Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Suburban Traffic
Level rating: 7.1

A collaboration. How cute.


The layout seems basic enough with a few warps here and there. The flow would be decent, if I didn’t have to jump over a lot of the springs to get around. Some parts at the top seem too cramped, but I can deal with it. At this point, I figure the level’s nothing particularly good but nothing extremely bad either. But after a while, I realized I didn’t really like the layout—probably because of how all of the slopes are placed.


The eye candy, while unique for the given tileset, doesn’t necessarily look that good. I can’t say placing ground tiles in the foreground layers looks any good with this set—or at least with the way its designed in this level. Aside from the train tiles, some mud tiles, and a few other insignificant tiles, this level probably could have been made with the 1.23 version of the set, but I can see why this tileset was used. And the background tiles could have been placed a little higher so that they can be seen easier. Also, there are many minor bugs in the eye candy which should have been fixed during beta testing including all the trees and the bricks in 3rd layer near each base. So the eye candy is somewhere between half-decent and no-so-good.


The way that the full energy carrot is placed in the small room it’s in helps prevent some camping, which could be a good thing. But I don’t like how the warp target out of the carrot room is placed. The powerups are alright where they are, though the bouncer and RF powers could’ve been slightly easier. Ammo distribution could be a little more even, but it can stay as it is.


I certainly can’t say often. This is a 6.7, though.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Vampire's Scary Land
Level rating: 5.5

The name alone seems to denote the quality of the level.


I took a look at the layout, and I’m thinking to myself how crazy it looks. It consists mostly of very long and open areas with a few narrow passages in several places. When I said bigger is better, I didn’t mean extremely big with huge open spaces; I meant something around 130×70. A level sized 200×130 would be pretty frustrating to play with, even with a lot of players. I especially dislike the bottom right of the level with the large, open passageway down and the long tube ride back up. Try to avoid using long tubes and the squared off platforms as much as possible. Furthermore, too many areas were devoid of any events, which can take a lot out of the gameplay. I don’t even want to get into the balance. At a glance, it doesn’t look like it is, and there’s a good chance that it isn’t. With the bases placed at opposite corners, how balanced could this level be? Base placement like this usually makes the level harder to balance. The flow isn’t the worst part of this level, but it could be better. It would be easier to get around if there were more springs in several places. The only thing half-decent in this level are the triggers, but I can’t say they’ll always work.


I suppose it could be considered as average. I might have to blame everything I dislike about the eye candy on the tileset. I’ve only seen this tileset one time before, and the eye candy looked somewhat like it does in this level—maybe a little better. Still, the lighting effect gets in the way, and most of the level looks bland.


The carrots used aren’t particularly useful for a level of this size, but it’s better than nothing. The full energy carrot should have been at least placed a little further up and not so much closer to the red base than the blue base. I can’t say the RF and blaster powerups were placed well, but I have no problem with the team-based bouncer and toaster powerups. The RF powerup should have probably been placed somewhere around top. Moving on, the ammo certainly could’ve been distributed more evenly. I didn’t like how the ammo was concentrated in random spots throughout the level. Of course, the huge size of the level didn’t help.


Not a chance. This level doesn’t even loop to anything. I might have overloked something when I was looking at this monstrously huge level, but I’m not going to bother. 5.5, and use BETA TESTERS. Consider that rating me being nice.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: No Sense Station
Level rating: 6.1

The music used here reaches some new forms of annoying. I wonder how much it will distract me from my review.


The level is almost symmetrical, but if it’s going to be symmetrical, it might as well be perfectly symmetrical. The flow just happens to be one of the better aspects of this level, though it isn’t perfect. The layout is a bit tough to get around since the flow only wants to work in one direction. A one way event needs to be added at both 18,12 and 96,12 to prevent players from getting stuck. And a Multiplayer Level Start event on the right side of the level needs to be fixed. Other than that, the layout looks pretty dull and I wouldn’t know how fun this level could ever be.


The eye candy looks alright a few places, but most of it needs improvement. A lot of edge tiles weren’t used, like around the bouncer and RF powerups and on the platform with the toaster powerup on it. There’s nothing too innovative with the eye candy, so I’ll leave it at that.


