Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Survivor pack
Level rating: N/A

Buggy, buggy, buggy. In the second level, when I fell off, I ended up hitting the bottom of the level, which has no floor, and therefore I was stuck. These levels are also really plagurizing BlurredD’s work.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Stuff in the Heaven
Level rating: 5

I don’t like this level all that much either, but I don’t see why MB would give it such a low rating. It’s decent.

Eyecandy – Bad
Some stuff in the sprite layer, minimal stuff in layer 3, an ugly textured background in layer 8, some extremely bad looking clouds in front of layer 3, and some bad looking clouds behind layer 4.
Pros: There aren’t really any tile bugs…
Cons: Minimal eyecandy.

Gameplay – Okay
Decent gameplay. The level is rather big, so I’m automatically going to think higher of it since big levels usually take more work. I fail to see how one could do this in 30 minutes. Then again, MB also said that he could’ve done the palette edit of the Inferno set I did in one hour, which means he can rip the entire tileset and mask, edit all of the palette entries individually, fix some poorly masked tiles, make sure the pinball events and such work, make an example level, and get it all beta tested in one hour. This level is 256×50. Nobody on this planet could make it in 30 minutes. Anyway, back to this level, the flow is sort of okay, but it could be much better. The layout is also really confusing.
Pros: Decent flow, big level.
Cons: Bad layout, boring gameplay.

Ammo placement – Okay
For a level of this size, there isn’t too much ammo. There could be more. What is there is okay. It could be better, though.
Pros: Okay.
Cons: Not enough ammo.

Download reccomendation: Nope. But keep trying. Most people find single player levels easier to make than CTF levels since you don’t have to focus on gameplay quite as much, which is never easy to perfect. Well, atleast you don’t have to work on the flow much since you’re not going to be running through a single player level at full speed the whole time.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Technoir (NOT jj1)
Level rating: 8.3

Sonictth, the reason that this is TSF is because it is too big to fit all the tiles into 1.23 JCS.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Prime Retribution
Level rating: 8.6

I’m just going to go with a quick review, since I’m not in the mood to do a long one.

One Spot
Eyecandy – Very good
Nice original background, great sprite layer eyecandy… what more do you want?

Gameplay – Good
I don’t really like the gameplay here that much. The flow isn’t very good at all. The layout is nice, and the overall gameplay is pretty fun. The gameplay includes trying to get to a certain spot in a level, then capturing the enemy’s flag when you’re there, then going back to that spot to score. Pretty simple, really.

Ammo placement – Very good
For lack of anything to say about the ammo placement besides that it’s very good, I’ll just leave it at that.

Medieval Skyscrapers
Eyecandy – Very good
Great looking level here. I’ve never seen a level with this tileset look as good as this one does.

Gameplay – Very good
Magnificent, original gameplay. There are cannons that let you shoot further like the ones in many Bank Robbery levels. The flow is nice, the layout is easy to learn… perfection.

Ammo placement – Very good
There is nothing to say about the ammo if I say that it’s very good. If I say it’s not good, then I have something to complain about. But, there’s nothing wrong here.

Non-Typical Battle
Eyecandy – Good / Very good
As good as it gets with a Mez tileset.

Gameplay – Good / Very good
Great flow and gameplay, but a confusing layout. Well, atleast it was confusing for me when I first starting beta testing this, which was a month or two ago. Anyway, the warps can get a bit annoying, as can the jail room, which is why I’m not giving this a, “Very good.”

Ammo placement – Good / Very good
As one of the beta testers, FS told me how to get the shield. Bwahaha. Die, peasants. ;( The ammo placement is good here, like in the others. I don’t like it quite as much, though. And, no, I’m not taking off points for the shield, since it’s strategically placed.

The Melting Point
Eyecandy – Good / Very good
Only BlurredD has made eyecandy with this tileset worthy of Very Good, although the eyecandy here is still very sexy. My only real complaint is that the background is unoriginal.

Gameplay – Good / Very good
Your typical good gameplay… the level is quite small, though. The wind can also get a bit frusturating.

Ammo placement – Good / Very good
See the above ammo placement explanations… or something.

