Welcome to Jazz2Online! We're the largest Jazz Jackrabbit fan site, online since 1999. Check out our thousands of levels and other downloads, join the discussions on the forums or, if you're a new player, download the required patches.

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Permalink Jobs

We are in need of another official reviewer, if you want to solicitate please send me a message.

I will check your current reviews to see if you are the right man for the job.

Being official reviewer doesn’t mean you have to review each file, you just need to be objective and try to review files that didn’t get any good reviews yet.

Also, please post ideas for polls in our forum at blueboard systems. For the link check the cool links down the page.

- Fquist

More News

  1. Permalink Changes.
  2. Permalink Ultimate JJ2 Relay completed.
  3. Permalink Michiel ouwehand interview.
  4. Permalink Great news for tileset geeks!
  5. Permalink News.
  6. Permalink Online users.
  7. Permalink New poll.
  8. Permalink Vote for lori central! :P
  9. Permalink New poll.

Did you know?

You are being brainwashed to like OLC and DM.

Downloads spotlight

  • Jazz Jackrabbit's Scientolomas Adventure (Holiday Hare '07)

    Jazz Jackrabbit's Scientolomas Adventure (Holiday Hare '07)

    By Odin314 (Single player)

  • TSF to 1.23 J2T Converter
  • A Candion Day
  • Damn Lava Planet!
  • Hyperviolence!
Buy the games

Latest Downloads

  1. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Completed Lost Levels + Battery Jazz as an actual level N/A
  2. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Good Morning Turtleville! N/A
  3. Custom MLLE Naps WeaponPack N/A
  4. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 26 CTF N/A
  5. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 26 Battle N/A
  6. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Saline Shores N/A
  7. TSF with JJ2+ Only: A Great Day for Hockey N/A
  8. JJ2+ Only: Find It Out (Single Player) 8.7 Recommended!
  9. JJ2 1.23 vanilla: "A"-capital building ][ N/A
  10. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Bioluminescence 8.5 Recommended!


Where should Bilsy live?

Colonial Chaos
4 votes 9%
Fourteen Carrot
1 votes 2%
Voltage Village
1 votes 2%
Jungle Jump
4 votes 9%
A Cold Day in Heck (replacing Bubba)
9 votes 21%
Rabbit Roast
15 votes 35%
Burnin Biscuits
0 votes 0%
Graveyard Shift
6 votes 14%
2 votes 4%

Total votes: 42