I’m not liking all of the powerups, especially with the way the three powerups at the bottom are placed. And the full energy carrot being placed so close to those powerups doesn’t help. Ammo placement isn’t horrible, but I’m not going to say that I like it.


Nah. I might have missed something, but 6.2 is my rating.

The Edit: I got stuck in the same spot one time too often. I also neglected to mention the layer 3 bugs; they’re there so fix them for next time. Feel free to blame Blackraptor for making me play this longer than I wanted to. 6.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Gaucheland
Level rating: 7.1

Here’s yet another “super quick” review.


From what I can tell, the layout is too linear for my tastes. The gameplay is mostly run back and forth from base to base. I just don’t really like the way the routes are. This level feels lopsided with the way that the left side is narrow with short passages while the right is more spacious with longer routes. The flow is decent though it could be better such as in the several places where I have to jump while running. And the level doesn’t have anything new in it. I’d be lucky if I could recall if this level even existed in a few months.


The eye candy isn’t too different from most levels that use this tileset. My only complaints would be with some of the ground tiles in the 3rd layer that poke out in front of players. It looks a little odd, but it’s no big deal. Also, the buildings don’t add much to the atmosphere; they pretty much get in the way more than anything. In addition, I found the changing lighting effects to be irritating. Still, the eye candy is decent.


The full energy carrot and the 3 powerups are placed well enough, although it’s pretty ordinary and dull the way it is. The ammo placement, while not hideous, isn’t that great. Most of it’s right on the ground, thus encouraging more simple running base to base. I suppose it could work out, but I didn’t find it particularly fun. In fact, I didn’t find most of this level fun.


Depends on how much you like linear levels. I probably wouldn’t host this myself. 7.2 because I’m a nice guy, and the level isn’t horrible anyway.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: A Huge Treasure MAZE!
Level rating: N/A

150 gems isn’t enough for 20 players. Not that 20 people would play a game of Treasure Hunt anyway. I’m not sure how a huge level consisting mostly of one tile wide passageways could ever be any fun in any gametype. And what good are those carrots?

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Capture the sun
Level rating: 2.5

“Nice” and “small” don’t really go together.


First and foremost, the start positions need work. Use Multiplayer Level Start events for each team instead (0 for blue, 1 for red). The flow is the worst I’ve seen in a while; the layout is mostly a bunch of poorly placed platforms. It’s easier for Spaz players to get around than Jazz players. More springs would help a lot. I advise looking at some good CTF levels and seeing how easy it is to get around. The balance isn’t particularly bad, but the level is simplistic and ordinary and extremely dull. The level needs a border of at least 2-3 tiles to prevent the flag bug (” captured the flag” messages which repeat on the screen).


Granted I’ve only seen one other level with this set, the eye candy is atrocious. Apparently only 2 layers were used. It might have been a little better if all of the platforms used all of the proper edge tiles. More layers should have been used.


I couldn’t find the warp (or whatever method I’m suppose to use) to the full energy carrot. There are no powerups, so I have nothing to say about that except maybe add a few next time. Ammo placement is only the seekers near red base and the 3 crates I can’t access. My advice would be to add ammo throughout the entire level instead of just two places.


Never. I cannot possibly describe how much work this needs. I suggest working on battle levels before taking on making CTF levels. 2.2 is my (semi-generous) rating. This needs a next level setting as well. And try getting a beta tester next time.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Skulls CTF
Level rating: 2.7

The innovative names just keep coming. I wonder if this level has the same problems as the last level did…


While this level isn’t as linear as the previous one, it’s not much of a change. In fact, the gameplay is more unbalanced and Spaz-biased. It looks like it’s suppose to be three routes down and one route up, and Spaz players can go up every route. The bones are easy to get stuck under from beneath. The only other thing better about this level compared to the last one is that the left side has a border, but that might as well have been done by accident. The top, although it isn’t a major factor in this particular level, could use a border as well.