I’m ending the review here because I’m too lazy to write more. I suppose it’s a decent sized review. It might appear small, given the fact that some people cough put like six line breaks between each thing that they say, making it look like they made big reviews.

Download reccomendation – Yes

Edit: I forgot to add a rating. =P

Winner, how come you said that the overall score was 7.7 but gave it a 7.2? It doesn’t make any sense.

Winner, taking off 0.5 points because the levels don’t loop to the others in the pack is not fair. It’s impossible for FS to do that without causing problems since not all of them are CTF. There’s a battle one, if you hadn’t noticed. You shouldn’t take off any points whatsoever for that. You seem to be very biased.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Salad Dish *finished again*
Level rating: 6.7

thers something in the zip :P
And from the looks of it, it’s a pretty solid, yet Spaz biased and buggy CTF level.

Eyecandy – Good
Like many of DX’s levels, this level has nice sprite layer eyecandy, but the backgrounds look very ugly. This level is filled with eyecandy to the extent that it’s almost overdone. The reason I’m not giving this category a higher rating is because 1.) Layer eight is ugly; the textured background should fade to a lighter color. 2.) Level seven doesn’t look the greatest. 3.) There are a few tile bugs here and there. 4.) I don’t know what on earth that huge carrot near 37, 32 is doing there, but it looks very ugly.

Gameplay – Okay / Good
A platformy, Spaz biased level… just what lots of people do not want to see (especially BlurredD =P). Although the gameplay is good, and rather fun to play, the layout and flow could use some work. The top of the level is also open and, therefore, you can get a flagbug, which is one of the reasons why I’ll probably never host this. I hate flagbugs. =P You get a flagbug when somebody touches the edge of a level. To avoid this, put a solid wall (or ceiling, floor, etc.) that is atleast 64 pixels thick (that’s the equivalent of two fully masked tiles, side-by-side). The gameplay and layout seem like a cross between one of CelL’s newer levels (with all the vines) and Diamondus Warzone. I’m also rather against having one tile high, “tunnels,” in your levels. Oh, and BTW, the spring near 32, 36 sould have KEEP-Y (I forgot which KEEP setting you have to set to 1, so just set them both to 1 to be safe =P) on so it doesn’t make you crash into the wall nearby.

Ammo placement – Good
Pretty decent, but it appears that you forgot to put ammo in several places. The carrots are also rather, “scattered,” and hard to find. I found three… are there any more? (I’m guessing I probably saw the ones I missed (if I missed any) and thought I had already saw them. That’s what happens when a level has confusing layout).

Anyway, I’m too lazy to write more… umm… the end.

Download reccomendation – Sure.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Dark Metal
Level rating: 6.7

Eyecandy – Bad
Although it’s original, the eyecandy here is extremely poor looking. There are only two background layers – layer eight and layer seven. Layer seven is a layer of mountains that is too low and has no unique relative movement to speak of, thus looking very unrealistic. Layer eight is a red textured background. It’d be nice if it had stars, but it’s okay. Layer four includes some fences and black cave areas with stars. The tileset is misused. When you are using blocks, for best results, you should use all the different sized blocks, put together kind of like a puzzle. The results are quite sexy looking. =D
Gameplay – Okay
At the bottom, the gameplay seems rather face. However, in the top area, the flow is sort of good, and the gameplay is also sort of good. The first thing I’d like to complain about is the fact that reaching the carrot (and the RF Missle powerup, for that matter) is very, very Spaz biased. Jazz can make it up there with an uppercut, but that takes much longer. There are some other Spaz biased places, too. Either put springs, or make the level easy in general for Jazz to jump around in.
Ammo placement – Okay / Good
The carrots are a bit too close to the bottom, and they’re also a bit too close together, as are many of the powerups. Come to think of it, there are way too many powerups. The rest is nice, though.

I’ll end with a short review.

