9.5 is very overrated. The layout is OK but there is no background used in Layers 6 & 7. The house looks nice but the outside of it looks bland.
The use of Trigger Zones and Speed Destruct Scenery on the doors is cool.
However, there is not really enough ammo here and there aren’t any Power-Ups.
5 because it’s not bad, but needs improvement.
This is a bad remake of Battle1. Eyecandy is extremely bland. Layer 4 is very repetitive and the only background is the textured one in Layer 8.
There are far too many Carrots. Why so many in one room?
Also, why the additional ammo? There’s too much.
I give you credit for placing Springs in the Copter area but this is still not a good level.
7.0? Nope, I’m afraid it’s not worth anywhere near that.
There is no eyecandy here. Just a very fast moving textured background in Layer 8, very repetitive brick tiles in Layer 4 and a black background for doorways.
There is no gameplay or any flow here. All you do is collect thousands of weapons all over the level and shoot like mad.
The two arenas where you shoot each other are far too small.
The placement is extremely poor. There are MASSIVE groups of nearly every weapon here. 100+ Fastfires and Freezer is really un-necessary. You should only have about 8 Fastfires.
Why are there SEVEN Blaster power-ups? Only one is really needed.
A very small training level (if you can call it that) with very poor eyecandy and items everywhere.
There is nothing good about this level
-Poor ammo placement and far too many items to collect
-Extremely poor eyecandy
-Too many Blaster Power-Ups
-Too easy to get full rapid fire
-Arenas are far too small
OVERALL MARK = 3 / 3 = 1.0/10.0
If you have read everything I’ve said about this level then do not download.
In other words, NO!
Errmm… Is this Battle or Single Player?
If this is Battle then WHY are there ENEMIES in the level? Having these in a level of this type is a big no-no unless they are used for eyecandy.
The Bees should be removed as these are very annoying.
Eyecandy is good but the level has far too many ammo crates. I found a total of 165 Toaster ammo in this level! Also, there are FOUR Toaster Power-Ups when there should only be one.
All the ammo and items respawn too quickly.
The Bird in the level is also useless as it doesn’t attack other players.
This is also only playable in TSF so not everyone will be able to play it.
You have clearly put a lot of effort into this level but I would suggest not using any more than 2 ammo crates. Do not place them close together. Spread them out and try to use the “+3 ammo” items as well. Reduce the amount of Fastfires as everyone will be firing too rapidly.
Also, try increasing the delay on all the weapons and items. Try at least 20 seconds on ammo & items and about 25-30 seconds on Power-Ups.
Do not use more than one Power-up of the same type in a level.
NEVER place a Shield directly in the open as players can shoot these to get 40 seconds of Shield time. Try making the Shield stompable only, so that it reduces to 15 seconds. Also, put a delay of 31 on this.
Remove the invincibility Carrots from the level. These are a very big no-no in a multiplayer level.
Well, 10 is very overrated and I don’t think this level is worth that. I’ll give you a 7.0 for the effort put into the level and for the good eyecandy.
I think this level is worth checking out so I’ll give it a download recommendation.
Take all these suggestions into account when making a Battle or CTF level.
This is a nice selection of JJ2 levels.
However, the levels are too easy to get through and there aren’t any puzzles like Trigger Crates here.
Also, there were some masking problems in some levels especially the Raneforus one.
I’ll give this a 7.0 for effort and for good eyecandy. You are skilled with JCS, try to learn more of the events.
OK, so this is another attempt for me at reviewing music. Lets see how this goes.
There is hardly any noticable changes here in this music. I tested this song out in Winamp, ModPlug Tracker and of course JJ2.
When I played it in Winamp, it sounded completely different with some annoying squeaky noises in the background and the notes that are normally heard have changed to some kind of synthesiser sounds. It does still sound like the Castle music but it’s missing some of the other samples that can also be heard in the original.
However, when I tried out the music using ModPlug Tracker and JJ2 itself, I was shocked to notice that the music is EXACTLY the same as in the “Castle.j2b” music file. I could not hear the sounds I was hearing using Winamp.
Good attempt at trying to make a remix of the Castle music but unfortunately the differences are only noticable in Winamp, meaning that this is unusable in a level in JJ2.
I’ll give you a 3 for effort just because you managed to remix the music but the strange squeaking noises in the background were kind of annoying and also because you failed to get it working in ModPlug and JJ2.
SCORE: 3.0
I cannot recommend this for download because although this isn’t a bad remix, it just doesn’t work in JJ2 or ModPlug as I have mentioned before.
EDIT – Response to DAEMON: No problem =)
A nice decent Single Player level. Backgrounds look great and I love the lightning effect.
There are some nice puzzles where you have to find Trigger Crates and also get certain ammo to proceed.
Some players might find mazes a bit annoying but all in all, a decent level.
Boss arena was not too hard as there were plenty of carrots.
You are improving. Good to see you are attempting to put a background in Layer 7, however it looks weird floating in the air. Try looking at other levels to see how the backgrounds are done. Look at the Layer properties to see what kind of X or Y Speeds you should try.
This has got to the BEST Single Player pack of 2008 to be released so far. All the levels have fantastic eyecandy. There are tilebugs in the Forest Path level but that’s the tileset’s fault and not Evilmike himself.
All the puzzles are fantastic!
I decided to round the rating up to a 10 because this is what it deserves! =D
1. This level is TSF only and not 1.23 as it crashed JCS when I opened it.
2. You didn’t include the tileset used for the level. Fortunately, I had it in my folder already but you should really include it in case someone doesn’t have the tileset when they download the level.