The tileset, once again, wasn’t used correctly. I was expecting at least a little improvement in this field. The eye candy has pretty much the same problems as the last time. It appears that none of the layers were resized. Resize a layer by right-clicking on it, clicking on properties, then changing the numbers next to Width and Height; it’s simple enough. As for better eye candy, just look at good levels that use the tileset you want to use well.


No carrot. Bad choice. Skulls planet at least had a full energy carrot and its placement wasn’t bad. This level also has weak powerup placement; the two powerups are both more convenient to access from red base than from blue. Ammo placement needs work as well. It’s just some ammo placed next to the ground in a few places.


Definitely not. What ever happened to beta testing? 2.5, and next time loop the level to itself.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Hold Your Breath!
Level rating: 7.6

I would probably complain if it was something other than two bases since anything else pretty much can’t work.


The layout isn’t too original, but it’s a little different from the oridinary. The level is big, but it’s easy to get from corner to corner with the warps and everything. The balance is alright since the layout is symmetrical. The flow is good enough, though it could be much better in places, especially with spring placement. Several of the springs ran me straight into the ceiling when I used them. The wind events near the bases tended to get in the way. There are some other small flaws, but I don’t feel the need to point them out all out.


At first, the eye candy seemed alright aside from the tiles that were used incorrectly. The part I disliked the most was the gray tiles in the wall. I failed to mention before (like in my review for Snooz’s Galactic Warfare level) that those gray tiles are actually destruct scenary tiles, but I do think it is a little obvious. I especially disliked the area around the carrot since it uses destruct scenary tiles as normal ones and background tiles as if they were masked, which leaves part of the top with no border. In addition, I think the eye candy gets a bit dull in several places, but I’m not one to talk until I start hosting some of the newer levels I made with this set. Anyway, the more I played this level, the more I realized I didn’t like the eye candy.


The full energy carrot placed in the warp is so-so; it’s not too hard to access, but it can make camping too easy on occasion. Powerup placement is alright with the toaster and bouncer powerups accessible with EB’s and the RF powerup out in the open. I can’t say the ammo placement needs any work; it’s good as it is.


I know I wouldn’t go out of my way to host this on TSF, but it’s not bad at all. If the eye candy was better, this could easily get a higher rating. 7.5 is what I’m giving this.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: 2 Sea CTF,s
Level rating: 2.5

I almost didn’t notice these levels. The gametype should be changed from Assault to CTF for the sake of being less confusing.

The sea Base

GAMEPLAY: Unbalanced. Passageways are too long and narrow. Borders are needed to prevent the flag bug. Destruct/Buttstomp scenary placed poorly.
EYE CANDY: Rather dull. Only light gray and dark gray blocks. Pretty bad, despite the fact no standard was set.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Not too good. Too close to blue base.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Not good at all. Only ammo in crates and a barrel. Needs better distribution.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Not even once.

Warter CTF

GAMEPLAY: No balance and too narrow passageways. Freeze Enemies events which only get in the way. Unnecessary shield and 1up crate. Borders are needed to prevent the flag bug.
EYE CANDY: Misused. Doesn’t look good at all.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Apparently no carrot. Not a good idea.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Could use fewer crates and more loose ammo. Distribution needs work. Powerup placement is horrendous.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Once again, no. It’s slightly better than the other level, but that’s not saying much.

Overall review: The layouts in both of these levels need major improvement. Something a lot more open and easy to get around would be a start. Avoid hidden and ambiguous routes as much as possible. A border around the level of at least 2 or 3 tiles should be used to prevent the flag bug (” captured the flag” messages which repeat on the screen). Destruct scenary and buttstomp scenary isn’t needed since it only slows down gameplay. The events should be set to respawn at a speed of at least 20 instead of just 0. Try using more of the tileset next time. A few more background layers should have been used. I suggest placing a full energy carrot in the center of the level instead of using +1 carrots. And always use a carrot. Instead of using crates, try using only a variety of loose ammo placed throughout the entire level. Look at some high-rated CTF levels and see how they are made. And maybe read this review. I’m not going to list anything else until the basic problems are resolved. My suggestion would be to work on battle levels before moving on to CTF, though. This is a 2.5, only because these levels are playable, although barely, and it doesn’t have any major problems with start positions, which surprised me.