Download reccomendation: Nope.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Mirror Land
Level rating: 8.2

R3ptile, the layout of a level is not the same as the eyecandy. The layout is how well the level is layed out. A level with bad layout means that it’s rather mazelike. A level with good layout means that it’s easy to learn and to navigate through.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Sumo Spaz
Level rating: N/A

Interesting… I’m not going to rate, though. Basically, you and another guy are put into a small arena where you have to kick and/or push your opponent into a wall. However, there are no NO FIRE ZONEs so you can shoot. There isn’t much eyecandy, and the concept of this gametype isn’t the greatest, but it could be fun to try out a couple times. And I don’t know how you could find this on another site. =P DaPete10 aka UNKNOWNFILE uploaded a Sumo Spaz to J2O quite recently.

That doesn’t matter, Noka. You shouldn’t review just for review status. If that were the case, I wouldn’t review anymore since I’m as high as I can get.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Font
Level rating: 7

What version of Windows do you have, Cooba?

For some reason I think Moonblaze hates me =P[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
Level rating: 6.4

I am not biased or anything. I wasn’t going to review this at first because I felt bad giving it the low rating I thought it deserved, but Winner pushed me to the level of not feeling bad reviewing it. So, due to popular belief, I am not rating this any lower because someone who I am not particularly friendly with made it.

Eyecandy – Okay
Not much… what is there is not good at all. There’s a background, which is good, but the blocks for the ground are laid out very poorly. They are done in a simple way.. you should add more randomness to the block layouts of tilesets like this. When you’re behind layer 3 and you jump, you can sometimes see your head poke out, too. I also think that the cannons in layer 3 toward the bottom of the level (that you can’t get to; they’re in a wall) look very ugly.

Gameplay – Okay
No matter how I look at this, the gameplay does nothing for me. The flow is decent, but the layout and gameplay are rather dull. I also don’t like the fact that you can get stuck easilly in a place that you knew you could get stuck in beforehand. The sucker tubes actually move a bit too fast. They make it too easy to get from base to base; you can get to the other base in 3 seconds less time than you could by running. The red base has a block in their base that could be useful for taking cover behind. The blue base doesn’t have one. The powerup that is closer to the blue base is closer to the blue base than the powerup that is closer to the red base is close to the red base. (that makes sense; you’ll just have to read it a couple times). So, in other words, the teams are rather biased. You should also put one ways on the tops of the cannons so you can get out of them more easilly. (you forgot to do that with the cannon near the red base… more biasing? Oh, dear.)

Ammo placement – Okay
Omg! There are 3 seekers near the red base and 4 near the blue base! I’m taking off 2123321 points for that! =O! No big deal, actually. I do think the ammo placement just seems rather… strange. I can’t explain why I think so, I just do. =P I am also rather against putting several ammo crates near eachother. As Strato would say, they are lag crates. If you’ve noticed that in Battle1, there is a lot of lag, it’s because people enjoy camping by the seeker powerup, shooting endlessly (and probably reading books at the same time.. I don’t know how people could take just standing there pressing the fire key) and getting lots of seekers and taking the seeker powerup endlessly so they get cheap wins. This creates lag, because they make more seeker ammo come out of the crates than they use, and there are only two crates in Battle! Just think of how much lag there would be if there were four. The toaster powerup is a little too close to the blue base, too. You can get there in three seconds, and the powerup which is closer to the red base (the bouncers) takes 7 seconds for you to get to from the red base. In other words, the ammo placement isn’t very balanced.

Overall – Okay
Download reccomendation – No

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Polyglotics
Level rating: 7.8

Scizor, the word ‘polyglot’ means the speaking or writing in many languages, and I turned it into Polyglotics for an ownage name. Why did I name it this? Who knows? It just sounds cool. =P Thx for reviewing.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: J2vf: Hot Lava
Level rating: 6.1

I wasn’t going to review this at first, but it seems too overrated not to.

