RecommendedQuick Review by master sven

6 Oct 2009, 08:32
For: Underground Change
Level rating: 8

You shouldn’t upload things so fast. Spend more time on testing it. Make sure there are no bugs next time. Without the bugs this level would have been wonderfull.

Quick Review by master sven

30 Sep 2009, 07:37 (edited 30 Sep 09, 07:37)
For: Hamster's Jailbreak Package
Level rating: 8


RecommendedReview by master sven

30 Sep 2009, 07:14
For: Abandoned Castle
Level rating: 8.4


The playing of this level might be a little hard for less-skilled players, this is really a level where players who are better than their opponent have a good chance to win. The flow isn’t really that good, but that is compensated by the lay out of the level, which is actually marvelous. I’m not a big fan of pits, but the way they are embedded in the level, causes them to not be an obstacle, but a tool.


Your background is very original. Instead of putting most the tiles at the bottom as most people do, you’ve put them at the top and created a real big thundercloud. Well done. Allso layer 5 is really well done and looks like it is connected to layer 3.


As been said before, you have a very original background. Also the layout of your level is completely uncommon. The way you’ve used the pits and the powerups is also nice. This level is theoretically really good, though I wonder how much there will be played here.

Gameplay: 8
Eyecandy: 9
Originality: 8.5

Final Grade: 8.5

Review by master sven

30 Sep 2009, 06:29
For: Mystic Woods
Level rating: 7.7

It seems like this level deserves a decent review….


This level has a nice flow, this is because the distance between the celing and floor of the platforms here is just right, not too big and not too little. Though that is not the only cause. There appear to be a lot of sucers that suck you through walls. Allthough their destination is mostly obvious, I would recommend not to use so many of them, apply variation and use other events to get through the level, like float ups, wind, copters, swining vines or warps.
The ammo placement is quite good, though I have the feeling that the right side of the level contains more ammo. What is certain is that it contains more power ups, which makes the level a bit unbalanced.


Maybe the background could have looked a bit more mystic, because it is just mist and woods, I miss the mysic feeling. Also the mountains look a bit too bald, maybe they could have been decorated some. This is the same for the body of the platforms on layer 4, it is mostly either stones or grassy earth. The decoration of the pathways however, has been done better. It has been decorated with plants, threes, rocks, flowers and, most important, demons, in different colors. Most of those things are on the foreground, though I still miss some larger objects on the foreground that overlap your view of your rabbit when passing.


As mentioned before, there should have been some variety of events in this level, I think this also goes for the eyecandy. This level gets boring fast because of the small presence of variety. Allthough the quality of this level is more than sufficient, it doesn’t give me a feeling of wanting to play it. Some original recognisable features should have been added to make it more than just a level. This level is good enough to be played on public servers sometimes.

Gameplay: 7.5
Eyecandy: 7.5
Originality: 7
Standard JJ2 music: -0.1

Final Grade: 7.2

Review by master sven

27 Sep 2009, 09:36
For: Haunted Sea of The rabbits
Level rating: 6.9

This is a good level for someone who isn’t that familliar with levelmaking yet.


This level doesn’t have a good flow, there are some dead ends and also paths of only a few tiles big. Though, you managed to keep the damage minimal by having a good flow in the middle of your level. Maybe you should try to make your next level a bit bigger, so it will be easier to avoid small paths and dead ends.


My first impression of the eyecandy is good, you have a nice moving background and rain on the foreground, also you used some tiles to mask other tiles or events. Though this level contains quite a lot of tilebugs. Try to look at other levels and see how the authors of those levels used the tiles.


You used quite some events in your level, which allowed one to warp to powerups they can’t shoot and also roll through a sucer tube square. Though, this level lacks original design, amazing eyencandy and renewing combinations of tiles and events. Though for your second level this is a good job, you can be proud of it.