By the way, Warter CTF doesn’t loop to anything; fix it. And find a beta tester next time to save me the trouble of writing a long review again.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: plz delete this TRASH!!! sorry for upload this
Level rating: N/A

This is TSF, by the way

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Holiday Headquarters
Level rating: 7.1

So I’m guessing Mirrow doesn’t mind this tileset being used?


There isn’t much to the layout: a few rigid pathways from base to base. A lot of the walls on the right side of the level are easy to get stuck in, which could be a big problem. The right portion of this level hurts the flow the most. The left side is alright, in comparison. Both sides could use a few springs, though. On second observation, I found out that I don’t like the layout much at all. The balance seems iffy, so I wouldn’t trust this level for a duel or a 2 on 2 or anything. But at least it’s cool to look at.


The atmosphere is really nice (the music helps), but I guess that’s just part of my first impression of seeing this tileset in an actual level. There’s pretty much no standard set (from what I’ve seen), but the tileset was used well.


The placement of the full energy carrot is so-so, but I don’t know about that tube to the right of it. In regards to powerup placement, a seeker powerup on the left and a bouncer powerup on the right? Rather questionable. Ammo placement could be a lot better, but I can almost live with it.


Probably once just to marvel at the tileset. Otherwise, nah. This is about a 7. On a side note, make sure to get mirrow to make MORE TILESETS.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: CTF4all(CTF-levelpack)
Level rating: 7.1

First review? So it seems.

Rocky Cliff

GAMEPLAY: Linear and Spaz-biased. Somewhat chaotic at the middle.
EYE CANDY: A few misused tiles. Looks a little dull.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Would be decent if carrot placement didn’t add to the chaos.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Could be better. Powerup placement helps make the middle too pivotal.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Probably not.


GAMEPLAY: Balance is half decent. Border at bottom left could be thicker. Border at top should’ve been added.
EYE CANDY: Decent, but bland in places.
AMMO PLACEMENT: So-so. Powerup placement is questionable as well.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Can’t say yes, but it’s better than the last one.

Just some aztec

GAMEPLAY: Balance seems a little off, but it’s okay as it is. I don’t mind everything else.
EYE CANDY: Nothing special, but not bad.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Two +1 carrots, which are alright considering the powerups.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Questionable. Only gun8 and gun9. Not fond of the team-based powerups here. Pepper spray is a bit more useful in this level. Also, both teams can get the EB powerup. Was that intended?
HOST THIS OFTEN? Maybe one time if bored. I almost liked this level… until I started playing in it.

Wilderness wonders

GAMEPLAY: Balance is iffy. Top needs a border.
EYE CANDY: Confusing at first. Otherwise typical.
AMMO PLACEMENT: The RF, toaster, and seeker powerups on the left with only the bouncer powerup on the right annoyed me a bit. Could use fewer crates/barrels and better ammo placement.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Never really liked this level, so no.

Overall review: Each of these levels would be much better if a lot of the small bugs were fixed. I was surprised to find that two of the levels didn’t have a border at the top. I did’t like the consistent use of bridges all that much, since they tend to cause errors, but some of them I found to be useful. I don’t know what else to think. Needs improvement. I’m done reviewing. 7.0 it is.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Mosquito Coast
Level rating: 7.1

To be honest, I’m surprised.


The layout, while small, isn’t as bad as I expected. The balance is good enough, but I find the warps to the carrot to be a little too convenient. The level is small, so it shouldn’t have too many warps in it. The flow could be better and less Spaz-biased in a few spots, but I can live with it. Granted there are a few pointless areas, it’s not enough to lower my rating. The border around the level could be a little thicker, though.


It’s better than I thought it would be, but it still has its problems. For example, the water and the leave tiles weren’t used correctly—as seen at the bottom of this level. The eye candy is almost really good, but not quite. It has a nice atmosphere, though.


No carrots or powerups. I don’t mind the placement of the RF or the bouncer powerup, but the seeker powerup is questionable. It seems easier to get to the seeker powerup with the warp at the bottom right than with any other route. Not only that, but the tube near the powerup leads right to blue base. Some other arrangement should’ve been used. As for ammo placement, not too bad.


