FawFul delivers yet another beauty. The tilesets blend in perfectly with eachother, giving a nice and rather unique look. This in combination with all the new MLLE features make the level stand out even more. My only complaint is towards the upper section of the map. As there are only 3 ways to go 1 level lower. It might help to have 1 more path somewhere in the middle.
Other than that, the rest of the layout is well done. The bases are interesting to approach and to defend.
EDIT: Slightly increased rating after update as it adressed my only complaint towards the map.
The upper section of the level has been heavily edited, which gives more breathing room rather than a deadtrap.
The given layout also suits the Fireball powerup more over the previous Seeker powerup.
Download highly recommended.
Note: This level heavily uses new MLLE techniques, so beware of FPS loss.
A very solid level with an interesting yet detailed eyecandy approach. The given layout is good, especially the base areas are a nice touch for either defending or attacking. My only shiver complaint is that the flow can get a bit quirky, but a few cycles to this level and you'll quickly master the fine tricks this level has to offer.
A very interesting palette choice for the given tileset. It looks very retro and cool, well done! The layout is decent and plays well. However, I don’t like that there’s only one entrace for each base. This makes it easily for the opponent to defend where you might as well die before you can take the flag with you.
Probably Dragusela's best level yet. I love the atmosphere created with the combined tilesets, especially the fountain in the middle is cleverly made. The layout is very open so there aren't many places to hide. I'm looking forward to see more levels like this in the near future. Keep up the good work!
Erathia brings a new dimension to nature themed maps. The background is eyepleasing – there could possibly be a tad more contrast, the background/sprite soil look quite similar. The gameplay is where this level stands out. It has an unique layout and quite the campy carrot placement. However, the +1 carrot makes up for it. Fun to Play. DL(Y)
This level looks gorgeous and is fun to play in, especially the middle area and the top left/right of this map. I do believe more elements could have been used to make this level stand out even more (I mean, massive jungle is 1 thing..) Overall a nice level that gives me the cool old jungle vibes.
The space given in this level isn’t much. But PJ managed to create certain area’s that all look completely different. The mushroom springs are a nice addition to the theme of the map. The eyecandy looks gorgeous and the gameplay is smooth. The nailgun serves for excitement to reach certain area’s and pickups. Download highly recommended.
The theme is very well executed, giving this level a very unique touch. The level also makes good use of ‘Slide’ events which works well in those certain places. However I feel the bottom area lacks a bit. I can’t quite put my finger on it to be honest. Overall a near perfect level with great visuals and gameplay. DL Recommended!
Theme and level are well executed. Thumbs up for giving this level an unique touch for not adding any carrots but instead the usage of shields and timers, giving this level a very interesting gameplay approach. Eyecandy is as impressive as we are used to see from PJ nowadays, easily blending various tilesets together like it’s nothing.
DL (Y).
Top notch stuff right here. Nice starting positions btw.
A lovely level with a lovely background. The layout is best suited for duels.
However I have some personal nitpicks regarding the bottom right of the map. The carrot there feels like a death trap and your only chance of escaping is a fairly hard RF climb to the top. However the bottom left makes up for that.
Download recommended!
Refreshing and innovative.
However the middle area of this map could use a bit more background eyecandy to connect platforms with one another.
Download recommended!
Interesting map with unique visuals. However the recolouring of Aztec2 tiles has been poorly done. The level surely revolves around the Roller gun and it’s given powerup creating an hectic atmosphere altogether. This only applies in larger games, not in duels.
Download recommended
Ragnarok accomplished to create a level which revolves on a sort of diagonal symmetry. The given layout is interesting considering it hasn’t been used much before. Despite the level feels (and plays) a bit larger than the original TCS, therefore being it best suited for 3v3 and 4v4 matches.
Download highly recommended.
Interesting idea(s) with a very limited tileset. PJ has done a tremedous job by giving this level a very unique background. The layout and gameplay both serve for fast paced action.
I bet this is one of the fewer levels with no tilebugs whatsoever.
Download recommended!
Whilst being a very large map it does serve it’s purpose. There is plenty of eyecandy and a lot paths to traverse. Might be slightly too big for 3v3’s, but the gameplay is fun nevertheless. The map itself is quite open which might increase the airhit factor. Besides blaster and toaster powerups might not have enough firepower for this kind of size.
A really cool map with stunning visuals. Though the only downside of this map is that the main interest of players tend to go to the special tube in the upper part of the map. So it often leads to a clustering of players near that area.
Overall a solid map with a nice layout. Download recommended.
The background layers in this map will blow you away, though the sprite eyecandy lacks a bit. The layout seems to work well for larger games. Download recommended.
EDIT: Slightly increased rating because of the improvements made regarding the sprite layer eyecandy. PJ has done an excellent job to give this level an unqiue touch.
A lovely battle map with pleasant eyecandy. The level features traps which instantly kills the player nearby, this is to avoid camping on crucial spots. Though the flow is a bit bumpy sometimes, however this can be adjusted to. The level features some custom weapons which work well for the layout. Download recommended!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.