Quick reviews should really be changed, as you need only one word to have an influence on someone’s grade: VERY GOOD!!
Making a level TSF only is not a crime Fawfull. Though, I personally think that making levels TSF only shows that you are having such a small brain that you can’t put your TSF files in a different file than your 1.20/1.23 files.
Bad, I don’t like your music, it is not cool. (Be consequent!)
I agree with Birdie that this level can be played best in a public server.
The gameplay is certainly the least best part of this level. This level consists mostly of a platform with a ring af titles arround which have some holes where you can get to small parts which aren’t arround that platform.
This level has a nice christmas sfere, thanks to its eyecandy. You made a lot of things flicker and move, your background is very nice, though the foreground and layer 4 could have been way more decorated.
With distance the best part of your level. You made having many power ups in your level not bad because most of them are not very easy to get for the average public server joiner. It is also nice that when you blow up a trigger crate and when you went to the place where the triggers dissapeared, they reappear and you have to blow up the trigger crate again.
I want to mension two things before I’ll put my ratings down here. This was a very difficult level to review, which could be a postive and a negative thing. And at last I have to give you a +0,3 for the music because it just gives your level extra sfere. Be proud, I never give extra point for music.:P
Gameplay: 5,5
Eyecandy: 6,5
Originality: 8
Final Grade: 7
I recommend this for someone’s Christmas Pack.
You can better classify this level as other, since multiple means more and not different.
Your Gameplay has the same mistakes your last level had. You can only get up easy with springs and the upper part can only be reached by the use of springs. Your level has kind of some dead ends at the top, but when you go down you will see that this level is just a right line down. This makes your level allready very boring. You should try to not make so squared as most of your levels are, but variate the amout of titles your inner titles are from the edge of your level. Also you need to put something interesting in them, not only just things you can walk on, make turrets or sucer tubes, for example.
You added some foreground in this level which gives it some more sfere. You also decorated the parts in layer 4 below where you can stand on, that was a good move too. Most of the parts of the background looks very nice too, only the part in the upper middle, which is blue, looks quite boring to me. Again, the eyecandy is the best part of your level.
Again, you didn’t add some original things to your level, which bores me. The only idea in this level that is original is that when you have 20 coins, you can go to the bonus part and score 5 points. To my opignion this is way to overpowered because those coins are very easy to get. Those bonus levels, at first, are at the upper part of the level together with allready to golden coins. This makes the upper part of the level overpowered and even more overpowered because you can only reach it in one space by using a double blue spring. Those 20 coins which are so easy to get because there are many and they give 5 points, which means a 2v2 teambattle game to 10 points would be over within 5 minutes, probably even faster. You just simply can’t defend those coins. Don’t try to make as many levels as possible, you need more time to make them. Spend at least as much time on Gameplay and Originality as you do on Eyecandy and I’m sure you will make some great levels!
Gameplay: 3
Eyecandy: 8
Originality: 4,5
Final Grade: 5,2
Quote: ‘The only idea in this level that is original is that when you have 20 coins, you can go to the bonus part and score 5 points.’
This level is not as a succes as your previous, if talking about the gameplay. There is a too large gap between your titles, which means you can only get higher in this level with the use of springs. Your level consist out of too many little platforms in which you cannot do anything else than just run. You could try to place some sucer tubes there and therefore at least connect them with eachother.
As mostly, you didn’t fail with your eyecandy. I think you had a lot of work with that, way more than with your gameplay. Your background is the best part of your level, though I miss some more decoration in layer 4 and the foreground.
You used swinging poles at the low sides of you level to get up. That is the only thing that can be classified as original, there isn’t anything you can do here, except run, there are no obstalces or things to seek shelter.
Gameplay: 4
Eyecandy: 7
Originality: 4
Final Grade: 5
Ok, Ill review it:P
This level has a nice flow mostly thanks to the tubes and warps which meet you mostly when you need them. In this level, you can’t possibly get from the bottom to the top of the levels without going with the tubes which are at both sides of the level. This way it is more difficult for a CTF level to get where you want to get, which is mostly a base or an enemy flagholder. I think therefore this level would have been better if it’s gametype was battle.
The eyecandy is the best bit of your level but there are some black parts at the bottom which make it very dark there. You have used this tileset well even in the time you had. You used many different titles in your level which makes some parts nicely colored.
You put all the power ups and all bases in a diamond shaped thing, which also drops powerups when you pass them. Your tube system has also got a very strong mind as creator, in other words: It is brilliant. Unfortioniatly, when I passed the bouncher power up once (offline) I saw 2 bouncher powerups on top of eachother.