Maybe once sometime. Not bad for a small level, but I wouldn’t trust it for a duel. This is a 7.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Cocacola CTF
Level rating: 4

Looks like another one of those levels…


While the layout isn’t too balanced, it’s not as bad as it gets considering the base placement. On the other hand, the layout isn’t any good. The flow is horrible since this level is Spaz-biased and lacks good spring placement. I found the tiles in the 3rd layer around pos 40,28 to be needlessly distracting. There should be a border around the entire level to prevent the flag bug. At least there are team-based start positions, but the Jazz Level Start at the bottom left doesn’t help.


Two things I hate about the eye candy: First of all, the 8-bit textured background doesn’t look good; it probably shouldn’t have been used at all. Secondly, various tiles throughout the set weren’t used as well as they should have been. On a side note, I know that the tileset doesn’t have too much to offer, but using only three layers doesn’t help the eye candy. Mirrow did a much better job with his own tileset.


No carrots or powerups. Not exactly something one should do while making a CTF level. At least one carrot and a powerup could have been added. The ammo isn’t placed well, either. I especially dislike that huge clump of electro blasters and pepper spray near red base. And the TNT isn’t particularly useful.


Not even once. Needs a lot of work. 3.


Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Spacey Hates(updated)
Level rating: 7.1

This was the level I was suppose to beta test. That’s a shame.


The first thing I would have pointed out while beta testing this was the hidden bases. I would have suggested at least making it so that players can see the flags to be able to tell whether it’s there or not. As “innovative” as it may be, I don’t like the base placement as it is at all. Next, I would have mentioned the sucker tubes. It would be better if the gameplay didn’t have to depend on them so much. Also, I found the tubes that stuck a tile out of the walls to be quite annoying, especially the ones near the powerups. Then, I would have complained about the way the layout looked. It still seems a little too cleancut with the mud and everything. I especially dislike the area all around 74,6. There are some other things I don’t like about the layout, but I can’t put my finger on it; it’s related to the platform placement, though. The flow could be better in several places, but it’s nothing that will kill the gameplay. Everything else I can live with.


Once again, the tileset wasn’t used well enough. Various tiling errors can been seen here and there. And the groups of four tiles placed in a square on layer 3, like the one right under the carrot, don’t add much of anything to the eye candy.


The full energy carrot placed at the top. Despite the tubes near the two powerups in the side, the powerup placement is good enough. I can play with the way the ammo is placed, but it seems so commanplace and all. That’s all I can say.


I wouldn’t say so. 6.7 is my rating.

PS: It’s interesting how the “space choon 57” mod is included but isn’t used. I can’t say I like it a lot more than “Jupiter Trails”, but at least it wouldn’t be the same old song once again. A different music choice other than TRAILS.S3M would’ve been my other beta test suggestion. I also don’t understand the name of this level. “Haties” doesn’t seem to be a real word, and I’m not sure as to what it refers to.

The Edit: I just remembered that the tubes on the sides of this level, especially the left side, are prone to cause the flag bug. 6.5 is my new rating. Fix it.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Life of the Foundry
Level rating: 5

Will someone review this? Maybe, eventually. On a side note, I used cos.xm (aka cosmic compressor remix) before CelL did (at least I think I did). I used it in my Lost Gemz treasure pack some while ago. But you probably should be crediting the author Plasma instead. BTW, if you want a review from me, try this.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Skulls planet
Level rating: 2.7

Satan with sctf1 and SkulL with sctf01… Argh.


The layout is close to as simple as it gets. Aside from the warps, the gameplay’s basically run back and forth from base to base. Linear multiplayer levels are usually not good idea. This level is, however, balanced, but that almost means nothing. The area around each base could’ve been made better. A border around the level should have been added to prevent the flag bug. I can’t point out much of anything else simply because there isn’t much of a level.


Well… at least it’s admitted that the eye candy isn’t so good. I personally wouldn’t have ever released a level with eye candy like this. The animations should have been used instead of just placing animation tiles around the level. The tileset was misused thoroughly throughout the entire level. I have seen worse, but it’s still pretty bad. Maybe spend time on eye candy next time? “This is my first CTF level” isn’t an excuse for laziness.


