View Full Version : War Tavern
- Uuummm....War Stories Might Be Back? - by various people
- (Moved) The next Conspiracy. (a story by Steven Sivley)
- Conquerer
- (Moved) Code: Alexia (A Story by Wild Angel)
- (Moved) Wanted
- -~The Future of Today Tomorrow~-
- (Moved) Baylen Gabriel, by Steven Sivley
- (Moved) Tears from the Clouds, Cries of the Wind: The Story of Willet Dowitcher (by Steven S
- (Moved) Hybrid leaders quitting, HYBRID MEMBERS READ THIS!
- Profiles for War Tavern
- Just like back in the pre-Win3.1 days...
- An odd story.. by N0body
- Jazz Jackrabbit 3D : In Search Of Razz (by woulfe)
- Alza-Ranious (alzuh-ruhneous) by KRSplat
- Shadow Wars - By Blackman
- Power of Katalym - by Kovu aka Alec
- The great Turtle ammo destruction -by Grath AR
- Sureal III: Sands Of Time -by Kovu aka Alec
- Gargoyle's Story Continues! -by GargoyleSB
- Daze-son of Dazz - By Dazz
- The cold return...
- Winter's slaves - by Cobra
- no title
- New Story: Sword and Swordplay
- The Rabbit Comeback (from JMMB)
- The Next Chapter of the War Tavern
- Jazz Jackrabbit 3: The Third Dimension
- The Coming of the Messiah
- A musical story.
- To the North!
- Killing off Legend of the Ultima, due to popular demand
- The Imadii Saga
- Lori's 19th Birthday
- My long, but finished JMMB WT story
- A Future Of Destruction
- Bendyman!!!
- California Trip Here We Go!!!
- Nu story...
- War of ages
- For Ducky :)
- Enter Jersey Devil - The Lost Warrior
- The Fall Of The Elite Deulers
- Sword and Swordplay: Part 2
- -Angels Story- Bringing a old story back to life
- Devon's Return
- Easter in the War Tavern
- How do you guys come up wit names for characters?
- The Return Of The Kihm'bar ( or ) Enter: Alpha and Omega
- Need new people for my new story!!!
- The Legend of Eye Are See
- The Birth of Batty Buddy
- Zafitariers Quest
- Winter's Slaves
- Story Rating
- New Story: Enter the Jazz Demension
- Lost?
- It's coming!
- Apokallyipsis
- Slayer: The Kain Saga
- Story - Dunno Yet
- Need New People For New Story!
- Requesting members for Rumbo Rabbit story
- Loss of Love
- 'Whatever happened to Rumbo Rabbit?'
- i've created my best character yet.
- a tolkien rip-off, coming soon to war tavern
- The Blind Truth- Still Taking Joiners!
- Renegade
- double mysteries night
- "Lapin Encounters" a ST:Voyager/JJ story.
- The Strugle to become the best...
- Bwahaahaa :P
- The Wounded Warrior
- Team story
- Interviewing the story writers (magicians) of the war tavern
- Need People For My Story "Battle-Grounds"
- all the powers that be
- a little thing that sparks inspiration into me
- In the dreamtime- while Carrotus sleeps: A different type of war story....
- Lil story
- -B-A-T-T-L-E--G-R-O-U-N-D-S-
- JazzTrek #21:Invasion from planets B and O
- Regalia: The Runes of Time
- Jazz Trek: the generation after the one where Ja- nevermind, just The Bunny Conquest
- Space-The Harelactic
- Batty Buddy proudly presents: The continuation of the Spaz Stories
- The Books of Birth: The history of Carrotus
- What happened to the stories about Bucky O'Hare?
- Lonely Voyager
- Fistful of Sand
- Trough the never
- Through the Gate
- Wackrabbit's comeup
- Hello new stupid story called Rabbit Project :)
- Whats your favourite War Tavern Story?
- I know this isn't supposed to be a thread, but I really am too impatient...
- im staying
- visit the story central
- Please read this!!
- Dragons Amulet I: Rise of the Dragon
- in the hands of the devil
- Gargoyle's Story Is Still Alive!!!
- Conquests
- Disturbed (warning, bloody)
- Slate
- Carrotus D00MED
- uh....
- Facing the Guillotine
- demoderated.. without a warning
- Prelude to..."Fair Trade"
- Final Engagement- Legend of the Black Stone
- The Medivo Gem Mission!