Eyecandy – Bad
The eyecandy seems overdone to the extent of getting annoying. It’s difficult to tell what is in layer 4 and what is in layer 5 (and layer 6) a lot of the time, too. Most of the level consists of the girder type blocks, which are very poorly done, thus making it look worse.
Pros: Not many.
Cons: Very confusing, and very ugly.
Gameplay – Very bad
Bleh. The layout is very confusing, especially with the confusing eyecandy, and the flow is very non-existant. The springs are very poorly placed, too… the gameplay is just overall very poor. The level seems rather empty.. there is a lot of empty space. I like open levels, don’t get me wrong, but this is just too… empty. There are places where I am falling (or jumping) and I can’t see any layer 4 at all! (74, 35, for example). There are dead ends, and everything… this is just no good.
Pros: None to speak of.
Cons: Bad flow, layout, and gameplay.
Ammo placement – Half of the level seems very ammoless, and the other half seems overdone. There is also a shield.. bleh. The large amounts of ammo crates make this level very laggy during online play.
Pros: Not too many here.
Cons: See above.

Overall: Bad
Download reccomendation: Well, you guys seem to like it… but no.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Heavenly Havoc
Level rating: 8.2

Out of Scizor endlessly nagging me to review this, here I go. Quick review here.

Eyecandy – Very good
The eyecandy took more time than the actually level did. In fact, the gameplay was done about a week or so before the eyecandy was done. All 8 layers are used, and there is fog (which is nicely done). Overall, the eyecandy is great.
Pros: Nicely done fog, all layers are used, great eyecandy.
Cons: Due to the massive amount of layers used, there are no clouds in the foreground.

Layout – Good / Very good
There is nothing wrong here. It’s hard at first, but once you know the level, it’s easy to get to know. For example, it’s hard to memorize that the red base is on the left in this (the blue base is usually on the left simply because most people start building their levels from the left and to the right, and the default CTF base setting is for the blue base). Nextly, the flamingos… in case you are lost and don’t know if the fountain that takes you up to the bases is to the right or left, you just look at the handy flamingos. The flamingos always point to the fountain. Third flamingo to the right, straight on till morning! Neverland!
Pros: Nice layout.
Cons: Hard to learn at first.
Ammo placement – Good / Very good
Even though Scizor probably had a nightmare not being able to put ammo on the steady light events, thus making it impossible to make long straight lines of ammo and/or large rectangles of ammo, he somehow managed to do very well in this category.
Pros: Good ammo placement.
Cons: A lot of it is limited since there were steady light events all over the place that Scizor had to work around.

Overall: Good / Very Good
Host this often: Unfortunately, I enabled my firewall, so I can’t host anymore (I’ll disable it when I’m ready to; I have my reasons for enabling it), but if I could still host, I would host.
Download reccomendation: Indeed.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1: Stonar (reupload #2)
Level rating: 7.9

Noka, what are JJ1 Tables? I’d put them in if I knew what they are =P feels honored to have Noka give his JJ1 set a good rating

The reason I had all the space at the bottom is because PSP8 seems to be very buggy when adjusting the canvas size. The tiles sometimes get moved down a bit when I change the canvas size thus not making them alined with the imaginary grid, some get cut off, etc.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Inferno Battles
Level rating: 7

I will basically review these as one since they are both so similar in their eyecandy, gameplay, and ammo placement.
The Heck Hole
Eyecandy – Good / Very good
Very nice. Plenty of stuff in the foreground, two background layers, and nice eyecandy in layer 4. For a first timer (or atleast you appear to be as I don’t see any other levels by you), you did great using arguably the hardest default tileset. (of the 1.23 ones, that is).
Gameplay – Okay / Good
Spaz biasing with asdsaddas. =( This is Spaz biased to the point where even Scizor CT would exit the level, switch to Spaz, and come back. As for the gameplay, the gameplay is rather fun. Too bad the flow and layout are rather poor.
Ammo placement – Good
A shield! Boooo! But, wait! The shield is strategically placed in a coin warp! I think it’s good that people are expanding their levels to the point where shields are available, although I think it’s still rather dumb to put one out in the open like in Battle 1. Back to the shield in this level, I think you should’ve made it so you only get 15 seconds of shield time by forcing you to have to stomp the shield. As for the rest of the ammo, not bad at all. There aren’t very many powerups, but the ones that are there are well placed.
Overall: Good
What the Heck?
Copying Earthworm Jim level names, I see? =P
Eyecandy – Good / Very good
My review for the eyecandy of the Heck Hole stands for this one.
Gameplay – Okay / Good
My review for the gameplay of the Heck Hole stands for this one. The Spaz biasing is even WORSE here! =(
Ammo placement – Good
My review for the ammo placement of the Heck Hole stands for this one.