There’s the full energy carrot in the warp. Aside from the carrot room being excessively small, it’s not too bad. Considering everything, the RF powerup is placed well enough. Ammo could have been placed less randomly, though. But anyway, all of this doesn’t matter since the layout isn’t any good.


Not in this lifetime. 2.7 and read this.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Stinky flag
Level rating: 7.3

Well, the name is… something else…


The balance is mostly good from what I can tell. The flow isn’t bad, but it’s not too Jazz-friendly. I can’t say I like the overall layout, though. The gameplay seems too basic, and I wouldn’t use the top half of this level too often because of where the start positions are located. The borders around the level could be a little thicker as well.


It’s pretty much typical Colonius eye candy. Nothing new, although nothing horrible either. The masking should have been checked, but otherwise the eye candy is average.


The full energy carrot and the RF powerup are placed near the bottom where the bases are. Not placing both of those so close to the fastest base route would be better in that it would reduce some of the chaos of this level. The other powerups placed on opposing sides are fine. Ammo placement is decent, despite the cluster of ammo above the carrot. It seems to be too much variety in one spot.


Maybe once if bored. I don’t like this level enough to give it anything higher, so 6.7 it is.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Party beach gang
Level rating: 6.2

This could help just in case I forget to mention something. Sooner or later I’ll make an actual article.


For a small level, the gameplay is not too bad, but it is a small level. I usually don’t give out high scores for small levels. But anyway, the layout is decent for its size. It requires a lot of jumping, and it would be easier for Spaz players, but I don’t hate it. A spring or two would have been useful in places. The level is symmetrical so balance is not an issue. The top of the level should have a border of at least 2 tiles to prevent the flag bug, which is where “ captured the flag” keeps repeating on the screen. Some extra routes base to base would be better, but, once again, this is a small level so I’ll just leave it at that. I don’t see the point of the warp at the start, though.


The eye candy is alright, albeit nothing special. The textured background in 16-bit could look better, though, and some tiles in the background would help.


I’m not a fan of carrotless CTF games. At least a +1 carrot would have been something. Ammo isn’t placed too badly considering the size of this level, but use more variety in larger levels in the future. I generally advise not using TNT unless it’s for attaining a powerup through a wall or something like that.


Nah. Too small for its own good. It’s not even worth dueling in if you ask me. 6.0 is as high as I’ll give this. This needs a next level setting, by the way.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Stuff in the Heaven
Level rating: 5

The famous antagonist of the seeker powerup releases another great level.


The gameplay here isn’t that good. I dislike the way the layout looks entirely. It’s needlessly open in some places while pointlessly narrow in others. The flow isn’t great, either, and it’s a lot easier for Spaz to get around than Jazz in most places. Better spring placement and more open passageways at the bottom would help a lot. As for the balance, it’s almost halfway decent, but not quite. The huge deadend at the bottom right is too long and is not really worth entering. Some extra routes on the right side of the level could solve this problem. The lack of water block events didn’t help much. The warps at the bottom add to the randomness of this level. The water shield—not really necessary, but I’m indifferent. I wouldn’t waste time getting that shield, though. And what’s the point of the 500 bump event above the coin warp?


First impression: wow. I haven’t seen this little eye candy with Agama’s Heaven tileset in a long, long while. I’m not even sure if I ever have. While the tileset isn’t incredibly misused, Agama did a much better job with the eye candy in her example level.


The carrot placement could be a lot better. Probably one +1 carrot too many. The +1 carrot in the middle might as well be taken out. The +1 carrot at the far right should have been easier to access. Powerup placement also needs work. For one thing, the toaster powerup is rather close to the red base, but the blaster isn’t nearby the blue base. And the RF powerup just seems to throw off the center of balance even more. Ammo placement is horrible. There’s not nearly enough throughout the entire level, especially at the top, and it could have been spaced out and distributed better.


No. My rating is 5.7 since this level is annoying, but I’ve seen worse.

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