Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Space Battle
Level rating: 1.8

Okay, I am going to review this. So read this good, because it can provide many information.
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay in this level is very bad. The level’s size is too bad, and there is only one spring. The level is very open, and I hate that. The level’s layout is very bad. I dislike how there are that many platforms in this level. There is a warp to some place with 2 power-ups(which is also bad), and the warp in that warp leads you back to the left side of the level. I don’t like how it’s placed, and no warp would probably do better. That warp is a coin warp, and you need 10 coins. There are too many dead ends, although the dead ends are too open, and it makes you easier to dodge seekers. The level is very hard to get around, since there are no springs. This level is probably easier for Spaz, since he can jump higher and runs faster. This makes the flow bad. The start positions are randomly placed, and that’s another bad point, sorry. I don’t like the way that warp is placed, because you don’t need coins in a level like this.
Conclusion gameplay and what should be improved: The gameplay is very bad, there is only one spring, and that’s very bad. Very bad flow and layout, and way too open. I dislike the level’s size.
Tips for improvement: Place more springs next time. Make the level more closed. Don’t make random platforms at some places.
EYE CANDY/TILESET USE/LAYER USE: The level’s eye candy is awful. There is almost nothing, only some signs that show who made the tileset. There was one little thing in layer 3, and a background. There were some figures at the left side of the level, too. There was a circle and some other figure more at the left side. There was a blue thing in layer 5, too. That was all eye candy. Tileset use was very bad. I already said everything what was used of the tileset. The layer use is kinda bad, there is a background in layer 8, a blue thing in layer 5, one little thing in layer 3 and something in layer 4.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use/layer use and what shuold be improved: The eye candy in the level is very bad. Bad layer use and very bad tileset use.
Tips for improvement: Focus more on the tileset next time by looking to it. Put more things in layers, or just do alot in layer 4.
PICKUP PLACEMENT: The ammo placement in the level is bad. There are some crates, and I think they are randomly placed. I saw an ice(!), bouncy, seeker and rf crate with 5 × 3 ammo. There were 6 crates with seeker ammo(5×3) in it, and in the middle of that is a seek pu. The same area has a silver coin at the left side, a fast fire right next to the crates with seek pu, and a carrot completely at the right side of that. I don’t see a reason to put a morph in this level, there were even 2 morphs. There is some gun9 placed too, and I must say it looks creative. It should all be one tile higher and no 7-5-3-1 but 5-3-1 or something. That should be better, though. But no real recommendation to do that. There was bouncy ammo more at the right side, and some coins throughout the level. All ammo generates too fast, and there are 4 coins in the level. All placement is illuminate, and you probably don’t know what it does or is. I won’t do this again if I were you, so don’t do it again. There are 3 power-ups, and two of them are in that bonus of 10 coins. The two chosen are rf and blaster. 3 pu is enough, but the placement of them is something else.
Conclusion pickup placement and what should be improved: The placement is again bad, there are too many crates and randomly placed I think.
Tips for improving: Place less crates next time. Don’t place it randomly. Don’t make the ammo generate that fast.
ORIGINALITY: Something new? I never saw a level with this tileset, so how fun. I don’t like the way the tileset is used, though. The music used was questionable, and that’s all about originality.
Conclusion originality: I never saw this tileset, but the tileset is used in a bad way. I don’t understand why that music is there.
Tips for improving your levels: Read what I said for other sections, but let someone beta-test your levels. Your levels are too bad, so only upload them if you think by yourself it’s good enough. You can only know that if someone beta-tests it.
Others: Host this: No! Don’t do it!
Download recommendation: For freakz. No download recommendation: For people who don’t like levels with this rating.
My final rating is a 1.7. Read my advice, and you will be better some time.
DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here.

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Dark hours
Level rating: 5.8

First review I guess. Btw, no first impressions, but something else, since Snooz found it too unoriginal. I’ll try something new now.
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay in this level isn’t too good. The level is very small, has only two springs, and way too many warps. The level has three tubes. The layout of this level is bad, I don’t like it. It’s too open and too squared off in some places. I don’t understand the way the pipes are placed. I don’t like it, sorry. The flow in the level is very bad, since there are only two springs. The level is Spaz biased, and that’s again, bad. Some places with warps are not too good, cause they don’t show where the warps are. I don’t see a reason to put a vine somewhere in the level, the only reason possible is probably to help the flow a bit, but I still don’t like it. This is easier for Spaz, because Jazz can’t get on it with his special move. You can get up there with every character but you need to run to the right first. Then left, and then jump. This is a sort of biasing, and also bad. There are some evil dead ends, too.
EYE CANDY/TILESET USE: The eye candy is bad. Why? The tileset may be limiting, but there is almost nothing. There is a background in layer 5, which doesn’t look too good, cause it’s only at the bottom of the level. It’s also too small. The eye candy in layer 4 are only a few stones. Layer 3 has some tubes, and that’s probably all. The tileset isn’t too good used, sorry. There are some pipes in layer 4 too, and I don’t understand why they’re placed there.
PICKUP PLACEMENT: The ammo placement in this level is ok. There is enough, and it’s okay placed. The carrot placement is good, there is one carrot. The bad thing is: why is there an invincibility here? This isn’t used alot, that’s probably the reason, but I don’t like it. It’s too powerful. There could be more ammo in some places, though, but it doesn’t matter. There are some crates too, but I am glad there is no ice. A real complaint is the power-up placement. Sorry, way too many. Don’t do this in a level with a size like this. I found 6 power-ups. Argh. The only power-ups that where not there were gun8 and ice. I don’t see a reason to put a gun9 power-up here, it’s not useful imo. There are 3 fast fires in a warp, and it’s fine.
ORIGINALITY: The tileset used is underused I think. The music in the level was never used, and that’s a good point. The use of the tileset wasn’t too original, but there were some things I never saw with this tileset… but that was bad. So, I don’t think the level is so original.
PLAYABILITY: I don’t think this level is too fun to play. Since the level is too open, you can’t fight too good in it. It’s easier to dodge the seekers here. The dead ends in the level make the level not too good to play in too, and I don’t like it. That there are only 2 springs, make it worse. Sorry, this level is not fun to play.
Tips: Make your level bigger next time. Make more springs and use a tileset with more and better eye candy. Make a better layout and flow. Make no dead ends. Make it more closed.
Others: Host this: No.
Download recommendation: Probably for no-one, only for people who like small level and only like battle levels. No download recommendation: For people who are normal players and reviewers, and know much better battle levels.
My final rating is a 5. Try harder next time.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here.

