty neat. I would like to give this level a ‘high’ 8.0 points and a BiG dOwNlOaD rEcOmEnDaTiOn.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: PayPack
Level rating: 7.8

The pack ‘Payback’ by Payback(obvious:D), is a pretty good pack. There are some dead ends, but this is not too bad. The levels are pretty nicely designed, apart from the dead ends pretty circular. Thus, creating pretty fluent gameplay. The use of layers is fine, pretty standard though. The 2 levels, ‘Payback’ and ‘Jungle all the way’(nice, but sorta normal names), both come in a day and night version. Apart from the use of a diferent set, i did’nt realy find diferences between them. The music is not to badly chosen, but the normal Jungle song from the oficial levels would have been beter for the ‘Jungle all the way’ level. Ammo placement is nice, not too much, and not too litle. I would like to give this a download recomendation and 7.5 points.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Wonderland Jazz
Level rating: 7.6

A nice, well made CTF level. Design and ammo placement are good, triger zones were well used. Get this one now.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Diamonds Of Jazz
Level rating: 7.2

Yes, here we DO go again:P. This is a fairly well constructed level. It uses some diamonds in the walls, wich i dont realy recall seeing before, even though it doesnt look that good. Could be nice for a treasure hunt with jjnowallers;). The design is not too bad here, but still has a few deads ends, wich i dont like too much. The eyecandy is pretty good, but like the other d00ds who reviewed said, it is mostly way to much, making the level confusing, and making it hard for the player to see where he is going. Ammo placement is good, maybe a litle too much, bot its ok. The default music was used, nothing new or good. The JJ1 diamondus song would have been much beter in my opinion, but heck, its your level. It is pretty Jazz unfriendly, having some places where Jazz (almost) cant get up. Gameplay is not too bad, but this definetly plays beter with Spaz then with Jazz. This is a pretty nice level. A 7.0 here. Get this, its not too bad.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Tube Toss-Out
Level rating: 7.9

If this is one of your first battle levels, i must say that i’m impressed. This is a farily well designed level, with a huge network of tubes. The level seems to be sorta divided into 3 parts, a red part, a yellow part and a grey part. The level itself is way to large, but pretty well built. It has some good ideas, like tubes transporting you to difirent places if you enter them at difirent times. This, though, meks the level a litle iritating to play. If you are just chacing someone and fall into one of the tubes, you’ll sometimes be transported to the other end of a wall, in wich case you lose your victem:P. This sorta lowers gameplay. But not considering that, this is a pretty cool level that no one should miss. Get this now.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Cybernetical world v3.0
Level rating: 7

Spaz is unable to reach the seeker powerup too:P. You need to get a TNT under it somehow, in wich Jazz and Lor may be even BETER then Spaz:P

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