Gameplay: 5.5
Eyecandy: 5
Originality: 6

Final grade: 5.5

Review by master sven

25 Feb 2009, 08:17
For: Death in the Sahara
Level rating: 7.4

RecommendedReview by master sven

19 Dec 2008, 12:01
For: Aurora Citadel
Level rating: 7.7

Just some tips: It is A CHRISTMAS, not AN CRISTMAS ^^. Also I is spelled in CAPITALS. ^^


The flow is good, I also recognise some of FF’s famous sucer tube-spring cominations. What bothers me most however, is that the middle platform in this level only contains 2 ways to go down, which are at it’s both ends, while there are more ways to go up. I would have like to seen a 3rd and maybe also a 4th way to get down from there.


The eyecandy is pretty nice, especially for this tileset. There is plenty of back and foreground, while layer 4 also posseses great eyecandy.


There isn’t a lot of originality in this level, that is also what I miss the most.

Sorry for the not so long review, Im busy :p

Gameplay: 7
Eyecandy: 8
Originality: 6

Final Grade: 7

I recommend this download for playing public in the Holidays.

Review by master sven

24 Nov 2008, 10:29
For: New Diamondus Bay
Level rating: 7.1

@ Slaz: the warp you are talking about only did that in a previous not uploaded version of this level, I have replaced the warp target.

Quick Review by master sven

8 Nov 2008, 12:34
For: Damntest
Level rating: 5.2

I think, so I am.

RecommendedReview by master sven

2 Nov 2008, 20:00 (edited 5 Nov 08, 09:34)
For: New Diamondus
Level rating: 7.2

I was awaiting this tileset. The pallette swaps are very nice and really add to your level’s atmosphere. Also I am quite a diamondus fan and this conversion gives me the opportunity to build better levels with this tileset. I would like to say to everyone: Download this and make at least one level with it, cuz its nice.

EDIT: I Agree with FF. Also I really hate PPL who give helpfull ratings for tileset reviews. (-)

BIAS: you shouldn’t say DOWNrating but just giving a helpufull rating…

Not recommendedReview by master sven

2 Nov 2008, 19:40 (edited 6 Nov 08, 07:05)
For: Winter Dreams: the 4-in-1 multiplayer pack
Level rating: 4.9

Maybe this pack is for laYmERs…


There are trees all spammed over the entire level. You are able to stand on some of their tops and on some you can’t stand. The flow is just crappy, the level is just build up out of some horizontal layers of platforms and it’s too hard to get from one to another. This level also includes dead ends at the sides of the level. I don’t understand why someone like you who uploaded many levels, still makes these mistakes.


Because the level is too spammed with trees, the eyecandy is also not that good. Though your backgrounds are quite nice. I also found a part in your level that looks like an Escher painting.(Go to wikipedia is you don’t get it.) There is a house which is definitively on the background because its overlapped by the road you are walking on. Still you are able to stand on the roof, ofcourse, this is IMPOSSIBLE!


Well, nothing original to find here, you even stole Bob’s Guns. Also this level lacks ammo, especially power-ups. It doesnt matter how much time you take to build your levels, when you keep ignoring reviews from those 5000 other downloads then you have a very slight chance your download is going to be really succesfull.

Gameplay: 4.5
Eyecandy: 5.5
Originality: 4

Final Grade: 4.7

Edit: You added some ammo +0.3.

Not recommendedReview by master sven

31 Oct 2008, 11:56 (edited 31 Oct 08, 11:57)
For: Toast Hawaii
Level rating: 4.2

Another first level, I keep wondering where all those people come from…


As you said yourself the top half of the level has large open spaces. This makes the level very empty. Try to make some more over there. The bottom part is a bit better, although the tunnel on the far left is a bit too long and the (secret) tunnel on the right side which is connected to the surface is quite useless unless you use RF climbing to get up. This level isn’t bad for a first level, I hope you will improve by not making the same mistakes again.


There are no notable mistakes in the eyecandy, but you should have decorated it some more because it looks rather boring now. Your background is ok and original but there could have been some more. This level also lacks foreground.


Well, you’ve put a shield in your level. Most people dont like shields, as they are overpowered. This level lacks interesting things and also things to do, which makes it quite boring. I wouldn’t host this online,(if I could) look at other levels and see what makes them so nice.