3. There is no End Level event to finish the level. I can’t understand the point of this level. I think you’re supposed to collect as much pickups as possible in order to score points. However, this is too easy to do as the items re-generate after about 5 seconds.
4. The Coins do not have a use. These should only be used for things like Bonus Warps.
5. It is very hard to die as the Spike Hole at the bottom only takes away 1 Heart and the Full NRG Carrot is not that far away as you can regain Full Health very quickly.
The Carrot should’ve been a “+1 Carrot” instead and have a short delay (say 15-20) to prevent players regaining health too easily.
It’s been a while since I wrote a proper review, so here goes.
The eyecandy here is too much. There are some very annoying fast flashing Crystals in the background and some flashing stars in the foreground.
There is some good use of the lightning events but as PJ says the eyecandy is too much “in your face” as it is very distracting and you might get a headache if you look at it too long.
The level is big but far too open. Because of the very distracting eyecandy and the off putting ambient sound events used here it makes it very hard to play a decent CTF match here.
There are Power-ups which can be found easily and can be kicked to instantly gain 50 ammo. Even if you don’t kick them there are still HUGE clusters of ammo spread out through the entire level making it easy to gain 50 ammo on all weapons.
There is one Full NRG Carrot hidden amongst all the Pepper Spray and “500” Pinball Bumbers but it would be hard to notice due to the very distracting eyecandy.
Placement is OK but the amount of ammo pickups is too much.
OVERALL MARK = 13 / 3 = 4.3333333333333333333333333333333
Rounded to 4.3
BlA5tFiRe has put a lot of effort in this level, but the eyecandy here is too much and can get very distracting.
So, I can’t recommend downloading this unless you like a lot of flashing.
OK, the music file works now. Here’s a quick review.
Two very nice levels, Lux Aeterna is probably the best of the them.
There is a cool secret in the LA level but I won’t reveal it, don’t wanna spoil it for the other JJ2 players ;)
A rating? Hmmm… would an 8.0 do?
Not bad for your first SP level, however it was a bit linear. I found myself just running in one direction.
The background looks a bit weird. It sometimes looks as if the objects in Layers 6 and 7 are floating in mid-air.
A 6 for effort, but do keep at it! =)
+0.1 for the text events.
I could only manage to beat the first boss level but the other 7 are well… FAR TOO HARD!
Uterus in a Castle is a bit weird as he is a WATER enemy.
The background in Layer 8 is not bad, but you need something in layer 6 or 7. Also, try to vary what tiles you use in Layer 4 and make the platforms bigger as one tile high platforms look boring.
The boss was a bit easy as I had 60+ Seeker ammo and killed it in about 30 seconds.
The background is better, but the level still looks very empty. You need to include more eyecandy. Don’t just use one tile platforms.
The level was also short, it only took me about a minute.
There are also too many high scoring items out in the open, like the 1UP.
Brilliant level pack!
These levels are definitely worthy of being included in AB10.
GJ Snooze! =D
Download recommended!
I think this is trying to be Running Rabbit but I’m afraid to say this is no where near the quality of that. The level was finished in like 10 seconds. Also, why have RF Blocks been used for Buttstomp scenery?? :O
The background is not good, it looks a mess.
No download recommendation, but don’t let it put you off making levels. Keep trying! :)
Seeing as Toxin Twister has had it’s first birthday, I thought I’d write up a review to celebrate this. =D
I have not seen the original version of this level so I cannot compare it to what it looked like before but Cooba has been very creative with everything in this tileset to make very original eyecandy.
The background in Layers 7 and 8 is much more different to what you would normally see (a textured BG in Layer 8). I really love the moving window in the Layers 6 and 7.
Also, another thing original is animating the textured BG to make really cool animations like the green lights you see all over the level.
The textured BG has also been used to make the eyes of the impressive skull seen at the bottom of the level near the Seeker PU.
It’s also the small details that make the eyecandy impressive including the fast flashing lights.
Absolutely NOTHING looks repetitive in this level so I’m gonna give the eyecandy the highest score possible.
The Bases are placed symmetrically, both next to each other. However, they are only accessible by going up through the One Way ceiling down the bottom as the arrows show. You will not be able to camp on Bases for too long as Seekers can be fired at you from up top down through the One Way floor and also through turrets placed on both sides as shown by the Seeker blocks.
PUs are placed well, they are not too campy. There are 3 PUs (4 if you count the second Bouncer) in this level. The RF PU is in the middle of the two Bases and can only be accessed by shooting it with Electro Blasters or Bouncers.
There are 2 Bouncer PUs on both sides of the level near the bottom which are not too campy.
The last PU is the Seeker which can be found above the skull which can be accessed only by shooting with Electro Blasters (or Bouncers if you are that good with them).
The ammo itself is spread out nicely and are not placed in boring shapes.
There are 3 Carrots, one Full NRG which is above the Bases and two +1 Carrots which are at the bottom in both Sucker Tubes. Health cannot be regained too easily, you will probably be on 1 or 2 Heart health a lot of the time.
OVERALL MARK = 28 / 3 = 9.3333333333333333333333333333333
Of course I would recommend downloading this. I wouldn’t say N/A if I gave it over 9. So in other words, HELL YEAH!
Darn, BB Code didn’t work. D:
Great job turning Battle2 into a CTF! :D
I love it!
The text events are also hilarious! :D
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.