Overall: Good
Download recommendation: Sure
Host this often: Probably not. This is TSF.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Earthworm Jim is a game, indeed. The level, “What the Heck?” actually greatly inspired the Inferno tilesets in JJ2. They look very, very similar.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Gem to Coin Converter
Level rating: 8.7

Extremely useful, but as Violet said, it could be used as a cheating program. We’re very fortunate that it’s even aloud on the site. I’m not going to rate it because I don’t really know how to write a good program review, but it’s a great program. Download it.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Crazy Metal Battle
Level rating: 7.1

sigh Am I underrating or rating fairly? I don’t even know anymore. I’m not going to write a long review. I just want to even out the rating.

Eyecandy – Good
What can I say… another Wasteland level. You can’t really make good eyecandy with this tileset (unless you’re MaGoo =P). It’s good enough, anyway. There’s a layer 7, a layer 5 (?), a layer 4, and a layer 3. Good enough.
Gameplay – Bad
Ewww. First of all, there are dead ends. You should never put dead ends in your battle, CTF, or treasure levels unless you have a reason to (and you know what you’re doing). Second of all, the flow is pitiful. There is no trace of any flow here. Third of all, the layout is very confusing, and when you learn it, it seems very small.
Ammo placement – Okay / good
Pretty nice… but is the only carrot in the coin warp? It takes too long to get 10 coins to use the carrot. You should’ve put some +1 carrots in a few places in the level. Two at the most. The coins are placed pretty nicely, and so is the rest of the ammo.
Overall – I’m not writing a long review. Like I said, I’m only reviewing this to even out the rating. This basically has bad gameplay, decent eyecandy, and decent ammo placement.
Download – Maybe.
Host this often – No.

By the way, is it just me, or do the bad levels get higher ratings and more reviews than the good ones do nowadays? It just seems odd that something like this is being given almost the same rating as my Floating Town level got.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Thunder Mountain
Level rating: 7.2

First, I would like to speak a little bit more on my review system.
Very good – The 9-10 range for the category.
Good / very good – 8-9 range for the category.
Good – The 7-8 range for the category.
Okay / good – The 6-7 range for the category.
Okay – The 5-6 range for the category.
Bad/okay – The 4-5 range for the category.
Bad – The 3-4 range for the category.
Very bad / bad – The 2-3 range for the category.
Very bad – The 1-2 range for the category.
I also do NOT average the scores I give out together. I just prefer to go about reviewing in this way.

The review…
Quite impressive.
Eyecandy – Good
Well… I’ll have to admit, DX DC finally has an excuse not to have a classic layer six and seven background here, because you’re on a mountain, which is too high up to be able to see the things that go in layers six and seven. Instead of going at it that way, DX DC uses lightning in the background layers, and a dark background in layer 8. Since the lightning uses the water from the classic Carrotus background, it’s going to look a bit buggy no matter what, but the sight of it looks okay. The timing of the animations is a bit bad, though. It’s not random enough; in other words, you can eventually memorize the pattern of the flashes easilly, and it looks repetitive. Nature is random!! -Disguise. You should look at the lightning from the example levels in the Wartorn set for help on making it look better. It looks decent, though. The rain is pretty well done, although I think you should’ve had one background layer of rain as well as the one foreground layer of rain you already have. The rain is well done enough to not have the, “raining up,” effect that many levels have. This occurs when the Auto-Y and Y Speeds are not perfected. As always, DX DC included lots of eyecandy in layer 3 as well as layer 4, and maybe layer 5 (I’m not positive on layer 5). It looks overall good.
Gameplay – Good
Good gameplay overall. It’s a bit hard at parts, and the part where you have to jump from carrot to carrot annoys me. I also think that you shouldn’t make levels where you have to randomly guess where to buttstomp in order to find something. You should also try to master the art of level transitions, in other words, you shouldn’t make it so when you don’t have an idea on how to make you get from one part of the level to another part that you desperately want in there, you have to use a warp that is randomly placed. These are hard to do, but if you’re able to master how to make them, your levels will be a lot more interesting to play. I find it quite annoying to have to warp so much.
Ammo placement – Okay / good
Overall good ammo placement, although I think the carrots should’ve been spread out more. The part with the spinning maces (I forgot what the event was called as I don’t use these in my levels often) has way, way too many carrots. You should evenly distribute them throughout the level. The food placement isn’t the best, either. The food is randomly places in straight lines a couple tiles above the platform that you stand on, most of the time. The food seems random, too. You might have, for example, a line consisting of a pie, a pretzel, a banana, and a bad of peanuts. It’s good in the long run, though.
Enemy placement – Good
Well, the enemy placement is good, except for the enemies you chose. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen bees on a mountain, especially if it’s pouring rain and there’s lightning. I’m not good at reviewing this area of levels, so I’ll just leave it at that.