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 5 Pack
Level rating: N/A

Okay, I will review this with help from my own reviews on single levels, and I will write a few sentences about the levels I didn’t review so prepare for a long review.
Level 1: Zaitox Station 67 by CelL.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. It’s not perfect. The spring placement was very good. But when you fall down at a base, you need to go back up. You can get stuck somewhere. There are many sucker tubes, and that makes the gameplay even better. Also, the balance is as good as it must be.
Eye candy: Very Good. I loved it. There were lots of stuff in layer 4 and 3. It was really one of the best eye candy I ever saw. There were also lots of brown and mud tiles. I liked that.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. There was not really many ammo, and the place of the bouncers was questionable(the bouncers near the bases). It’s better for Jazz, I think. There are 3 PU’s. Seeker, Bouncer and Toaster. The most ammo in one group was 9 gun9. There was also a Full Energy(of course). It’s good placed, but I think that it’s closer to the blue base. There is also a +1 carrot at the centre of the level. The Toaster Power-Up was closer to the red base, I guess.
Level 2: Angelic Warfare by CelL and RagE.
This is a nice level, the level has good trigger use, and a nice ammo placement. Great eye candy and gameplay. One of the best levels in the pack.
Level 3: BloodBunny’s Lair by BloodBunny.
Gameplay: the gameplay in this level is awesome. It’s the best gameplay ever. The layout in this level is kinda good, although the level is open. The flow in the level is very good. The spring placement is very good and there are warps which prevent you from jumping. There is some Spaz biasing here. You can get the left carrot with Spaz, and if you fall off, you acn get up again. Jazz has to copter and that’s a biasing. There are many platforms and you can get on them without jumping.
Conclusion gameplay: the best gameplay ever. Very nice flow, level is quite open. Some Spaz biasing, but a very good spring placement.
Eye candy: the eye candy in this level is nothing really special. There is not too many, but there are some secrets here and there. The tileset is used good enough. The tileset is under-used too, and it’s also hard to use it good. The lava in this level is made translucent, but sometimes, you don’t see the translucency. This is a bug, but that’s the game’s fault.. Layer 3 has alot of stuff, and that’s the reason why the eye candy is not bad or very good.
Pickup placement: the pickup placement in this level really rox. The ammo placement is very good, it’s good spread throughout the level. There are 3 power-ups, bouncy, seeker and gun9. The seeker power-up is placed at the left side, and you can get it with TNT, bouncies or gun9. This really rux. The bouncy PU is placed probably closer to the left base, and the gun9 pu is placed at the right side(and base). There are 2 full energy, you can shoot one down and it’s more close to the left base. The other carrot is at the right side, and cannot be shot down. There are coins in this level and tehre is a coin warp that leads you to the base. Left is left base, right is right base.
Originality: This level is very original. That coin idea was very good. The tileset was used original too. The tileset is under-used. The music is just standard, but it fits this level. The level’s name is original too. I will just say that this level is the most original possible. That means 8.5 points.
Level 4: Martian Megatropolis by URJazz[si]
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. It was very good. There was good spring placement but that horizontal springs were annoying. You don’t have to jump alot that’s very good. There are dead ends, that’s the only bad.
Eye candy: Very good. The eye candy was also very good. There were lots of things in layer 3 and 5, and the other layers were used good too.
Pickup placement: Good/Very good. It was almost very good, but I liked to use one type of ammo less, that would be good. The other ammo was good, because it was on the platform and not above. The full NRG was in the middle, thats good.
Gameplay: This r0x. That idea of the level was so original, and the layout was very original too. The level has not too many camp places. The size of the level may be quite strange, but I like it. This level doesn’t even need alot of springs. The gameplay is already very good(even without springs). The level seems quite big, and I like that too.
Conclusion gameplay: Pros: Everything.
Cons: Nothing.
Eye candy/Tileset use: Good/Very Good. Nothing really special here, but it’s quite good imo. I think the tileset is used well, and I kinda like it. There isn’t too many, but some places had nice eye candy. Others didn’t have, and that’s probably why the eye candy isn’t perfect or very good.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Pros: The tileset is used well, and there are some places with nice eye candy. Cons: There could be more eye candy in some places.
Pickup placement: Very Good. I love the placement here. There is alot of ammo and there is enough in every place. There is a full energy placed in the middle of the level. There are fly carrots, which prevent you from falling I think. They’re also used for the fun I guess. And the originality. There are 3 Power-Ups, A Seeker, Toaster and Bouncy PU. The Bouncy PU is placed at the left-top of the level. There is less bouncy ammo there then Toaster ammo at the right side(with the PU too). The groups of ammo are mostly placed 5 × 2 or 6 × 2 or 7 × 2 × 3 ammo. There is also ammo on that small platforms, which you can get without jumping. The Seeker PU is placed in the centre of that two PU, where are 5 platforms. And the Seeker PU is placed on the 3rd platform of them.
Conclusion Pickup placement: Pros: Everything what needs to be good.
Cons: Nothing.
Originality: Good/Very Good. Yes, this level is very original. I give the complete 8.5 points for it. First: The excellent layout. Second: That interesting use of islands. Third: The placement of that fly carrots. Fourth: The tileset that’s used. And fifth: The music in the level.
Fun Factor: This level is very fun to play. The bases are easy to defend, but not too easy to kill the opponent after one hit. The RF PU would be nice here, but it doesn’t matter. You can kill he opponent with a RF or Bouncer than too. The full energy is placed on the ground, which prevent it from falling.
Conclusion fun factor: A very fun level.
Level 6: Celestial Wargrounds by Enigma.
This level is nice, there could be more ammo, but the eye candy is nice. The other placement rocked, and the gameplay was nice too.
Level 7: This level is Untitled by EvilMike.
This is a nice level, the ammo placement is intelligent. The eye candy is good, because the tileset is rather limiting. The gameplay here is good too.
Level 8: One Silver Penny by CelL.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. Well, I can say this is a nice gameplay, but could be better, though. I will explain. First, there is a nice spring placement. Second, there are one ways in some places. Third, there is a copter in the level which makes the level Lori-unfriendly. But who cares, it’s mostly a 1.23 level and not hosted alot too. Fourth, there are some warps in some places. Fifth, the layout and flow are nice. Sixth, there are some tubes in some places. Seventh, there are some float ups too. And eighth, the level is not too big, but that doesnt matter much.
Conclusion: Nice gameplay, but not perfect.
Eye Candy/Tileset use: Very Good. Yes, this is again a very nice eye candy in a level by CelL. There is very nice eye candy in layer 4(sprite layer). There is a nice background. The tileset use is very good, too. There is a foreground, and that are trees. There is also something in layer 3, and it looks nice too. Even layer 5 had something, I saw too.
Conclusion eye candy: Very nice.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good And here it is, the evil part of the level. I will explain why. First off, there is a very good ammo placement. Second is, there is one silver coin(penny) that’s why the name is One Silver Penny. There are 2 Power-Ups. One Seeker PU in the middle, with a Toaster PU at the right side. The Toaster PU is probably closer to the Red Base, but I dunno if it’s really true. Why is there a Silver Coin here? Well, there is a bonus of one coin and when you inserted the coin, you will be at the Full Energy. That’s quite evil, but it’s original. The other evil is, there is not another carrot in the level.
Conclusion: Nice placement.
Originality: Good/Very Good. Like I said, the idea to put a full energy in a warp where you need a coin for is very original. The music used is bonus2.j2b, and that music isn’t used alot for diamondus. Most times people that use a diamondus tileset always put Diamond.j2b as music. But I am glad to see that this time it isn’t the default music.
Conclusion: An original level.
Level 9: High Volume CTF by FireSworD.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. I like it, spring placement is very good, only the level is quite small, if it was that big with this gameplay, it was very good.
Eye candy: Very Good. I loved it. This is how you need to use this tileset. I don’t care about that it’s overused.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. The ammo placement is really good, but you must get up again to get the ammo at some places. There are more levels which have that. The amount of ammo was very good. The carrot placement was also good.
Level 10: Arabian Highlands by Super Saiyan.
A level I don’t know too good, but I saw the interesting eye candy and good placement. Gameplay is good enough.
Level 11: Knightmare Castle by Unhit.
Gameplay: This level has good gameplay. The CTF bases were good placed in a small level. The springs were good, enz. Nothing bad about this.
Eye candy: Eye candy is very good. There are lots of dark places and all layers were used. That’s very good.
Pickup placement: Ammo placement was very nice. Not many ammo for a small level, great. The full energy was good placed on a small platform in the middle of the level. At each side of the level was a power-up, and the selection of RF and bouncies were good chosen.
Level 12: Swingin’Jazz by BloodBunny.
Another BloodBunny level. This level is worse than the other 2 by him in this pack, but it’s still good. The eye candy is nice, with a good placement and gameplay.
Level 13: Happy Castle CTF by stripe, FQuist and DizZy.
This level has alot of triggers, and I like that. Everything is good enough.
Level 14: Happy semiconductor CTF by stripe.
One of my favourites. This level has a very nice and strange layout, great eye candy and a nice placement.
Level 15: Darker Science by Shadow[GpW]
This level has again everything needed, no complaints.
Level 16: SmogCTF by EvilMike.
Another EvilMike level, this level uses the Wasteland tileset very nice. There is alot of good eye candy, nice placement and the gameplay is nice too. The rf powerup placement may be evil.
Level 17: Security Breach v2 by BlurredD.
This is one of my top 10, and I like it. I don’t know why this level isn’t on j2o, but it should be. Everything is nice.
Level 18: Diamondus Warzone by Epic and jeh(fixed it).
Argh. I don’t like this level. It’s too platformy and has a bad base and ammo placement. More than 1 seeker pu would be nice. The eye candy is good enough, but that’s all.
Level 19: Dirty Laundry by BloodBunny.
This is a nice level, with a great eye candy and placement. Gameplay is also nice.
Level 20: Claustro Mania by Shadow[GpW].
This is a level that uses Mez01, and I think that the way it’s used is very good. The gameplay is nice, but not perfect. The eye candy is very nice, like all levels in the pack. The placement is alright.
Level 21: ShockWave by Shadow[GpW].
This is another Tube electric level, and it’s very big. Again, everything that needs to be nice in a CTF level.
Level 22: Fiersome Flaggin’ by Disguise.
This is another level I don’t know too good, but it looks kinda nice, and has a good eye candy, placement and gameplay.
Well, it’s not too hard to give a long review for a pack like this, especially when you reviewed all levels somewhere. Some levels are not single on j2o, but anyway, bad that this pack may not be rated. I would say: awesome pack.
DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and -XLM was here.
[This review has been edited by Da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: A shiny day in Carrottus
Level rating: 7.4