Gameplay: 6.5
Eyecandy: 8
Originality: 7
Final Grade: 7.2
This level has not got the flow I expected. In some parts there is allmost no flow as there are too many obstacles and in some parts there is just a huge gap with nothing. Speaking about gaps, when you leave the schip at the bottom, you just fall in something white at the bottom of the level and respawn {pits)but these pits seem to make this level more one wayed. To my experience, it also seems the blue team has some advantage accourding to how this level is designed.
You did great for whatsoever you can do great with this title set. It does not really have a great eyecandy. The background is quite boring with some clouds and some moving spaceships which you can only see at some places. There is not really a foreground and the level looks quite black.
There are some mentionable things in your level, you made an entrance to the spaceship by ‘climbing’ up an anchor and you made a bonus warp which has the amount of coins in a text message which looks quite good. In the bonus part there are some chests which contain…shields! I think those shields give you a too great advantage, as players have to shoot you about two times as much to kill you, even if it is for only thirty seconds. I also got stuck somewhere where you could climb over some ropes and warp when you would fall, when I got on the spring I got right in the roof without touthing other buttons. Your level has some great features but it’s quality is decreased with the bugs it has.
Gameplay: 6
Eyecandy: 7
Originality: 7
Final Grade: 6.7
We mostly use conversion instead of remix. There are some things you also might want to know: DJbat02.j2l is not in the home cooked list and DJbat03.j2l gives an error when you start it. I will rate all of your levels together, excluding DJbat03.j2l
The battle1 and 2 conversions won’t be included in this. In the first playable level there is quite a good ammo placement but that says it all. You have created some dead ends as well as open spaces, try to build something in those to go through the paths instead. The second level is just a tube maze, which has no dead ends, but is rather boring, before I continue I want to say that this is your first upload and maybe these are your first levels and these are pretty good for your first.
The third level is better than the previous ones, but is small. There are a lot of powerups in a very small range, even for a small level, this level had a better flow though. The fourth level is a battle3 conversion. The fith level is a kind of maze, the flow is quite good but there are some open spaces in there.
All your levels have very little fore and background, expect for layer 8. You really have to use layers 5 and 3 to make good eyecandy for your level! Your levels don’t have any titlebugs which is very good for a level which is your first posted at J2O.
There are little things in your level which really can be called original. Your tube and last level had some kind of warps or ways which had a bit of original atmosphere though.
Gameplay: 5
Eyecandy: 5
Originality: 4
Final Grade: 4,7
Error= 0046CDBEh doesnt say any normal words (appears whenever you open it or type jjnxt in the previous level.
Edit: Edited sentence you didn’t understood and error.
Little reviewers these days… which makes me review more.
This level is small, that doesn’t mean the other things than the size should be small, in smaller quantity or in smaller quality. You handled that partly well and partly not sufficently.
The sufficient part is the ammo, there is quite enough of some, but doesn’t really impress me. This level has also made a rather bold impression to me. The top part is left open for 10 titles before the ceiling appears and there are some area’s which have just to little titles. Also, sometimes, especially at the bottom, the only way to get to higher ground is by using the springs.
This is the part that did not got right because this is a small level. Layer 5 just starts and stops somewere and there is little to no foreground. Layer 8 looks nice though and I couldn’t find title bugs. You also used various different titles for your background, not just the same. That is the way it should be.
You tried to make something nice of you coin system, but it isn’t that nice practically. Ofcourse, you can get those coins in 1 to 2 minutes….Before your duel or whatever starts!!! When you are playing and get roasted, you loose all your coins, have to get them all again, which you don’t have time for because you have to capture the flag and kill the flagholder. Because those power ups are the onliest in your level, you find yourself fighting with weak ammo. For the rest this level hasn’t got anything to be different than others.
Gameplay: 6
Eyecandy: 6,5
Originality: 5,5
Final Grade: 6
He probably means medium, I wouldn’t mind it if I was you. Now lets review.
I think I played in your old version of this level before. It was bald with a huge gap in the middle. You did a great job rebuilding it. This level is flowing as most levels are supposed to: simple, with some little obstacles. There is only one thing I’m not statisfied with. You put all warps in the bottom of the level, which makes the bottom far more actractive with a lot of weapons in reach , which is attacking power, also with a lot of warps and tubes which gives a lot of evasion and defensive power.
You also did this job well. I couldn’t find any title bugs and you used a lot of background titles, which gave the level a nice spfere. I would have liked some more foreground titles, which could’ve made your level look even more proffesional. For your first real level posted here, the eyecandy is really sufficient though. I would like to see, if you have the power to improve and learn from what you did.