- My topic's gone!
- Need ideas for a new story.
- Web of illusions
- (Continued...)The Legend of the Fire Sword.
- Clone?!
- Find the Plot and win a prize!
- Crossing Paths: Ax Man's Story
- Black Thunder
- I wonder if anyone's going to reply to this. Doubt it.
- Tsf: The Movie
- New Story: If Only (non continued, please comment and rate)
- The Defection
- Horror story. so bizzare, yeppie
- My Story...
- Should Slayer Become Moderator of the War Tavern Again?
- We need 2 people to moderate the War Tavern, we only have 1...
- A little cheering up story for you
- I'm back, with a new story!
- My new story
- This is an important poll for the War Tavern. I need your vote.
- The Real World.
- Revival of the Origins--The Origin of KRSplat
- Grentenus invasion
- Need profiles... and some advice.
- Swifthawk
- the good, the bad, and the pork rinds in my underwear drawer
- I Had A Dream Last Night, A Short Story
- Erm...yeah...I kinda.....forget it...
- Short fiction... return of Dethman. Rather pointless.
- A War tavern poll
- The Wonderful Beauthing of Here. A Parody.
- News and *gasp* new story?
- Cazz's 17th Birthday
- A good part
- The Final Insult II
- My Story-Cameo Contest!
- Through the Gate: Revamped, Rewritten and Renewed!
- Story
- Like, a new story!
- Yesteryear Rabbits
- Darkness
- Story about junglerabbit
- Favorite Stories
- Akeldama
- Vanished!
- The Life of Jason Jackrabbit
- Coming soon...
- Return of the Origins!
- This story is dedicated to Bobby :)
- My Story ( How I Got To Be On jj2 )
- New Story: Lithius
- Nostalgia
- The Adventures of Yoboman
- Dark Carousel
- boing, boing, boing, boing...
- The orgin of Me! (Or: Why Me is on Carrotus, when he should be on the planet Zeus.)
- Can someone explain me what war tavern is ?
- The Story Me ( Includes Jazz )
- Sureal VI: Future
- An Epic Crossover
- The Adventures
- The Last Element
- Everyone's characters.
- I'd like to write a lil' story...
- The element
- Episode I : The Escape
- A Mysterious Anventure
- M is for the maiming that she brought me...
- Realm Of Unwanted Creatures ( My Story )
- *blink*
- Episode II : Back to the Roots
- Who actually invented the War Tavern?
- Wanted:Stars for a WarTavern-Story
- I'd like to start a new story.
- (lets make a) jazz2 TSF Story
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Reversal!
- The adventure of the Ring
- ahhh... I'll think of a name later.
- System of Turbulence
- Some are loudmouths, some have stealth: How'd ya come up with your war tavern self?
- Digital Unknown I: OBSOLETE
- Story. You say what happens next.
- Zafitariers Quest II
- I beat Stiletto!!
- SpazQuest
- What story should I write next?
- Episode III : Lurking Menaces
- Animals
- What kind of storys do you like?
- Shell
- 'twas a beautiful battle
- Another Attack to carrotus, 9 parts.
- C vr GB
- Should I write someting?
- The chaotic story.
- (lets make a) jazzjackrabbit story!
- (lets make a) Tsf story
- War tavern RPG...
- Lets make a JJ* stort ( )
- A New Story
- Yet Another War Tavern War Story
- Nominee's for a rather... strange interactive war tavern story...
- The Conquistar
- Ideas for a Name for Stories and Stuff
- Tales of the Tavern
- Jazz Jackrabbit Levelpacks and Stories - STORY: Mad Laughter
- Yellow...
- Carry On The Above Posters Story
- A possible sequal to my old...old story....
- The first of a three-part story I'm writing.
- Story!
- Style
- shall i post my story up?
- Question!
- Heart of Evil
- Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!
- New story!
- Respiration...
- The Angustus----needs people
- The Untitled Fantasy Tale
- An idea
- The Lost Jazz Adventure 2
- Sky Island collidies with Carrotus (story)
- Thought of returning...
- The Insanity Story
- It's that time again...
- A Third Wish For Forrever
- Woot!
- The story where Kaz is the bad guy.
- Whee it's time for the stup story
- A short story by me.
- Kinda new to this....
- The Epic Quests of the Three Topless Banditos
- Strato's quest...
- The Fourth Wall
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