Okay, time to review this new Ðx battle level. I am excited.
First impressions: Like I said, a new battle level by Ðx, and I saw it uses the carrotus tileset, and I thought: bah, not again carrotus. Anyway, let’s continue.
Layout: The level’s layout isn’t too bad, but not very good, either. The level’s size is ok, like Satan said, but it could be bigger. Anyway, the layout in the level is kinda good, but the level is open in some places.
Flow: Probably something new. The spring placement here isn’t as good as before, because the level’s layout isn’t too good for springs.
Other gameplay: The level uses some tubes and some vines, and has alot of dead ends, like in Ðx’s last level. some one ways placed at some places too.
Tileset use: The tileset use was very nice, no complaints.
Backgrounds and foregrounds: There is alot in layer 3, and that waterfalls in layer 1, but if I play the level, I don’t see the translucency of the waterfalls. Layer 5 has alot of stuff too, and layer 6 uses a normal background(finally). Layer 7 has a confusing thing in it, and I didn’t like it too much.
Other eye candy: There was stuff in layer 2. The background in layer 8 was something new.
Ammo: The ammo placement in this level is kinda good. Although, there are too many crates. I am just giving advice: don’t put crates in your levels(or only 1 or 2). There were too many seekers in one place, too.
Power-ups: like Ðx’s last battle level, too many power-ups. I found 5 power-ups, and one of them was ice(argh). Others were gun9, rf, bouncy and blaster. I think 3 pu should be good enough in this level, and don’t do this again, please.
Carrots: There is one carrot in this level, and it’s placed in a barrel. It may be a good idea, but it’s not too good, because a single carrot should be better(or 2).
Other pickup placement: a real complaint: way too many fast fire! Never do this again, same as too many power-ups. I didn’t count all fast fire, but it was way too many.
Music: the music in this level is used alot of times, but I like it, so it’s not a big problem.
Tileset used: the tileset used is too overused. You should try to use some other tileset next time, because this becomes really annoying after some time.
Other original: The level is original, like that waterfalls. Also, the background is original, but not too nice.
Conclusion level: A level by Ðx, with good eye candy, very nice tileset use, some bugs(I didn’t say), some original ideas, and a overused tileset.
Host this: It should be a good level for TSF if you are bored.
Download recommendation: For people who like many eye candy. No download recommendation: For people who don’t like battle.
Final rating: 7.2.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here.
Edit: Sorry, I didn’t notice. So that means there are 2 carrots in this level.

[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Bricky Town
Level rating: 6.7

This is no personal attack, but the WINNER, you should try to be fair. Your rating is 6.2, although it should be 7. Because the total of your ratings is 42.2 and that :6 is not 6.2. I am not saying a 6.2 is low, I am just saying that you can’t do math. That means you did -0.8 for nothing. Oh, and banning from a server because the level has a seeker power-up is also very stupid. If you do that, I can’t see what the other people in the server think of my levels. You shouldn’t hate seek pu’s, foo. Yes R3ptile, that’s true. Another edit: whatever, I don’t really care cause I was in a bad mood that day. So, I can live with it.
[This review has been edited by Da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Chromosphere
Level rating: 8.4