Download reccomendation: Sure.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Death Gems
Level rating: 6.2

Well… this could be decent, but there’s one huge bug. There’s no exit. Once you get your 100 gems, or whatever the limit is, there’s no where to go! Bad, bad!

Eyecandy – Bad
There’s not much here. Just basic building blocks, a few cave-style areas, and a background consisting of a translucent waterfall in layer 7 and a normal background in layer 8. Very dull… needs a lot of work.
Pros: I’ve seen worse.
Cons: Very dull and boring to look at.
Gameplay – Okay / Good
The gameplay is surprisingly fun. The flow needs work, and the layout is confusing, but the gameplay is actually not bad at all.
Pros: Decent gameplay.
Cons: Bad flow and layout, and some places need work.
Bugs: Very bad
BUGS, BUGS, BUGS! First of all, never put ice and gem rings in the same level. If someone shoots a gem ring with ice, the game crashes for everybody (I’m not sure if the clients crash, but they time out, whatever it is). Second of all, you should avoid putting a wall right next to a ground tile, because people can ‘hide’ in it. Third of all, there’s no exit! What do you do with your gems when you collect them all if there’s no exit? This area really needs work.
Pros: None.
Cons: Too many to mention. See above.
Ammo placement – Okay / Good
Well, I all ready mentioned that you shouldn’t put ice, and the rest of the ammo placement is basically okay.
Pros: Pretty good ammo placement.
Cons: Pretty good ammo placement.
Gem placement – Very bad / Bad
I can collect my 100 gems in a matter of 10 seconds. There are way too many gems. An area that I’d like to bring up is one where there are about 80 points worth of blue gems (eight blue gems) in a rectangle. It’s right near one of the start positions, and to the right. Way, way too many, and there are gem rings. Either take out the ice or take out the gem rings.
Pros: If you could set a gem limit to 500 or so gems, it’d be good.
Cons: Gem rings + Ice = No. Too many gems.
Overall, this is a buggy, but fun level to play. Jazzyman is overrating big time.
Download reccomendation: No. Especially not if you’re not a well liked player, because when someone joins your server, they’ll go straight to a gem ring and casually crash you.
Host this often: Not unless you want to be crashed.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Race of the swamps 1.2.3.
Level rating: 2.8

Really awful. For some reason, I have this gut feeling that you are the user, “Pete,” who uploaded two race levels yesterday.

Okay, first level…
Eyecandy – Very bad
Just awful… most of the tiles don’t go together, there is nothing in the background, the rain goes too fast, the water blocks don’t use layer 3 (or the water block event), there is no textured background, there is a pole tile thrown down in a place that it doesn’t belong in for an unknown reason, the ground tiles are used incorrectly, there is no layer 3 in front of the trees that you can go in, etc.
Gameplay – Very bad
I can’t even tell you how dull this is. Jazz and Lori can’t even beat it.
Ammo placement – Very bad
Too poorly played boxes of ice.
Overall – Very bad
Really, really sad.

Level 2…
There’s no exit. Wow. I won’t review this, in that case.
-1.0 for this.

Level 3…
If there is an exit, I never found it, so I’m not reviewing this one either.

I also fail to see why you think Disguise is Agama and vice-versa. Agama is a girl from Czech. Disguise is a boy from…. umm, Notczech! (somewhere in Europe).

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