Especially for a first level, this level is quite original. You’re really showing where the power ups are, but if you haven’t been downstairs, you don’t know how to get them. What I’ve allready mensioned is that your warps were all down in your level. You could have spread them more to create a better flow.
Gameplay: 7,3
Eyecandy: 7,2
Originality: 7,1
Final Grade: 7,2
You changed your level. Good job, you did everything I asked for. You added some foreground, which is really hard to add. Also you improved some parts and made a warp upstars too.
These are you new grades:
Gameplay: 8,5
Eyecandy: 8,1
Originality: 7,4
Final Grade: 8
Too bad your hotel is in Polish, otherwise I could have understand some more of it.
Your eyecandy is quite sufficient, you did make some mistakes. There were several wrong red blocks in walls of rooms, you could look at your level before you’re posting it and look for them. You can notice them by the dark lines with which they are separated from the other blocks.
When I played this level, and looked arround, I got bored pretty soon. There are some things to do, like tests and wallclimbing, but it is too easy. If this hotel is hosted, the clients joining it, might get bored after several minutes and leave.
You tried to be original. You partly succeeded with nice music and some kind of blue snow. Most other things you tried weren’t succesfull. Putting 2 half door’s on a vertical entrance of a room just doesn’t look that nice. You also made a chimney, but forgot to use all of the titles made for the pipes you made the chimney with.
Eyecandy: 6
Gameplay: 4
Originality: 5
Final Grade: 5
No download recommendation: Everyone should just host his own hotel, not other’s.
The 1.2 version has a irritating bug.
Sometimes, my jj2 shuts off and i get the message that jj2 wanted to execute an ilegal code or something.
Maybe you should try to shoot bounchers or RF’s with some luck at the bases when you warped in the cage next to it…
BTW: there is a carrot above the seek PU.
Let me take the task of common reviewer on myself while other don’t. :P
This level is very well comprimised if you take a look at the weapons. There are just enough weapons for its size.I liked the doghouses at the 2 bottom-sides, where you could warp with. The eyecandy of the background is very good, but I missed some foreground eyecandy. The flow was good over the entire level, execpt for the middle top, where there is open space.
Also, the music doesn’t really fit the level.
Gameplay: 8,5
Eyecandy: 7,5
Originality: 8
Final Grade: 8
Good job, I think you can do even better.
No revieuw, how sad.
Mine hasn’t got one either maybe you can now revieuw mine :P
I expected a lot of this one, because ofcource it is from my vice-jj2-divisionleader, but I shouldn’t have done that. You had some rare black and foreground titles, exept for layer 8, which was good. In layer 4 you used titles with background attached on them, instead of that, you could have better placed those titles in the background. There are some places where you can see your rabbits feet or arms between the titles, for example in the sucer tube thing at the right semi-bottom of your level. You could have used layers 3 and 5 to prevent that. There isnt really much fun of playing in the level, it is quite bold and small.But! This is your first level. This is quite good for a first one, because mine was really a lot more crap than this.
Eyecandy: 4,5
Gameplay: 4
Originality: 3,5
Final Grade: 4
This level has a very good first impression. The Eyecandy looks good, but when you look closer, you see that there are some wrong used titles. This level has got the stamp, very hard, but I very easily completed this level. When I saw all those, ‘this level is very hard’things, I thought it would be like a diffucult puzzle, but its not, its just shooting enemies. Though, this level looks great if you have your eyes about 30cm from you screen.
Gameplay: 7
Eyecandy: 7,5
Originality: 6,5
Final Grade: 7
Download this if you have to go soon and want to play just a bit single player.
Well, your revieuws aren’t that good either.
@ Booshi: who says i’m not able to make a ‘better background’, I just tried something original. Becouse originality is also worth to be rated, isn’t it?
@ SPAZ18 & Kax: Why is a hotel in the background confusing?
@ SPAZ18: Why is a 50×35 titles level not good for a battle level? Ever heard of duels? There are 2 carrots in the level. And the powerups in many levels, like battle1 are also easy to find.
Ranklist of Reviews:
I think you should’ve better updated your previous upload.
not only jjackrabbit says ur cool, I say so 2 :P
Nice clues, u must be really smart to make those. They are to understand for everyone but don’t tell the exact point.
The puzzels were not the same whole the time. Sometimes you had to morph all the time and sometimes you had to try to shoot a checkpoint and then die.
No bugs, not really a fantastic eyecandy, but its a puzzle level, they don’t have to be that beautiful.
Also nice to see your keys at the foreground :P!
I think no more should be rated at a puzzle level so thats it :P
Gameplay: 9
Eyecandy: 8
Final Grade: 8,5!
GJ looks like u can make everything!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.