Another random level review. Btw, I will use a new review system.
First impressions: This is a level created by CelL of OLC and FoR, and it is one of his many levels.
Layout: This level’s layout is nice. The level has enough space.
Flow: The level’s flow is good. It’s easy to get around, although there is one dead end, and that’s the place of the carrot. Also, no biasing and a good spring placement.
Other gameplay: The other things in the gameplay here are good. The level uses triggers in a good way, has alot of warps, and has more routes to the base. There are also some tubes, and a few one way and float ups. The level is not too big, though, but it doesn’t matter, it’s just the level itself.
Tileset use: The tileset was used nice, I liked it alot.
Backgrounds: The backgrounds in the level were how they need to be. Just good.
Other eye candy: There was alot of other eye candy here. There were alot of dark tiles or something, colourful things in red, blue, black and yellow. There were also some moving chains, and some more.
Ammo: The ammo placement was very nice. Not too many and good choices.
Power-ups: 3 power-ups here, there was a seeker, bouncy and rf. The seeker pu placed in a warp, but you can also get it with gun9. The bouncy pu was placed near the bottom of the level. The rf pu placed left from the carrot.
Carrots: 1 full energy in this level, placed in a small dead end, you can go to that place 2 ways. One way is using the red spring. There is one way there and are there if you take it. Second way is using a warp at the left side of that area.
Other pickup placement: No, no other pickups here.
Music: I liked the level’s music, I didn’t know it, and it also fits the level.
Tileset used: The tileset used isn’t overused, so that’s a good point.
Other original: The level has many warps, there aren’t many levels with that many warps like this level.
Others: This was my new review system. I don’t rate fun factor anymore, I don’t like to do that.
Host this: Yes, an underhosted level.
Download: Yes.
My final rating is a nice 8.5.
DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and -XLM was here.

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Dark Graveyard
Level rating: 7.8

Okay, I am going to review this level, I thought: Wow, an eight from BlurredD, so why shouldn’t I review it?
First impressions: This is a CTF level created by Superjazz, and I am sure it is the best CTF level from him ever.
GAMEPLAY: This is a symmetrical level, and it’s quite big in the length. There were some tubes which prevent dead ends, although I saw small dead ends somewhere, but it doesn’t matter too much. The level has a good spring placement, and it’s kinda easy to get around. The level is very open in the middle, but the sides of this level have enough space. It looked like the level doesn’t have a complete border, but it has. This is always needed, because a level with no complete border causes a flag bug, which is very annoying. Anyway, the flow of this level is kinda good, and the level isn’t too hard to learn, although there are some secrets here and there.
Conclusion gameplay: Good spring placement, flow and a decent layout, which is very open in the middle. The level is not hard to learn, but there are some secrets here and there.
EYE CANDY/TILESET USE: This level’s eye candy is nice. There was alot of eye candy in layer 3, and 5,2 and 4 had many eye candy too. I liked it. The tileset was good used, it was just nice.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: This level has nice eye candy. The layer and tileset use was good.
PICKUP PLACEMENT: This level has not too many ammo, but it’s okay. What was there, were good choices. There were fast fire, 3 on each side. There were 3 power-ups, and the placement of them was good. There is a bouncy pu at the left side, with the rf pu at the other side. The seek pu placement was average, but I don’t rate it. There was no gun9, but that doesn’t matter, because the level doesn’t need it I think. The carrot placement was alright, there is a +1 carrot at each side, and 1 full energy in the middle, and there is a seeker pu somewhere above it. There were some crates too, but there was only 1 at each side and I saw one in the middle, above the full energy and under the seek pu. Anyway, the pickup placement here is nice too.
Conclusion pickup placement: The level has not too many ammo, but the ammo placement in the level is nice placed. There were some fast fires and crates, and 3 carrots, which is good for the size.
ORIGINALITY: The tileset the level uses is kinda underused, but I only saw one CTF level with this tileset. The level’s music sounded kinda scary, but it sounds nice. The seeker pu placement was kinda original, but nothing special.
Conclusion originality: This level is original, the music was kinda nice, and the tileset is under-used for CTF levels.
FUN FACTOR: This level has not a straight way to the base, and is kinda open, like I said, but it’s decent. There are 2 openings, and they both lead to the base. This is more fun.
Conclusion fun factor: The level is open, but not a straight way to the base. There are 2 ways to the bases, that’s better.
Conclusion level: A nice level by Superjazz, with a good gameplay, nice eye candy, and everything else was good too.
Others: Host this: Yes, occasionally.
Download: Yes.
Final Rating: 8.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here -

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: SummerCTF
Level rating: 6.8

Ok, I start reviewing.
First impressions: A level by Sasik[VS], which I saw in his server once.
Gameplay: This is a symmetrical level, with almost the same ammo and even 2 Blaster PU’s. There is some Spaz biasing. Like near the base, there is a spring which is too low for Jazz, but you can double jump with Spaz to land on the platform above it. This is something I dislike big time. The only thing in the level which isn’t symmetrical, is the warp to the full energy at the right side, with a bouncy PU at the left side. This is a very bad thing. I saw tubes too, they lead you to the base. This prevents there is one boring way to the base. There are dead ends too, and I also dislike that. I wasn’t too fond of the spring placement, and I disliked it that there is a airboard too. Layout and flow aren’t too good.
Conclusion gameplay: Bad gameplay here, bad layout and flow, spring placement, Spaz biasing. There isn’t one route to the base.
Eye candy/Tileset use: I said first that I didn’t like the eye candy too much, but I think it is quite good, though. The tileset is used fine, and I kinda like it. There are some animations, but I don’t see sense to make the spikes animated. The other eye candy is good, so be it.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: The eye candy is quite good, the tileset is used good too.
Pickup placement: The ammo placement could be alot better. There is too many Ice and TNT. There could be less PU, because this is too many. There is almost of eveyr weapon a PU, except Ice. I am glad it isn’t PUed, because I don’t like Ice. I don’t see a reason why there is destruct scenery in this level, because it’s not good to use in CTF. The PU placement isn’t too good, it’s mostly too close to eachother. The carrot is placed in a warp that is only at the right side, and that’s a bad thing.
Conclusion pickup placement: Not too good. There are too many PU, too many Ice and TNT, destruct scenery is unnecessary.
Originality: This level’s music was kinda original, although I didn’t like it. I couldn’t hear the other music, and I don’t know how it hears. The tileset use was kinda original, such as that animations.
Conclusion originality: The level’s music is original, although I didn’t like it. The tileset use was original, such as that animations.
Fun Factor: This level is not too fun to play. That there are more ways to the bases is a good thing, but there is a straight way to the base with not too many obstacles, so it’s kinda boring. The level is too open, and I don’t like it.
Conclusion fun factor: Not too fun. Open, straight way to the base. That there are more ways to the bases makes it more fun, but the level itself is not fun.
Others: Host this: No.
Download recommendation: For people who like TSF. No download recommendation: for anyone else.
Final rating: 6.5.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here -
Edit: I looked at other ratings, and I noticed a 6.5 is too high, so here you go with a 6.
P.S: The WINNER, didn’t you notice there are 6 PU?[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Invisible Battle
Level rating: 1.8