Gameplay: 4
Eyecandy: 4.5
Originality: 4

Final grade: 4.2

Review by master sven

29 Oct 2008, 14:39
For: Cpu Hotel
Level rating: 5.2

Is your review serious or not?
If its serious its not helpfull because of the spelling mistakes and if its not it still isn’t helpfull.

Not recommendedReview by master sven

22 Oct 2008, 17:28
For: Rail Mission
Level rating: 6.9

Well, lets see….


The first level starts with rectangle shaped area’s connected with vines. If you jump down from those vines or walk to the left end of the level you fall down and get warped in a dark place where you can only fall and nothing rests you than to press JJK. When you survived the vines you will find yourself in a dilemma with crates, If you don’t watch out destroying one, you can get yourself locked up and then you will have to cheat again to survive. Sooner than you would expect, this level has been finished. Then you go to the second level. You have to just jump yourself up for one minute and then that level is also over. In the third level you get a parachute which is actually a hover board. I never knew parachutes can get you higher. In this level you just have to avoid or destory some flying lizards for a few moments and then you reach the end of the level. In the last level you face a boss while still on your ‘parachute’ in a level that gives you no (dis)advantages, so just a platform where you walk on actually, but there is no need for walking anyway, as you are on your ‘parachute’. Please fix the bugs in the first level. The first level is probably the best of these four. That its the best says something about this pack, as there are still mistakes in it. Next time test your levels better before you upload them.


In the first level I got confused because of the ‘railroad track’ thats in the foreground. It took me half a minute to orientate and find out where I was standing on aswell as where I could stand on. The railroad track is on the foreground, which wouldn’t be that bad if you still placed tiles in layer four which would let you stand on the railroad track, now you can just hang on and go through it. The second level is ok, but I think it’s too dark and I would have rather seen some more light in this level. I will not review the eyecandy of the third and fourth level as these levels feature too little of it.


Having levels on a railroad track is quite original, but you should have executed it way better. In the first level there is supposed to be a train, but I don’t really see it, you should have made it more clearly. Also the story is too weak. You should at least have made a bit of text at the beginning of the first level. Also the main bad guy is Devan Shell again. I consider this one of the weaker single player packs starring Devan as a bad guy as you don’t even get to see him or his plan. This story needs improvement, more confrontation with the main character and more excitement.

Gameplay: 4
Eyecandy: 5.2 (5+)
Originality: 4.8 (5-)

Final Grade: 4.7

Review by master sven

26 Mar 2008, 07:43
For: Bosses
Level rating: 1.7

To prevent these reviews, just don’t allow it to be rated.

RecommendedReview by master sven

17 Mar 2008, 08:23
For: Hallows Eve
Level rating: 8.2


Well, I must say this level has a good flow, it has no dead ends and no irritating things you bump into all the time. However, there are too many things which make you move, like sucer tubes, warps and poles. Too many warps cause that few people know where they are all leading to. You have to know this level well to get the maximum out of it, which is also a good point. Especially in the middle there are some floating platforms, you should have tried to stay to the pattern of the sides and attach more platforms to eachother to form bigger ones. Those were all the negative parts. The open spaces were nicely dealt with so that they did not form any problem.


This level has great eyecandy, especially for a nature level. You gave it a lot of colours and movement, There are many things to see, also on the foreground, ammo is placed in nice shapes and layer four is also nicely decorated. You must have had a lot of work on the eyecandy.


In the bottom of the level are some gaps, you decided to not place pits there but to make sucer tubes which hold you down for a few seconds and then blow you up. Also there are falling apples in the top corners of the level and there are some nice ‘freeze enemy/sucer tube combinations’ which bump you all over the level and must have been made by a smart person.

Gameplay: 7.5
Eyecandy: 8.5
Originality: 8.5

Final Grade: 8.2

Review by master sven

6 Mar 2008, 15:22
For: Heaven On Earth
Level rating: 6.9

Angela, apart from the high grade you gave your friend, you should not review the tileset!


