Good job. These are really wonders. I like them very much. Especially the Unreal Imagination. It’s a good theme. Especially because of the inverted masks. Even the Townsville is good. Houses look a lot like real houses. And the mountains are even great. Textures in all the other tilesets and in these are wonderful and even the other background layers. Good.
Here is it. A small, thin 3 for your level. I didn’tlike it. I searched the entrance for 2 minutes and there were too many enemies into the tempel. And the cats were useless. And the background with same speed of the sprite layer in high detail was a bad idea.
Not for n00b’s offensive rating, but just because it’s a great episode. Levels are wonderful and the theme is very good. Prehistoric Carrotus is very good and the gold fever level is also good, especially in the TNT puzzle. The best level is the future level, with robots and a very good regenerating sucker chain. You have also added clones. I like clones. The 2nd world war is also a wonderful theme for an episode with time machine. Last level: Awwwwwww… Classical Jazz2 level. Anyway, the episode is good. Download recommended.
I thinkthis championship episode is really good. Only people those can play very well can defeat thebosses. It’s a good theme for an episode.
(Unsupported rating (9) removal. ~Violet)
Why can’t i rate it 9? What’s wrong? I give an 8 then. It’s a good episode.
[You can’t rate it a 9 because when rating you need to give clear reasons why it deserves that rating. Unsupported rating (8) removal – FQuist]
Don’t forget to rate it. OK?
I rated it 10 for 3 reasons:
First: You are my best friend on J2O.
Second: You are a good level maker.
Third: You used MY tileset:-P
(Unsupported/biased rating removal. The downloads FAQ states that you should “Try to be impartial and fair when rating levels”. ~Violet)
(To clarify more: You should not base your rating on how much you like a person and wether that person has used your tileset or not. These are not objective means of deciding how high the quality of a file is. – FQuist)
Ok, Fquist. I’ll do like you want.
I rate this level 8 because i think it’s a suitable rating for a level with so many enemies and with the robot boss at end.
[Inappropiate rating (8) removal. You have not provided a single reason why this is good. I can make a thousand enemies in a level that is worth an 1, and you’d rate it an 8? “Many enemies” is not a good reason. To be clear: I’m not saying this level is bad. You need to give good, clear reasons, and you’re not giving those in any of your reviews. – FQuist]
Good job. You made a very good episode.
Continue so, friend.
[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. No single reason was provided why this episode was good. You have to have good reasons to rate it 10. – FQuist.
Ok. Here’s a new rating. I rate it 8 because i think it’s better so. The story of the glacier is a good theme. I like this episode. It has many enemies and it has the water in the third level.
[Inappropiate rating (8) removal. Sooo… care to explain why it’s an 8? Please say what’s good and bad about this level – saying you “like” something and that it has “many enemies” and “water” is not good enough. A level can have a ton of enemies and be worth a 1. I’m not saying this episode is worth a 1, but you need to explain yourself. – FQuist]
Well, I will do.
Rating Eyecandy:
Ischa used most of the tileset eyecandy in all the levels.
Rating Events:
There are not so many ammo and there are a lot of enemies.
Rating Gameplay:
I can play it and have a lot of fun. It’s good. Triggers are cool. But i must save the game if I want to complete it.
Rating Puzzles:
The maze in the alarm level is good, and even the rest.
Musics used are good. Inserting the Summer Planet was cool. It’s a favourite J2O musics of mine. Though, it was better placed in other kinds of levels. Alarm is a good ambient sound. And the others were also placed well.
Download recommended.
And if the administrators have cleared your ratings, restart the reviews.
You made a good job. I like the levels made with the Egypt tileset, especially because i’m too lazy to make levels with that set:-P
(Inappropiate rating (9.7) removal. Could you PLEASE give some more reasons with your review? – FQuist)
You made a good job. This is a good episode. Levels are fantastic. I liked all the levels. Nice job.
[Unsupported rating (10.0) removal. Aside from being very short and overly general, this review strongly goes against the other comments provided here, without justifying why. -EvilMike]
OK, I’ll change my rating.
I’ll give a 7.7 to this episode because retrying to play it i’ve realised that there are no pickups and no ammo. Ischa likes hard levels, and even I like hard levels, but this is a TURBO level. Anyway, there are no other matters, if I can call these lacks so.
Download recommended.
[Inappropiate rating (7.7) removal. Can you please give some reasons why this level is as good as you say it is? When you review, please make it clear that you actually played the level and can argue why it’s good or bad. – FQuist]
This set is WONDERFUL. You made a really good job. This is the best set i ever saw. It’s FANTASTIC.
(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)
Great job. This set is made very, very well. I liked very much it. I liked EVERYTHING. It’s WONDERFUL.
(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)
You made a good job with this fruit tileset. I liked very much everything in this set.
(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)
I think the best thing of this set is that you made it for your best friend. I think that the presents made for friends are very good. Mirrow is lucky because he has you as best friend. All your creativity and your skill are better used for a friend. Long Live the friends.
[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. You need to review the whole picture, you cannot just give a tileset a high rating because of one factor. You need to review everything – FQuist]
What a good set. I like the green color and I think you were really good at making everything in this set. The green water, the green pole and the green sky. In conclusion, you made well everything green.
[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Please explain properly why you like the set. Your liking of one colour and how things were made in one colour does not express well enough why this set is worth a 10. – FQuist]
I think this tileset is really good. The only problem is that a color index in the 8bit textured sky is white, but in 16bit the sky (and anyother thing) is wonderful.
[Unsupported (9.5) rating removal. Please give more details in your review. You need to mention more about why you rate it the way you did – FQuist]
WOW! What a rich tileset! You made a really good job! There are a lot of beautifications and realistic things. And the background with those skyscrapers is wonderful. I hope this set will have the best ever rating!
(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)
Ofcourse! There is a lot of eyecandy. There are things underearth, such as the telephone, the toys etc. It’s also 1.23 compatible and the textured sky works even in TSF. Other users made skies in 1.23 those weren’t compatible with TSF (maybe because 1.23 uses more indexes). I think that Blade only could make WONDERS like this. Not even Disguise’s city tilesets (one of them was exactly made for Blade) were wonderful and full of eyecandy and fun like this (no offense for the master Disguise).
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.