Time to review again.
First impressions: This is a level by Bignick, one whose levels aren’t too good.
Gameplay: This level’s gameplay is very bad. I don’t like it. There are lots of dead ends and a very bad layout, the level is very hard to learn and you can’t see where you are. I don’t like it too much. The flow of this level is also bad, there aren’t even springs, and I dislike that the most.
Conclusion gameplay: The gameplay is awful, the level has a bad flow and layout, and there are no springs. The level is extremely hard to learn. You can’t even see where you are going.
Eye candy/Tileset use: The eye candy here is very bad, there is almost nothing. There are numbers in layer 2, and that’s all. There is layer 8 of course, but that’s almost everything, like I said. The tileset is used extremely bad, too.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Very bad eye candy, only some numbers in layer 2 and a background in layer 8. Tileset use is extremly bad.
Pickup placement: the ammo in this level is alot at the ground, which is not too good. There are a few Pu, I don’t know how many(I am too lazy to check). The ammo placement isn’t too good, too. There is too many for a level of this size. I found 4 carrot energy +1’s, that’s too many in a level with this size. I don’t see a reason to put a warp that takes you to the top of the level, I don’t like that.
Conclusion pickup placement: This level has a not too good ammo placement, it’s mostly at the ground. The carrot placement is bad, the warp is unnecessary.
Originality: This level may be original, because it’s invisible. It’s not good that it’s invisible, but it’s still an idea. The tileset isn’t overused, but there should be another music in this level.
Conclusion originality: The idea to make the level invisible is original, but not too good. The tileset isn’t overused, and the music doesn’t fit the level.
Others: I don’t like to rate fun factor here.
Host this: If you are stupid.
Download recommendation: For people who like to see very bad levels. No download recommendation for anyone else.
Final Rating: 1.7. Very bad level.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here -

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Vampire's Scary Land
Level rating: 5.5

Okay, I am bored, so I decided to review this.
First impressions: A level by the WINNER,which is again way too big, but let’s continue the review. The name sounds scary, too.
Gameplay: This level is too big, and the layout isn’t too good. The flow in this level is quite bad, and the level is very hard to learn because of it’s size. Anyway, there is a nice trigger use, I like that. The spring placement isn’t too good and there are annoying tubes, which are way too long. The layout may be confusing, and it’s hard to remember the level(learning), because it’s so big. And, there is that tube that is 86 tiles long! This is way too many for a tube, you should never make them so long or make such a big level like this.
Conclusion gameplay: This level is way too big, some annoying tubes, nice trigger use, bad flow and layout, hard to learn.
Eye candy/Tileset use: This level has average eye candy, like BlurredD said, and I never saw a level with the tileset used, and the tileset is used well. I can’t say it’s a perfect use, but I kinda like it. If the level was not as big as it is, the eye candy could be better. There isn’t enough eye candy at the top of the level, in other places it’s average. There is enough eye candy in layer3, although it are mostly tubes.
Conclusion eye candy/Tileset use: Quite good, but could be better if the level wasn’t as big as it is. Fine tileset use.
Placement: This level has not too many ammo for it’s size, and 4 Power-Ups, which is good for this size. The PU that are there are: Bouncy, Toaster, Blaster and Rf. The placement of them isn’t too good, the Toaster and bouncy PU are team-based, that’s nice, but the RF and Blaster PU’s are closer to the left base. This level could have 5 PU because of it’s size, there should be 2 PU more close to each base, and 1 PU at the complete centre of the level. If would be nice if it was, but anyway. The ammo placement is nothing really special, I don’t like it too much. It looks like the last level. There are a few crates too, I don’t like crates that much, but it’s okay. This level has a full energy too, I think it’s more close to the left base.
Conclusion placement: The ammo placement isn’t too good. I don’t like the PU placement too many. Carrot placement is biased for left team.
Originality: This level uses a tileset I didn’t even know, that’s good for originality. The placement of the team-based PU’s was like in Happy Castle CTF, only a bit else. The music fits the level, it’s a scary tileset with a scary music.
Conclusion originality: I didn’t know this tileset before, team-based PU placement was quite original, music fits the level nice.
Fun Factor: This level is quite fun to play, too bad it’s so big. The way to the base is not a straight way, that’s good. The level is quite open in some places, but ít’s so big. So, I cannot say it’s too open.
Conclusion fun factor: A quite fun level, too bad it’s so big. The way to the base is not boring.
Others: Host this: No.
Download: No.
Final Rating: 5.5.

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Noname-Battle
Level rating: 1.2

Okay, First review.
First impressions: Another battle1 update! Bah. Made by OzzY, and when I looked at it, I thought it was very evil. And it is.
What was changed: This level makes misusage of Battle1, which is never good. I don’t like what was changed. There were too many seekers and another Seek PU, and there were also alot of springs in some places. Some ways were closed, and I didn’t like it. There were warps added. I didn’t like them too. There were very many tile bugs, and there were also new ways created to make it easier to camp or something. The level was completely changed for the most part, and the eye candy was misused too. I made a battle1 update a few times, but I learned that making a battle1 update is never good. So, I say for everyone who wants to make a battle1 update: Don’t make them!!!. It will give you a bad rating if rated, and it’s also stupid to do that. A good point is that the water shield isn’t there anymore, it’s changed into 4 fast fire at each side(there were first one fast fire at each side and the shield in the middle). There was another Seek PU with 2 crates with 5 × 3 seekers, and I can say: never make more than 1 PU in the same level! Never. I did it too, but it didn’t work. The warp that leads you to the seekers place, where you can get up with Spaz or with Jazz if you RF climb, was changed into a way with a empty tile in the middle. That tile was the warp. A hint that there is a warp there would be nice, and you should never make ways there. The bouncy area was messed up. There were no 5 rows with weapons anymore. I didn’t like it, and this was probably my last comment on this update for battle 1.
Conclusion: This level was a misusage of the original battle1, and never make a update agoun. This isn’t even updated, and I don’t like it.
Host this: No.
Download it: No.
I won’t give this a rating, because I don’t like to rate a level like this.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here -

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: A Two Level CTF Pack
Level rating: 8.4