Well, there was nothing good to mension here, except for the bad working trigger bridge. You could have better used triggers on the portals which are now just standing open all the time and can be passed from above. There are a lot of platforms just floating arround, which brings me to another point, there are some float ups just randomly placed. There is also a dead end at the RF powerup and there are some places with little space in which moving is hard and there are some places where you just have a free fall for over 30 tiles. This all gives it an unpleasant flow. This levels gameplay is also very boring, try to add things like secret paths, sucer tubes and warps.


There are not any tilebugs in here, but the eyecandy isn’t really impressing. You made a lot of white and a little of brownish background and where you made the brown natural background you only made it a few tiles long. Most of the background only connects 2 or 3 platforms and then stops. Try to be more creative with the eyecandy. The castle on the background is not rounded off properly and I am doubing about it being a tilebug or not. You put water onv the bottom of your level to give some extra spfere to it, that was a good idea, try to have some more of those.


Well, your farther background was quite original though you could have made it better by increasing it’s eyecandy. You missed a lot of oppurtunities in making original things. You, for example, did place a lot of vine tiles, but did not have a single vine event.

Gameplay: 4.5
Eyecandy: 6
Originality: 5

Final Grade: 5.2

RecommendedReview by master sven

3 Mar 2008, 08:31 (edited 3 Mar 08, 08:31)
For: Rabbits From HELL
Level rating: 7.8


Your level consists of some large platforms but there are also some small platforms floating arround, however you made them realistic by making them look broken-off. Playing this level requires a lot of thinking because you can only get throught the middle by using either a warp or a secret path. Too bad you only placed 3 (bounch) bullets at some places and more at other places.


You made a good eyecandy, especially on the background. I miss some foreground-eyecandy though, the onliest I can find is the lava at the bottom which is camouflaging the pits. Try to (partly) camoufage some other parts of your level with foreground next time, it will look even nicer.


As you mentioned, people gave you idea’s for your level. I have to mention that these were mostly very great idea’s. Not only the pits are timed, there are also blocks which close some things off for a certain period of time and then dissapear for a certain period of time again. You could have done something more with the dead ends of this level, which have only either warps or sucer tubes.

Gameplay: 7.5
Eyecandy: 7
Originality: 8.5

Final Grade: 7.7

Not recommendedReview by master sven

31 Jan 2008, 17:00
For: Waterfall Of Lost Souls
Level rating: 5


This small level allows you not to move up easily by yourself. To do that efficiently, you need to use vertical vines or springs. You could make your level a bit less straight and blocky and make less platforms, in order to increase the flow. Your foregroundlayer-titlescreen is nice but also makes you not able to see the entire level and makes it harder to play.


Apart from some titlebugs you used your layer4-eyecandy well, however you made the titles of the background the same of those of the foreground which is very confusing. You didn’t had to, as there are more titles you could have used.


You used the vertical vines well, it was an original idea, though this level has no more original things apart from that. This level is just of a too low level to play it online intensively.

Gameplay: 4,5
Eyecandy: 5,5
Originality: 5

Final Grade: 5

Review by master sven

20 Jan 2008, 17:52
For: Relaxia Lakeside
Level rating: 7

No animated titles, no triggers.:(


When I started playing this level it looked very nice and of high quality. However, when I went to the top of the level, I saw that there was a huge space, in which can be jumped with springs. This space is way too big, you should have put a lot more titles there. Your level has one big platform at the bottom and a lot of little one’s floating above it. You should try to make less and bigger platforms, otherwise it’s just jumping from island to island when not standing on the lowest ground.


You’ve got rain, great! You also filled up the big space in the top of your level with background titles. Though it still looks very empty and boring. You used some foreground in your level, it’s not much but, at least, it is some. There are houses and mountains in the background which have a nice movement.


I couldn’t find anything original here, except for the music which fits quite to the level. You should really try to make more varity in your level. Also make something other levels don’t have. Like DW got it’s 2 warps to the carrot.

Gameplay: 5
Eyecandy: 6
Originality: 4

Final Grade: 5

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