Review time.
‘Jungle’s Edge’
First impressions: A level created by FS of OLC and DM, just like the other one in this 2-level pack.
Gameplay: This is an almost symmetrical level, with a nice spring placement. The level is quite big, and there is some one way at some places too(actually in alot of places). There is no complete border around the level, but it’s mostly closed, but I never saw a flag bug in this level. Both layout and flow are nice, the level is not too hard to learn and it’s easy to get around. The level is quite open, though, which isn’t a bad thing here.
Conclusion gameplay: Nice gameplay here. Good layout, flow, spring placement, easy to learn, easy to get around, thus everything.
Eye candy/Tileset use: This level has very nice eye candy. There is alot of eye candy in layer 3, which makes the eye candy here r0x. The background is very original, and I like it a lot. The tileset is used very good, and I love that.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Very nice tileset use and eye candy. Alot of eye candy in layer 3.
Placement: The level’s ammo placement is very good. PU placement is as good as it needs to be. There is a bouncy PU at the left side. The RF PU is at the right side. The Seeker PU placed in the middle. The gun9 PU more close to the right base, but gun9 PU is not too useful here, so it doesn’t really matter. There is a full energy, of course placed in the middle, and you can shoot it down in this level, makes it easy to camp. There might be too little ammo in some places, but other places make it better.
Conclusion placement: Very nice ammo placement and PU placement. Carrot placement is as good as it needs to be.
Originality: This level is very original, first the music. Second, the wasy the tileset is used. Third: the background. Nothing else, but it are enough reasons to show the level is original.
Conclusion originality: An original level.
Fun Factor: The level is quite open, and there are alot of ways to the bases, I like that. The way to the base is a straight way, but with jumping.
Conclusion fun factor: A quite fun level.
‘Termite Haven’
First impressions: read what I said for Jungle’s Edge.
Gameplay: The gameplay here is excellent. The level is not symmetrical, has a nice spring placement and uses tubes to make it better. There is one place in the level that leads you completely from down to up for the most part. You take a spring, one way, spring, one way, spring, one way, spring, one way(you can go right if you are at the left side), spring, one way, spring, one way. You don’t have to do anything in that place, only go right. This is very nice. There is use of triggers too, and it works good. The layout and flow are again, good.
Conclusion gameplay: Very nice flow, layout, spring placement, trigger use.
Eye candy/Tileset use: This level’s eye candy is very nice. It uses all layers, which is a very good thing. There is alot of stuff in layer 3, with something else in layers 5 and 2. Layer 1 has something too. Layer 6 and 7 have a very original background, and I like that. The tileset is used very nice, too.
Conclusion eye candy/Tileset use: Very nice layer use and tileset use.
Placement: This level has not too many ammo, but it’s nice placed. Some ammo is close to the ground, other ammo is placed in the air, so you get them only by falling or taking a spring. The placement of the full energy is very interesting. It’s placed like it’s more close to the left base, but one way makes it very original. There are 4 PU, Seeker, Bouncy, RF and Gun8. The Seeker PU placed at the top-middle. The bouncy PU placed more at the left-bottom. The RF PU placed at the right-bottom. The gun8 PU is placed closer to the right base.
Conclusion placement: Nice ammo placement, nice PU placement, very interesting carrot placement.
Originality: This level is very original. First: the carrot placement. Second: the layout. Third: the way the tileset is used. Fourth: the music.
Conclusion originality: A very original level.
Fun factor: This level is fun to play. It’s again quite open, and the way to the base might be a straight way, but you fall to the base instead of just running to it.
Conclusion fun factor: A very fun level.
Others: This 2 level were awesome.
Host these: Yes.
Download: Yes.
Final rating: 8.5.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here -
[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: CTF in the Flowers
Level rating: N/A

Oh, no review yet? So be it.
First impressions: A level by JazzSpazJP, an unknown level maker for me.
Gameplay: This level is something new for me. The level is hard to get around, and that’s not a good thing. There are not enough springs, there is alot of one way, though. There is not a whole border around the level. That causes the flag bug. The level’s layout is bad, so is the flow. I just don’t like the level’s gameplay, and that’s all.
Conclusion gameplay: Bad layout, flow and thus the level is hard to get around. There aren’t enough springs in the level, which makes the gameplay even worse.
Eye candy/Tileset use: The level’s eye candy is the strongest part. I kinda like it, but because the level is so open, the eye candy is nothing special. The tileset use is good, no complaints. There are things in layer 3 that are unnecessary, like that tree that is at the place of the left base. There is way too many one way there too, but let’s continue with the eye candy now. That could be taken out, but it doesn’t really matter(of course).
Conclusion eye candy: Good eye candy, but the level is so open, it could be much better if the level was more closed. Good tileset use, too.
Placement: The level’s ammo placement is questionable in some places, there is not too amny ammo. There are fast fires placed somewhere, but they’re secret. It’s never a good idea to make them secret. Actually, there is way too less ammo. I don’t understand the carrot placement, there is a full energy way too close to the right base. This is a very bad thing. There are 4 PU, Seeker, Bouncer, RF and Blaster. I don’t like the placement of them. The Seeker PU is placed close to the right base, the RF PU placed at the left side. The Blaster PU placed more close to the left base too, same to the Bouncy PU. There is ice too, only put ice when it’s necessary. There is 1 crate, and it’s a ice crate. I don’t like ice too much, but that’s probably just me.
Conclusion placement: Too less ammo, Bad PU placement, some ice. 4 PU is too many imo.
Originality: The tileset isn’t used alot, but there are a few I know that are created with it. The layout is original, but bad. The music is unknown for me. No other things to say here.
Conclusion originality: Not too original, original layout(but bad) and music, tileset isn’t overused, but I know a few more levels created with it.
Fun Factor: Actually, the level is fun to play. It may sound weird, but it’s quite fun. The way to the base is very interesting. The level is too open, which is worse. If it was not too closed and not too open, it would be a very fun level.

I don’t give it a rating anymore. It’s already been rated. So, no rating.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM was here -[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: C3 Battle
Level rating: 3

Short review this time…
First impressions: A nice bad battle level.
Gameplay: Omg, what is this? The level’s size is horrible. The level itself has very bad flow and layout, nothing else to say. Spaz biasing, too. Also, a bad spring placement here.
Conclusion gameplay: ? Nothing good here, bad flow and layout, bad spring placement. everything very bad, also, bad size.
Eye candy/Tileset Use: This definitely sux. The author made too many eye candy in layer 4, and it was mostly the same… So, it’s very bad. The tileset was misused and used horribly.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Nothing good, tileset is used horribly, bad eye candy in layer 4… Also, nothing good.
Placement: The level’s placement was very bad, too. There is almost no ammo, and what was there, was mostly Ice and TNT. Don’t do that, please. There are carrots here, but placed in unfair places. Such as 2 carrots at the bottom with a spaz start. When you are Jazz, you start near one carrot. There is 1 PU, the gun8. It might be an interesting choice, but not what I wanted.
Conclusion placement: There is ammo, but not too good placed. There is 1 PU, and that’s an interesting choice, but bad. There are carrots everywhere, too.
Originality: Nothing original here. The music used is d.a.m.n, and I never heard of that music, it was probably the d.a.m.n music, dang.j2b. But anyway, the tileset used is carrotus, the most overused tileset. Anyway, if you make something original with it, it will be more interesting. This doesnt have something original in it, so, the level is not original, as simple as it can be.
Conclusion originality: Very un-original, nothing new, there is a music bug.
Fun factor: Not a fun level, too many dead ends, and way too small. Can’t say anything else, so so be it.
Others: Host: NO!
Download: No!
Rating: 1.6-1.7.
- DarkSonic of XSD, CC and XLM was here -[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Zerox Factory
Level rating: 8.4

Ok, here I go by picking this level to review.
First impressions: Hmm… A level by Blacky[si] of OLC, which is very nice, so, I review it. Btw, I stop with saying good/very good or so.
Gameplay: Well, here is a big level, with a nice layout. The flow is nice too, the PU may be hard to find at first place but who cares. There is a nice trigger use and placement, with some tubes to make the gameplay even better. The base placement is original, You can’t go to base at the start of a duel. I haven’t seen a level with this before I think, and that’s why I like it.
Conclusion gameplay: Nice use of triggers, good spring placement, alot of tubes, nice layout. Flow is nice but not perfect. And, the level is big too.
Eye candy/Tileset use: The level has alot of eye candy, and I like the way the tileset is used too. That lava is very original, and looks nice too. The level is dark at some places too. Layer 3 and 5 had lots of eye candy, and layer 2 had something too.
Conclusion eye candy/Tileset use: Very nice eye candy, alot of stuff in the layers, excellent tileset use.
Pickup placement: This level has a nice ammo placement, but there is maybe too less here. I don’t know why there is a Blaster PU here, and it doesn’t have generator, but the Blaster PU is not too handy here, so who cares. The level has a full energy in a big red tube. That full energy can only be gotten by falling in it I think. That’s also original here. There are 2 other PU, the RF PU placed at the right side you can only get by falling, but you can get the bouncy PU without falling.
Conclusion pickup placement: Nice ammo placement, but there’s too less ammo here. Original carrot placement, PU placement may be biasing.
Originality: Yes, like I said, a very original level. First: The base placement. Second: The lava by using it for eye candy. Third: The placement of the full energy. And fourth: The music the level uses. So, I give complete points here(8.5).
Fun factor: This level is fun to play. That base placement made it not a level to do a boring straight way. (Actually, it is a straight way.) But, this level is so big, which makes it more fun imo. The level could be more closed, but who cares?
Others: Host this: Yes, I like it, really.
Download: Of course, why not?
Final Rating: 8.4-8.5.
- DarkSonic of XSD, CC and XLM -
Edit: forgot to say that you get the RF and Bouncy PU with gun9.[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Gaucheland
Level rating: 7.1

Yay. Finally again a CTF level by LRK. Let’s review this one.
First impressions: This is a level by LabRatkid of TF and OLC and it uses the Oasis tileset.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. The gameplay here is good, but nothing really special. The level’s size is big in the width, but there could be more height here. It doesn’t really matter, so I go on with the gameplay. There is a nice spring placement(like most good levels have). There isn’t a complete border around the level, and I think it causes the flag bug. The layout is nice, but the level could be more open. There is one way and float up too at some places, and the bases are placed well.
Conclusion Gameplay: Pros: Nice spring placement and layout. Cons: Probably a flag bug, the level could be more open, and the level’s height could be more.
Eye candy/Tileset use: Good/Very Good. This level has mostly typical eye candy for the Oasis tileset(in layer 3 and 2), and it looks nice imo. There are alot of trees and that roads that go to another direction, while that’s also in layer 4, and that is the only right way. It may be confusing, but I think it isn’t in this level. Like most levels with this tileset have, there are also caves in some places. The layer use is nice, and the background is typical for the tileset. The tileset is used well, too.
Conclusion eye candy/Tileset use: Pros: Alot of eye candy in layer 3 and 2, which looks nice. The tileset use is good, too. Cons: The roads that go to another direction than in layer 4 may be confusing.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. This is also nice, there is a nice ammo placement, and the ammo is mostly placed symmetrical, but the level isn’t completely symmetrical(what I forgot to say in the gameplay section). There is just as many ammo at the other side I think, and the selections of ammo are nice chosen too. There are 3 PU, a Bouncer, RF and Seeker PU. The Seeker PU is placed in the centre, the Bouncy PU at the right side of the level and the RF PU at the left side of the level. There is also a full energy, which is placed in the middle, and that’s good(of course). The ammo should be as close to the ground at some places.
Conclusion pickup placement: Pros: Nice ammo placement, there is the same amount of ammo at each side of the level. Cons: The ammo could be less close to the ground at some places.
Originality: Good/Very Good. The level is original, yes. First off, the level name. Second: The level music. Third: There is nothing stolen, but the eye candy is(of course) the same as in most levels with this tileset. But that’s because the tileset doesn’t have alot of different eye candy tiles.
Conclusion originality: An original level, which has no stolen things.
Fun Factor: This level isn’t very fun to play, there is a straight route to the bases, and the level is quite closed. But, the level is quite original, and originality has something with fun factor I think.
Conclusion fun factor: Not very fun, the level has a straight route to the bases, and is quite closed. The originality makes it good.
Others: Host this: Sure, it’s a quite good new level.
Download: Yes.
Final rating: 8.0. Good job LabRatkid.
- DarkSonic of XSÐ, CC and XLM -
Edit: changed rating to 7.7.
Btw, Yay, I can put Seeker PU’s in my levels again![This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
Level rating: 8.1

Time for a review.
First impressions: A level by EvilMike of OLC and DM, which is underrated imo.
Gameplay: Very Good. This r0x, like R3ptile said. That idea of the level was so original, and the kayout was very original too. Like R3ptile also said, the level has not too many camp places. The size of the level may be quite strange, but I like it. This level doesn’t even need alot of springs. The gameplay is already very good(even without springs). The level seems quite big, and I like that too.
Conclusion gameplay: Pros: Everything.
Cons: Nothing.
Eye candy/Tileset use: Good/Very Good. Nothing really special here, but it’s quite good imo. I think the tileset is used well, and I kinda like it. There isn’t too many, but some places had nice eye candy. Others didn’t have, and that’s probably why the eye candy isn’t perfect or very good.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Pros: The tileset is used well, and there are some places with nice eye candy. Cons: There could be more eye candy in some places.
Pickup placement: Very Good. I love the placement here. There is alot of ammo and there is enough in every place. There is a full energy placed in the middle of the level. There are fly carrots, which prevent you from falling I think. They’re also used for the fun I guess. And the originality. There are 3 Power-Ups, A Seeker, Toaster and Bouncy PU. The Bouncy PU is placed at the left-top of the level. There is less bouncy ammo there then Toaster ammo at the right side(with the PU too). The groups of ammo are mostly placed 5 × 2 or 6 × 2 or 7 × 2 × 3 ammo. There is also ammo on that small platforms, which you can get without jumping. The Seeker PU is placed in the centre of that two PU, where are 5 platforms. And the Seeker PU is placed on the 3rd platform of them.
Conclusion Pickup placement: Pros: Everything what needs to be good.
Cons: Nothing.
Originality: Good/Very Good. Yes, this level is very original. I give the complete 8.5 points for it. First: The excellent layout. Second: That interesting use of islands. Third: The placement of that fly carrots. Fourth: The tileset that’s used. And fifth: The music in the level.
Fun Factor: This level is very fun to play. The bases are easy to defend, but not too easy to kill the opponent after one hit. The RF PU would be nice here, but it doesn’t matter. You can kill he opponent with a RF or Bouncer than too. The full energy is placed on the ground, which prevent it from falling.
Conclusion fun factor: A very fun level.
Others: Host this: Yes.
Download: Yes.
Final Rating: 8.5.
- DarkSonic of XSD, CC and XLM -
[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Capture the sun
Level rating: 2.5

Time for a review.
First impressions: Wow, this level seems to be the worst CTF level in Blur’s opinion. And I will find out if it’s really the worst CTF level. Here I go.
Gameplay: Bad. The gameplay is really bad here. The level is so small and there are only some platforms, but there are also things with bases. At least, the level has springs, but I don’t like the placement of them. What was in this level, reminds me of DW. The level has no border around the level, and you know what happens if you don’t have. Yes, the flag bug comes if there is no border around the level. Always put borders around your levels.
Conclusion gameplay:
Pros: Level has springs and platforms
Cons: Everythin’ else.
Eye candy/Tileset use: Very bad. This is horrible, no eye candy here. Only a background and layer 4. I can say the tileset is very misused, and I dislike it.
Conclusion eye candy
Pros: There is layer 8.
Cons: Everythin’ else again.
Pickup placement: Bad. This level has ammo, and there is a full energy too, but the bad is, that you can;t get it! That’s a very bad thing here. There is at least ammo, but too less. Add more ammo and types and it will probably be okay or something around that. There are no power-ups too, like blur said, you should add 1 or 2 in a level with this size.
Conclusion Pickup placement
Pros: There is ammo.
Cons: No full energy that you can get, too less ammo, no power-ups, nothing else.
Originality: Bad/Okay. This is where the level is the best in. This level is the worst CTF level, so that’s original(jk). But, this tileset is probably used only one time before, that’s also the only good thing of it. The level looked alot like DW, too.
Conclusion originality
Pros: The tileset is used only one time before(that I know)
Cons: Level looked like DW in some places, and everythin’ else again.
Fun Factor: This level is not fun to play in. There is a boring straight way to the base, there is too many space, the layout is bad, too. The level is almost symmetrical, I forgot to say in the gameplay section. The level is also impossible to get around fast, I also forgot in the gameplay section.
Conclusion fun factor
Pros: Nothing.
Cons: Everything.
Others: This level looked horrible, and I prefer that you don’t download or host it.
Final Rating…. 2.2.
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC -.
P.S: A border is that you put tiles around the level so there is not a flag bug. I can’t really explain it.[This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Hold Your Breath!
Level rating: 7.6

Ok, here I go again.
First impressions: A level by ChippieBW, that seems to be good for a 3rd level. Let’s review it, shall we?

Gameplay: Good/Very Good. This is quite nice, but not too special. There is a good spring placement, but some one way above it would be better. For example, at the bases, you should put one way under the platforms. That would be nice, though. This level is big, and it has a nice layout in my opinion. The flow is quite nice too, good job to that. It’s easy to get around in this level, I like that too. There are tubes at the bases or under it that lead you to the top area, and when you go down you will be at the base(right and left of course). There is a warp that leads you to the full energy, I saw that many times, but this time you will mostly fall down. There is also good balance and the level is symmetrical. There is wind near the bases, too.
Conclusion gameplay: Pros: Good layout and flow. Cons: some one way would be nice at some places. The wind may be annoying sometimes too.

Eye candy/Tileset use: Good. Nothing really special here, it’s probably good enough. The tileset use isn’t as good as in better levels with this tileset, like Galactic Warfare, but that level didn’t have the best eye candy too. There is something at the left side in layer 5, and that’s also at the right side. There are also that moving things in layer 5, they look nice, but it’s not too good for eye candy here. There could be more in layer 5 and there is a thing in layer 3 that seems to be quite big. But at least, I liked the background
Conclusion eye candy: Pros: Nice background. Cons: Not too original eye candy and nothing special.

Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. This is much better, there is a nice ammo placement. There are 3 Power-Ups, and you get two of them with the Electro Blaster(gun9). The third PU is a RF PU, and it’s placed in the centre of the bottom area. There is also some fast fire in this level, and it’s probably enough. There is also a full energy, like I said, you get it with a warp. You need to know that warp, but it’s not too hard, that’s why there is good flow here. About placement again, the groups of ammo are mostly placed 6 × 3 ammo. There is more at some places, but there is also less at some places.
Conclusion pickup placement: Pros: Nice ammo placed. Cons: Power-Up placement could be more original.

Originality: Good. This is not too original, like R3ptile said, but I like the music here. And it’s also never used. This tileset isn’t overused, but after Galactic Warfare, it’s used alot more. That PU placement is also not too original, but what new can you make up? I don’t know, but I will probably have some idea.
Conclusion originality: Pros: Nice music. Cons: The others is not too original, but it’s decent.

Fun factor: This level is quite fun, but the way to the base is quite easy. It’s a big level, so that makes it harder to score faster. There may be too many space at some places, but I think it makes this level quite funny if there’s enough space.
Conclusion Fun factor: Pros: There is enough space. It’s a big level so you can’t score too fast. Cons: the way to the base is boring.

Host this: Sometimes.
Download: Sure.
Final Rating: 7.4-7.5.
Conclusion level: A nice level by ChippieBW, with nice gameplay and placement, but could be more original and could have more eye candy too.
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC(or just da man) – [This review has been edited by da man]

Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Glowing Poison
Level rating: 8.4

Ok, here I go again by just picking a CTF level to review.
First impressions: A level by EvilMike of OLC and DM, that uses a tileset that isn’t used alot which is good, yes.
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. The gameplay seems nice, but there are some things I dislike here. The layout is interesting, it’s very nice imo. Why? There are a sort of two sides in this level. You need to go in a tube to enter the other side I think. I like that, and it looks very nice. There are some dead ends here and there, but it are small ones. There is a nice spring placement(like there always is in good CTF levels). And again, there is also good use of one way. Like I said, the use of tubes is very nice too. The only bad thing here is the flow. This level seems hard to learn.
Conclusion gameplay: Very nice, but hard to learn.

Eye candy/Tileset use: Very Good. No real complaints about the eye candy here, but it’s confusing in some places imo. The tileset use is excellent, I love it. There is good use of bricks and that glowing things look very nice too. There are alot of animations too, and I love them too.
Conclusion eye candy/tileset use: Just very nice.

Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. Yes, this is very nice again. I will explain. There is a nice ammo placement. There is good carrot placement(and original). There is 1 full energy at each side, but it’s very original, because it looks that easy to get to them, but you need to take a long way to get one. There are MP starts that take you close to it, and I like it. Power-Up placement is as good as it needs to be. There are 4 Power-Ups. One Seeker PU at the left side, that’s close to the base, one RF PU farther away from the base at the left side, one Bouncy PU close to the right base, and one Toaster PU farther away from the right base. There is also a gun barrel in the level, and there is six fast fire in the centre of the level.
Conclusion Pickup placement: Very nice, but not as good as in Distopia or other nice levels.

Originality: Good/Very Good. This level is very original, and I give the complete points for it that I can give(8.5). Why? First off, the layout of the level. Second, the eye candy in the level. Third, The full energy placement. And fourth, the tileset use.
Conclusion originality: Very original.

Fun Factor: This level seems very fun to play. Why? because it’s not a level with a straight way to the base. There are two ways to the bases at the two sides. The way to the base is not too fast, and that makes it even more fun.
Conclusion Fun Factor: A very fun level.
Others: Host this: Yes, I haven’t seen this level hosted alot.
Download: Definetely.
Conclusion level: A very nice level by EvilMike that is very original and fun to play, the bad thing is that it’s not too easy to learn.
Rating: 8.4- 8.5.
- DarkSonic of XSD and CC -[This review has been edited by da man]

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